Transcribed by Nan
Bob 8:48
Yeah. Breaking news. Trump criminal charge is likely. I think you said years, months ago that Trump will be arrested. He eventually will be arrested?
iON 8:55
Sure! We hope so. That picks it up, but it won’t be that, Bob. But yeah, but how are they gonna — hey, here’s the problem with that. There’s a problem.
Bob 9:03
What did you just say? It won’t be that, Bob? What did you just say? It won’t be that, Bob, that’s arrested. What do you mean by that?
iON 9:08
Oh, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no. Listen. You cannot arrest someone who’s running for presidential office.
Bob 9:15
Right. Right. Yeah.
iON 9:17
You can’t do it. So, that’s ridiculous. So, you know, okay. They can say that, but no, that don’t work.
Bob 9:24
Okay. So, is Trump going to be President, we dealt with that; he’s not gonna be President, but he’ll have some other role in Lockdown Bobrule which is comin’ on fast.
iON 9:36
Viceroy. Viceroy.
Bob 9:37
iON 9:38
And Carolyn says, Carolyn says if you look at the world today, the Eastern gate’s gonna open any minute. If you look at what’s goin’ on in the damn world today, it’s crazy shit. You can’t live like this. People can’t live like this.
Bob 9:44
iON 9:45
And here’s the thing. And here’s what’s happened. The entire United States — I’m gonna say the world really, but let’s just say the United States of America just for your conversation. Half believes one way, and half believes the other way. Isn’t that what kinda happened in the Civil War?
Bob 10:10
Yeah, so why? Why is it half? What, how did humans make that happen?
iON 10:15
It’s crazy. It’s crazy. It’s got to be Tech Body interference or intrusion to make people be so strident about it. ‘Cause the people that love Trump, they love Trump, and they’ll whoop your ass if you say anything about it. And the people that hate Trump, they hate Trump. If Trump gave them $10 million, and says you don’t gotta work no more, I’m taking care of all your trouble. "You son of a bitch, who do you think you are? You don’t run anything; you don’t control it." Same thing. They would hate him because he gave it to ’em. There’s no in-between, it’s all or nothing. There’s no balancing point. There’s no place to say, "Well, Dan Bongino…"
Bob 10:48
What did you just say? They would hate, they’d hate JW because he gave it to them?
iON 10:52
Bob 10:52
Did you just say that?
iON 10:54
They wouldn’t… No, they would hate Trump if he gave it to ’em.
Bob 10:57
Gave what to them?
iON 10:58
Ten million dollars or whatever it was. Ten billion dollars, whatever it was.
Bob 11:01
Oh, the ones who hate Trump. The ones who hate Trump.
iON 11:03
Even if you gave ’em that.
Bob 11:04
iON 11:04
Even if he made all their dreams come true, they’d still, they’d still hate him and said, "Who do you think you are to make my dreams…"
Bob 11:10
Why do they hate Trump? Why do people hate Trump?
iON 11:13
It’s the Tech Body has made an irrevocable divide.
Bob 11:19
Oh, people don’t hate Trump. Actually, people don’t hate Trump.
iON 11:23
Half do. That’s what they’re calling it. They’re in that camp or the other camp. That means: I’m in the Democrat city or — it doesn’t have to be a Democrat state, but you have a Democrat city, okay.
Bob 11:34
Okay. You say the Tech Body is creating the false division 50/50.
iON 11:38
It’s not a false — no, no, it’s not a false division, it’s the division, and it’s supporting the division at all costs. And now everybody’s changing their mind. They’ve decided not to have crime in New York City. And everybody says, "The hell you say! Uh-ah, I’m used to crime now. I wanna shoot up where I wanna shoot up. Don’t you take my morphine away. I want me some fentanyl, now. You can’t take my stuff away. And pay for it! You know, that’s the whole issue.
Bob 12:03
Okay. So, they’re switching going on, but it’s always gonna be 50/50.
iON 12:10
Till everyone gets caught in the middle. See, the pendulum as it’s swinging, everybody gets caught in the middle. And once they get caught in the middle, there’s nowhere to go. You’re like a… Carolyn would say you’re like a trapped rat. A trapped rat.
Bob 12:25
So, as the pendulum swings, everybody gets dragged along and then they’re all in the middle for a couple of weeks.
iON 12:31
And then, well, and then, and then they’re consumed ’cause there’s nothin’ they can do.
Bob 12:37
iON 12:37
They’re too far to the left or they’re too far to the right and they get stalled in the middle and there’s no way out. They have… okay, here’s what they’re gonna forfeit because of this derision that’s being prompted by, as you say correctly, by the Tech Body. It’s, it’s removing all means of egress. It’s removing all means of egress, and that’s a problem.
