Announcement of our Cold Play “box” to the READING FINNEGANS WAKE FB Forum on Nov.10/23:
I apologize for being absent on this forum for the last 3 months which meant you couldn’t hear the continuation of our series on repaginating FW with Bob and iON and their radio audience.
But we haven’t done an episode since August 12, 2023, because we haven’t done a radio show since then due to incredible developments in our program for world “influence”.
We finally got our “box” installed in Augusta, Georgia.
This box generates “endless electricity”, so for the first time in recorded history humanity will have a frictionless-based energy system that finally releases the world from “Oil Consciousness”.
Southern Company (based in Atlanta, Georgia) is the second largest utilities company in the USA.
Southern Company is using our box because we’ve been friends of its corporate management for many years.
We trust they will treat this unique breakthrough with the maximum responsibility.
As you can imagine, we’ve been very preoccupied with handling the implications of this world-shaking development so our radio show is on hiatus until we settle down again to actually record a new installment.
We will continue the FW repagination project shortly so please be patient until we return.
Your passion for the subject shines through in your writing. Thank you!