Bob 13:00
Okay. Edgar Casey, he predicted that Livingston in Montana will become the food center of the world. That’s a prediction by Casey. They even have articles. The town celebrates, "Casey said our town will become the head of a whole food empire to feed the whole world."
iON 13:22
Say the statement again. Say the statement again.
Bob 13:24
Edgar Casey predicted that Livingston…
iON 13:27
What state? Livingston, Nevada? Arizona? What state?
Bob 13:30
No, Montana!
iON 13:31
Okay. Well, okay, no, it’s not in Montana. It’s gonna move. It is Livingston, but not in Montana, but it’s gonna move.
Carolyn 13:43
Maui! Maui!
Bob 13:43
Ah. So, Casey saw where it was gonna be, but now things have changed. So, it’s gonna be somewheres else, and it will be…
iON 13:50
Livingston. It’s gonna be in Livingston, but not in Montana. That’s the reason we were very clear to ask you which state they said it was.
Bob 13:57
Right. Which states are Livingston in?
iON 14:01
Well, there’s two. Mostly it will be the edge of between Nebraska and Kansas. Kinda, you know, like there’s a –
Bob 14:10
Well, you said Nevada, but that couldn’t have been…
iON 14:12
– Kansas City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri.
Bob 14:15
iON 14:15
Both of those in the same thing on the edge is between Kansas and Nebraska.
Bob 14:22
Is where Livingston will be. That’s where Livingston is now, and it’s that one that will become the center.
iON 14:28
That’s how we see it. Yeah, that’s correct.
Bob 14:30
And that will be something we create with our Cold Play, and our monster mash, mash drops, and everything else.
iON 14:38
And your, and your, your seed ark.
Bob 14:42
Right. So that’s — Casey saw what we were gonna do.
iON 14:45
Well, no, see, it’s Casey lived what you’re gonna see. There’s a difference. Casey lived what you’re gonna see. You got that?
Bob 14:57
Well, yeah, he lived in Livingston, but he had the wrong place. He thought it was in Montana.
iON 15:06
Okay, we don’t care about that. I mean, you have that often. You have that often, Bob. You get on an airplane, and you take off to go somewhere and it lands, you don’t know if that’s where it went. You don’t know, you just go and, "Okay, we’re in Los Angeles. I’m in Texas. Okay, let’s go."
Bob 15:17
[chuckles] What he lived is what I’m gonna see. What does that mean? What are we gonna see? Aren’t we gonna live it?
iON 15:27
He already lived, he already lived it and he told about it. And you’re saying, well, Edgar Cayce foretold that Livingston was gonna be the center of the world that got fed or had a biscuit or somethin’. He lived that, wrote that down in his past tense that’s gonna become your future tense that you will see.
Bob 15:46
All right. Yeah. Okay. Leopold II…
iON 15:49
Now, there’s a refer… wait, wait, make a little mark right there, put on there parenthetically say iON was referring to Galileo, and then close the parentheses. Okay?
Bob 15:59
iON 16:00
You’ll ask that later.
Bob 16:02
Yeah, it’s connected to this Livingston phenomenon.
iON 16:05
Agreed. It’s not a phenomenon; we say that’s normal. Y’all see it as phenomenal. We don’t.
Bob 16:11
Yeah. Now, Leopold II, the Antichrist, went up to Saskatchewan at last report a year or so ago.
iON 16:18
Bob 16:18
He’s up in Saskatchewan. Now, they — I don’t know if Casey said this, but somebody was saying that it’s gonna be Livingston, Montana, and Saskatchewan. That Saskatchewan will be part of feeding the world. So that’s why Leopold’s up there? He’s trying to organize that?
iON 16:32
No, no, no, no, no, they’re tryin’ to make their own seed bank, but it’s ridiculous. Who would be in — what’s in Saskatchewan except a bunch of trees? I mean, it’s stupid. There’s nothin’ there.
Bob 16:42
Well, it’s prairies. I don’t think they have trees. It’s all flat plains, isn’t it?
iON 16:46
Sure. It’s awful. Awful.
Bob 16:48
Yeah. So, why did Leopold go up there?
iON 16:52
To try to secure mineral rights. Mineral rights. It’s like Carolyn tryin’ to get Kim Jong-un’s magnesium.
Bob 17:00
How is Leopold doing? Is he getting his mineral rights?
iON 17:02
No, no, they’re very, they’re peckish up there, Bob. You know, they don’t… it’s not going good. You can ask that later ’cause that’s a whole nother topical conversation ’cause it doesn’t really matter. You’re goss — as Carolyn would say, you’re gossiping. [laughs]
Bob 17:18
Right. Now the thing is Leopold, he and I have it out in the Nostradamus predicted battle in Belgium area, right? We have that out later. Okay. What’s his name… Rudolf Steiner, he created anthroposophy. He had the idea of an ahriman. A-h-r-i-m-a-n. An ahriman is like technology, the expanding to what he called the eighth sphere which then would dominate the world, the way people see virtual technology, digital technology dominates us. So, I’m wondering if Steiner…
iON 17:50
Bob 17:52
iON 17:53
Bob 17:55
That’s what’s Steiner meant. He did not mean the Tech Body.
iON 17:59
Well, yeah, if you can contain it, but the problem with the Tech Body is when you start fuckin’ with it, it ends up fuckin’ you. That’s what is wrong with that. [laughs]
Bob 18:09
And that’s the difference between…
iON 18:10
It convinces you want to fuck, and you’ll get fucked now ’cause they’re not taking any prisoners.
Bob 18:15
That’s the difference between the Android Meme and the Tech Body. The Android Meme doesn’t talk with you, it’s just there being a distraction. Right?
iON 18:22
Well, it’s like a penis. You pick with it, pick at it and give contrast, and you may have an outcome. But if you don’t pick at it, it may not respond. It may be all right. But see, that’s the thing. You got…
Bob 18:35
That’s the Android Meme? What were you describing there, the Android Meme?
iON 18:38
The Android Meme. The Android Meme can do you in too; it can put you in a bad place, but you gotta play with it. You gotta play with the Android Meme to get it goin’.
Bob 18:47
Ah. Right. You gotta get its attention.
iON 18:49
Bob 18:49
But the Tech Body comes after you and everybody else.
iON 18:52
Yeah. And if you fuck with it at all, you don’t have a chance. You don’t have a chance. It will fuck you if you get with it. And that’s what’s happening. Wait, wait, wait. Now, here’s what’s happened now. Here’s what’s happened. Here’s what’s happened. Everybody has taken this toxic identity, and they use media, media ecology, to prove the point like cancel culture, or how to get something out or have some redneck in West Virginia can become a TikTok star by Canon, penises or balls or such stupid, crazy, some’um that nobody would wanna see. They become a TikTok star overnight. It’s blown up into such a place that they feed you into a place that now you’re a contributor, you’re a content distributor. And then what happens is you get caught in that so you can’t run your house without an Alexa. You can’t work your deal without a super fancy technology thing. You can’t go to the bathroom without your cell phone to look at the Lotus local Twitter feed to see how you’re doin’. You won’t do it. It’s insane! It’s insane. And that Tech Body that you’re embracing, or technology that you’re embracing, controls you because in about one second, they run you. They tell you when to go, they tell you when a — ding! there’s an email. Okay, gotta answer it. Okay, I gotta answer. I gotta answer. There’s no place where you can just turn it off and say, nah, I’m good. I’m not gonna do it today. There is no media "fast" in that level. Because in a minute, that’s your whole world. That’s what everybody’s doin’ now. They don’t have to work; they can just put their crooks and nannies on the internet and they do real good.
Bob 20:34
Right. So the, the previous phase, the Android Meme, was a little more passive, not as aggressive as the Tech Body
iON 20:41
Right. You wrote a letter, you sent it off, you waited for somebody to receive it, someone received it, they opened it, and then they responded, and they licked the stamp, and put a stamp and a letter in the envelope and responded. Okay?
Bob 20:55
Okay, good. I got that. Yeah. Could they, somebody, like the bad cabal over in the other world that’s out to kill JW, could somebody here grab our Cold Play? I know JW has ways to protect it, but wouldn’t it be…
iON 21:13
No, we’re covered. It’s covered.
Bob 21:18
We’re covered.
iON 21:19
It’s covered. That’s been — you covered more than you know. And that’s why it’s such a big deal that it has to be such a harbored thing. So, do NOT tell people that the key to the reactors is in JW’s shoe by the front door! Don’t do that!
Bob 21:19
[chuckles] No. So, listen to this. So, there have been people trying to grab the Cold Play maybe in the past six, seven years, and Lindsey Graham…
iON 21:40
Sure. Lots of people talkin’ about it. There’s people talkin’ about it now saying that they have a machine that can run your whole house for free. They’re talkin’ about it now. They’re already advertising Cold Play, and they don’t have it yet. [Bob laughs] But they’re gettin’ everybody ready for that ability. We’ll send it to you. We’ll send it to you. We’ll show you that.
Bob 21:53
All right. But there are people like Lindsey Graham and different — maybe the Bush family — who have tried to grab the Cold Play, and they couldn’t get it and they’re sort of backin’ off. "We can’t fuckin’ stop JW." Has it got to that point?
iON 22:04
Well, let’s see if Mitch McConnell survives or not. That’ll answer that question. See how that goes.
Bob 22:14
He’s the last, he’s the last bugaboo. All right. Okay. Is he an alien?
iON 22:21
No, no, but he’s fixin’ to be. [laughs]
Bob 22:26
[chuckles] That often happens.
iON 22:28
It does.
Bob 22:28
We talk about doubles, but doubles are just aliens doin’ the person.
iON 22:32
Not always but sometimes. Sometimes, you know.
Bob 22:35
Yeah. They discovered a new room in the Giza pyramid. Did we cause that?
iON 22:39
Yes. You sure did. They’re just startin’ to get ready to go to Dobbstown, USA. Yep.
Bob 22:44
Oh, that’s part of opening up the pyramids for the trip through the sun.
iON 22:48
That’s exactly. That’s exactly correct. And you wake — you’ll wake it up. You’re waking up the Sphinx. You got to look up what a Sphinx is and what it meant, what it was for, and which way it’s pointin’ and what’s the point. What is the point? That is the point. It’s pointing the direction. That’s the steering wheel ’cause you don’t drive, you aim. So, there it is.
Bob 23:06
Who, who woke it up on our behalf? You did?
iON 23:10
You did, Bob. You did.
Bob 23:11
I did.
iON 23:11
We don’t, we don’t wanna do that. Fuck that, that’s crazy shit. We’re good. We don’t need all that, but you do. You like a big, you like a grand — you’re like a debutante at the comin’ out party with the grand cotillion.
Bob 23:27
Right. I said, I brought this up earlier, but just to crystallize it again. iONdom has stirred up everything the past three years since we started having public sessions in April 2019. Everything like the COVID, the university collapse, all the stuff was done by us. And…
iON 23:46
Money system.
Bob 23:48
iON 23:49
And the world system, the economic system.
Bob 23:52
Yeah. All the…
iON 23:53
Euro; cryptocurrency; Ethereum; Bitcoin; how you live; how you work; how you feel; what you do; what you’re willing to do; where your hard lines are, "I’m not gonna do that. Okay, okay. I’ll kiss it, but I won’t put it in my mouth. Okay, I’ll lick it, but I won’t eat it." You know, those levels keep getting broader and broader and broader and broader and broader to the point where you have no throttle, no throat. Pardon the pun.
Bob 24:21
Yeah. You told us three years ago, we, Carolyn caused COVID, I collapsed the university. Seemed hard to believe but seemed to make more sense now. It seemed that we did that.
iON 24:21
Watch it. Watch it. Look at it now. And reveling in it, that’s the rest of the story. And reveling it! That’s what [iON chuckles] is ridiculous. It’s kinda like damn, Carolyn, you could have just said please don’t make any more antibiotics. You didn’t have to stop the supply for everybody. Some people might, you know, some people might have the sniffles and need some, some erythromycin. [laughs]
Bob 24:50
Right. Okay, there was…
iON 24:53
That is the point. Now, wait, there’s one more thing there. That is the point and that’s what superseding, you have a superseding indictment here that’s going on. What everybody’s fussin’ about ain’t what’s the problem is. What everybody’s fussin’ about is not what the problem is, you see. ‘Cause every problem is being obfuscated by technological or Tech Body or tech something that soothes and solves it. Because every time you don’t know how to spell a word, you Google it for fuck sake. Or dick-dick-go or whatever — Duck Duck Goo or whatever, whatever that is. You do that. And so you trust it more than you trust what you know. Very significant.
Bob 25:31
Yeah. What’s your point? What’s that got to do with iONdom stirring everything up?
iON 25:35
That’s the crutch. That’s why it’s so easy to stir them. That’s why it’s so easy to stir them. Watch. And you know what? You know what? That’s the only thing we like that ever came out of Canada; Bachman Turner Overdrive. Hey, Bob –
Bob 25:48
Yeah, yeah.
iON 25:49
– you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. [laughs]
Bob 25:51
Yeah, right. It’s not funny.
iON 25:52
That’s what you say every week! That’s what you say every week.
Bob 25:54
Boring. Okay. Nah, I don’t say it.
iON 25:54
That’s what you say every week that you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Bob 25:57
Here we go. I think the Minot Air Force Base is in Montana. Malmstrom, M-a-l-m-s-t-r-o-m. It was in Montana. So, in Malmstrom in ’67, UFOs were seen and they zapped the nuclear reactors there. A similar thing happened at Minot Air Force Base in 1968.
iON 26:16
Bob 26:17
Why were the UFOs doing that in ’67, ’68 in Montana?
iON 26:21
Because that’s the hub.
Bob 26:25
It’s the hub of, of the NORAD and, and the other military.
iON 26:33
Bob 26:34
Okay. Why was, is there an advantage to that part of Montana? Is there something special going on there geographically or linked to the tunnels underneath or something? Why is it a hub?
iON 26:46
We’ll see.
Bob 26:47
Okay. Tucker Carlson’s career’s over because all those emails were released in the suit against Dominion. Dominion suing Fox. Embarrassing emails about Sean Hannity and them didn’t believe Trump; he was an asshole, and they just pretended they did. Is that gonna have an effect on those main characters at Fox?
iON 27:06
No. No, no, no. That’s just a distraction. That’s a distraction. Nobody cares. Because the Dominion’s gotta — hey, Dominion can sue ’em, but then you gotta, then they got the proof. Now everybody’s testifying in Congress that they were! They’re finding people now testifying about the inside workings of Dominion, that it was exactly as they said, and Murdoch is laughing his ass to the bank, ’cause now he can do a counter suit because now they got Fox [Bob laughs] for defamation when they didn’t defame anybody! This will be fun. This will be — Bob, this will be bigger than Patty Hearst, the trial of Patty Hearst.
Bob 27:39
Right, I remember Patty. Yes. Okay. [iON chuckles] Next question. Nik’s got some questions. Wyndham Lewis. He got a little upset when James Joyce got famous in 1922 with "Ulysses," and he retreated for a couple of years, and he wrote a 1500-page manifesto. But did he start parallel worlding and rifting in his isolation, in that period?
iON 28:04
That’s where he got it from. That’s where he got it from ’cause he thought…
Bob 28:07
He got what from? He got "it" from. Got what from what?
iON 28:13
That’s where he got his insight from his manifesto was that he wasn’t bound to this world. Did you read it?
Bob 28:19
iON 28:19
Did you read those words? Did you read them?
Bob 28:21
Yeah, I am now. Listen. I’m reading his "Childermass." I’m reading his "Human Age" trilogy. And I know in parts two and three, which I haven’t read yet, a lot about angels, a little bit in the first one. And iON pointed out back in 2011, during McLuhan’s centenary that he was the only guy of the "Men of 1914" to talk about angels. He knew the problem with angels, correct?
iON 28:21
Sure. He absolutely did. And went on to prove it, and that’s why he got — he’s like, who is this Wyndham Lewis? Who is this Wyndham Lewis? Where did this come from?
Bob 28:53
iON 28:53
What is he? What? Oh, he’s gonna be Thoreau. Okay, he’s gonna be Thoreau. Okay, let’s go move to the woods and we’ll wait and see how this works out. [Bob laughs] He thought, he thought — it was satirical ’cause if you look at, well, okay…
Bob 29:05
No, wait. He thought, he thought it was satirical? The readers thought he was being satirical. He was not, –
iON 29:13
Bob 29:14
– he was telling the facts is what you’re saying.
iON 29:16
That’s right. That’s right. That’s right. But the same way no one understood Ezra Pound either. Ezra Pound might have had as much insight and that two things got borrowed from because Ezra Pound was just doing it in a homily. He was doing it in a homily, the little words to say stuff. And that’s where his insights grounded and laid. It wasn’t, it wasn’t like that you had some marvelous Lord Byron that was tryin’ to say something, it wasn’t like that. They were just trying to make points of order that you could ho’oponoponopia over it.
Bob 29:48
Who is trying to make points of order? You’re talking about all kinds of things and "they."
iON 29:48
Ezra, Ezra Pound. Well, he grinds it to a fine powdery pulp.
Bob 29:56
And he went rifting too? Did he rift?
iON 29:57
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Lord Byron…
Bob 29:59
Did Eliot rift?
iON 30:00
Lord Byron — oh, yeah. Of course. T.S. Eliot…
Bob 30:03
Did James Joyce rift?
iON 30:05
Sort of.
Bob 30:06
iON 30:06
He didn’t know it though. He didn’t know it though.
Bob 30:08
Yeah, he didn’t know. Okay, so, Louis, if you wanna — is there anybody else who wrote about the angels being our enemies? I don’t think so. Everybody thought angels were our friends. So, Louis was completely unique.
iON 30:21
Yeah, no, no, no. Dante, Dante didn’t. The bible didn’t.
Bob 30:25
Okay, that’s way back there. Let’s talk about the last few hundred years.
iON 30:27
The bible didn’t. Oh, two hundred years is like a minute.
Bob 30:31
Yeah. He’s the only one, and that makes him unique. And so, if you want to read about the drama with the angels, you read "The Human Age" by Wyndham Lewis.
iON 30:41
We’ll go with that, but there’s holes in that. Those are pretty words, and we like your words, but they won’t hold. They won’t hold sand long; it’s a sieve in there. But yeah, points are made.
Bob 30:52
Because there are a lot of people who found out on their own and they never wrote books or anything. But they found out.
iON 31:00
Maybe. I mean [chuckles] you know, it’s kinda like Angel Talk with Char. Right? [laughs] May she [inaudible], Bob.
Bob 31:13
Okay, next point. Yeah. So, you say the new digital economy is gonna be run, created by Russia and China. That’s going forward. You hear little rumbles, "Oh, my God, Russia’s meeting with China." And other things are joining in. That’s what Wall Street’s afraid of. Correct?
iON 31:29
Yes. Well, yes, because they can’t invest there ’cause there’s nothing to invest. See, the only reason Wall Street works is because everybody’s tryin’ to have a "come by," a come; working on the come. I’m gonna buy you so you go up, so I make money. Then I’m gonna sell you and I’m gonna take that money, and I’m gonna pay taxes and I’m gonna buy somethin’ else that’s better and then I’m make it come up and make some money. You’re bettin’ on the come. Okay? So, no different than a casino. So, if you’re outside of the loop, or you’re outside of the vantage point, or the position of the bet, you’re outside of the bet, what happens is that you don’t have any reason to participate. You can spin the wheel on the –what is it in the casino? Slot machine. You spin the wheel on the slot machine, and you don’t put any money in, when you hit the jackpot, you don’t win anything. And so what’s happening now is nobody’s putting any money in so there’s no jackpot. So, they’re just spinning the wheel. So, they’re just trying to get out, but there’s nowhere to go. Where are you gonna go? And everybody who had a 401(k) is now a 201(k).
Bob 31:40
You could go to Russia and China’s new economy, but they won’t let you in, –
iON 32:34
Bob 32:34
– or you don’t make any money like you used to?
iON 32:37
Both. What’s the difference? What’s the difference?
Bob 32:40
Okay, so Russia and China are creating an empire. There’s gonna be 28 empires.
iON 32:45
They already have one. Already have one. They already have an empire.
Bob 32:48
What’s that? What is that?
iON 32:50
We told, we told you already. What was Russia before it was Russia, Bobby?
Bob 32:54
Yeah, the Soviet Union. I know about that. Okay. China [inaudible]…
iON 32:54
Nooo, you don’t. It’s older than — a thousand years older than that.
Bob 33:02
Oh, Tartaria. Is that what you mean?
iON 33:04
Tartaria. Very good. Yes. That’s the empire they’re tapping on.
Bob 33:07
Okay. Right. So, there’s gonna be 28 empires after the dust settles. We’ll be one of them, maybe the top one.
iON 33:15
Bob 33:15
But you’re going to see, you’re going to see Russia and China be part of these empires. That’s being built regardless of what nuclear war happens.
iON 33:28
Yeah. ‘Cause see, radiation is — you’re gonna eat radiation. You’re gonna want that, so –
Bob 33:32
iON 33:33
– that’s no problem. That’s not a problem.
Bob 33:34
We want that war.
iON 33:34
But now, not for the little — well, now, the little folks don’t. They’re not gonna like that very much when the flesh comes falling off their bones. They won’t appreciate it very much. Weight loss — hey, Carolyn, that’s a good weight loss program to melt the flesh off of your bones.
Bob 33:35
So, the Ascended people won’t have their skin falling off.
iON 33:45
Correct. They’ll have a new exodermis.
Bob 33:54
Right. And how do those that get Cold Play, they’re Ascended, it’s just because they can afford it? Did you — I don’t think you specified who [indistinct].
iON 34:04
Don’t say, don’t say it, say they’ll be able to embrace it. There you go.
Bob 34:11
So, it’ll be available for them, and others just won’t believe it; won’t be on their frequency.
iON 34:17
It’ll be like, it’ll be like medical care for the illegal aliens. It’ll be provided by the government. [laughs]
Bob 34:24
Well, we’ll be the government. We’ll be providing it.
iON 34:27
Okay. Okay. And that’s, that’s who controls it now, so that’s good. And you’re not gonna just willy nilly lay it out. You’re gonna make sure who it goes to is worthy of their imbibing.
Bob 34:42
Okay. CPAC last weekend was very empty. Nobody there. Was that boasted from the Drudge or there were people there?
iON 34:54
There were people there. They certainly were. Did you not — you can look at the footage. You can see the fuckin’ people. I don’t know… Now the question would be, hey Drudge, were YOU there? That’s the question. They won’t be there, so they don’t know. How do they know?
Bob 35:08
Okay, so the — but they do have a journalist down there and she said it was empty and dead, no enthusiasm for anything there. That’s all bullshit from that journalist’s point of view?
iON 35:19
It is.
Bob 35:19
Okay, the Arizona case with the alien guy, the accountant that’s exposing the Sinaloan cartel controller, Arizona. That’ll make CPAC more filled next year?
iON 35:33
Probably if anybody’s noticing. See, that’s the whole thing. You know, when the cartel starts saying sorry, we killed a "nigger." Sorry, we didn’t mean to kill a "nigger," it was a mistake. We only kill bad "niggers." These we’re good "niggers." We made a mistake. We’re sorry. When they started saying that, you know some’um’s bad wrong, Bob. It’d be like New York saying, sorry, we didn’t mean to cause a riot. It was just a little riot. We made a mistake, but the people involved we’re gonna set ’em up. We’re gonna take ’em down to City Hall. We’re gonna book ’em Danno, we’re gonna book ’em. Call Car 54. We’ll get it worked out.
Bob 36:02
Okay, so the Republican Party, they’re distancing themselves from Trump and pretending they’re gonna go with DeSantis.
iON 36:11
Are they?
Bob 36:11
They’ve got a lot –
iON 36:12
Are they?
Bob 36:13
– of shock. Or it’s not happening at all. The Tech Body is pretending that it’s happening right now. But the point is, none of that applies two months down the road. Everything will be changed once again.
iON 36:24
Okay, they’re all wantin’ DeSantis to be the President, but like I say, he hadn’t even put his hat in the ring. If you’re gonna run, why don’t you put your hat in the ring? I mean, I’m gonna vote — we did this earlier, Bob, you’re repeatin’ yourself. This is another vote for "none of the above."
Bob 36:37
Is DeSantis aware that he can’t beat Trump?
iON 36:40
He doesn’t want to. Why would he want to? He’s got the tiger by the tail. He saved Florida. We would much, we would be much, it would be much easier for us to embrace the concept if he said, "Fuck y’all! Florida’s gonna be its own country. We don’t need your shit. Get out.
Bob 36:40
iON 36:48
We’re seceding from the union." That’d be more likely. That’s more pliable ’cause everybody that’s in Florida thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread.
Bob 37:07
I know. So, the thing is what people don’t — want the Tech Body is not telling people is, there ain’t no election coming. 2024 is canceled in terms of politics.
iON 37:21
And other things. Yeah.
Bob 37:23
Okay. There is somebody at the Pentagon, but we know it’s not the real human, there’s no humans there, but you got "Marcio" Rubio, whatever his name is. "Mario" Rubio.
Carolyn 37:37
iON 37:37
Marco. Marco.
Bob 37:40
You’ve got, you got Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, or Gillibrand.
iON 37:43
Kirsten Gillibrand.
Bob 37:43
A physicist named Gary Nolan; he’s at Stanford. And a pilot named Brian Graves. These guys have gotten together, and they’re trying to control the UFO story. They’re the ones that are investigating it, and they’re gonna tell us what’s happening. Is Marco Rubio an alien? Pentagon alien?
iON 37:44
No. No, he’s not. He’s just regular.
Bob 38:05
Is Kirsten?
iON 38:05
No, none of them are. That’s the reason –
Bob 38:08
None of them are.
iON 38:08
– if any of them were, the last thing they would be doin’ is like, okay, we’re not from this world and we’re gonna expose it. What? No, no, no. [Bob chuckles] That’s not — okay. Okay, okay, okay. I’m the murderer, so I’m gonna, I’m gonna, I’m gonna sit on the grand jury and see how I feel about myself. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.
Bob 38:28
But what you’re saying that’s what they’re doing somehow? They are…
iON 38:32
If they were aliens, they wouldn’t… if they were aliens, they wouldn’t be so apt to lay out all the good story, layout all the goods. They wouldn’t. They’re not gonna do that.
Bob 38:42
Okay, the point is, this is a reaction to those in the A3 who know that we’re, and I am going to meet with the aliens in New Zealand, and all that stuff’s gonna happen. This is a Johnny Come Lately, operation by Pentagon wannabes who will be kicked out of Washington, trying to catch up to Bob? Is that what all that stuff is?
iON 39:04
Bob 39:04
iON 39:05
Yes, yes, yes.
Bob 39:06
Another thing we herd up.
iON 39:07
Here’s the tell. Here’s the tell. Why can’t the President speak in Washington? Why does he always have to go to Delaware or Pennsylvania or somewhere? Or Oklahoma or wherever he goes? He can’t make a speech from Washington. Why is that? He doesn’t do that; he goes somewhere else. Or in the little place in the White House.
Bob 39:24
He knows he’s not welcome there –
iON 39:29
Bob 39:29
– by the Pentagon aliens.
iON 39:29
Well, by America.
Bob 39:33
Yeah, here’s some’um I forgot to — well, no, the aliens run Washington.
iON 39:36
That’s not half, that’s both. That’s both. That’s both. That’s both. Nobody wants Biden now except for maybe nasty Pelosi and she’s not doin’, she’s not feeling too good.
Bob 39:47
Right. But she’s dead. She’s dead.
iON 39:50
She’s not feeling too good.
Bob 39:51
What did you — yeah, the double is not feeling good. Both are not letting Trump in or Trump knows you don’t go there? It’s not a…
iON 40:00
Doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter. At this stage, that’s a non sequitur, Bob. It’s a non, it’s a non sequitur.
Bob 40:07
What is? It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t go to Washington.
iON 40:10
Washington, DC, Washington DC doesn’t matter. It’s not involved in the conversation with Trump, out Trump, on Trump, out of Trump. [Bob laughs] Burn it down. Burn it down. Nobody wants it. It’s all good. Everybody’s mad. Everybody’s mad now ’cause it’s like there’s nobody in Washington. All the businesses are going out of business ’cause nobody’s there. What? It’s the seat of the government. What do you mean nobody’s there? Nobody’s there.
Bob 40:10
Right. Okay, so, Chris Wray, head of the FBI. Is he an alien? Pentagon alien?
iON 40:39
[chuckles] Christopher. It’s not Chris, it’s Christopher Ray. And he’s no, but he’s, he knows a little bit too much. And he’s got caught with his panties…. He’s got his little, he’s got his little, got his little panties in a wad, and he doesn’t know what to do with it. ‘Cause if he goes forward, he’s gonna get nailed. If he doesn’t go far enough, he’s gonna get killed. So, we’ll see how it goes.
Bob 41:00
All right. If he doesn’t go far enough in lining up with Bob, is that what you mean?
iON 41:06
Far enough in giving these details of all these salacious, insipidus positions that have been garnering justice in the United States of fucked-up America.
Bob 41:17
Yeah, you mean if he doesn’t go with the new truths demand, new transparency, he gets killed.
iON 41:24
Correct. Correct.
Bob 41:25
And that’s why a lot of these people have been killed.
iON 41:27
Bob 41:27
They were trying to stop it, cover it up. [new subject] It’s a statement by Chad.
iON 41:32
Bob 41:32
He says, he wrote this to me: "It just occurred to me that there may be a connection between the coordinates that get Earth to Andromeda and the monoliths. So, connection between the coordinates to get to Andromeda and the monoliths can give the Ascending access. The monoliths give the Ascending access to the Ascended Cloud of Glory." Is that a reasonable connection, monoliths and…
iON 41:58
It’s called, it’s called… Yes. Yes, Bob, it’s called it’s called WiFi. It’s called WiFi. So, he’s right.
Bob 42:07
Okay. Yeah, so then Chad said, "That looping…" Chad and I went over iON describing the looping route to Andromeda was all over the galaxies. "That looping journey that iON explained to get to Andromeda could also be taken as the path that radio waves would travel as they bounce off different interstellar points. Radio waves bounce off of things."
iON 42:31
If you understand the correlation between a dodecahedron and a trapezoid, then yes.
Bob 42:41
Radio waves are involved in that way.
iON 42:44
Bob 42:43
To understand that, to understand what the…
iON 42:44
And Chad does. And Chad, luckily, Chad does. So, good for you.
Bob 42:50
Yeah, okay. So yeah, the path to Andromeda involves the — what you just said, and radio waves. That’s the path that you outlined to us. It involves the dodecahedron and what was the second point? Dodecahedron and some’um else.
iON 43:11
Dodecahedron and what are we? What are we?
Bob 43:16
iON 43:18
No, Bob, never mind. You’ll catch it, it’s recorded. You got it. Go ahead. Next. Hurry up.
Bob 43:23
You’re a dodecahedron.
iON 43:25
A trapezoid. Flip between a trapezoid.
Bob 43:27
Oh, that’s right. So then Chad says, "If these previous statements are correct, then not only do the coordinates represent the journey of Earth going to Andromeda, but also how to access Andromeda as if it were a radio station. So, the Ascending on Earth could access the Ascended state of Andromeda through the monoliths."
iON 43:49
Well, yeah. Yes, yes, yes, yes. And they can watch the Jackie Gleason show in Andromeda too. Okay, good. That’s the point. That’s like the aliens that the first radio broadcast was Adolf Hitler making his speech and that’s what went out and then that what they picked up. So, that’s what they thought it was embracing. Same thing. He’s just — he’s, he’s, he is a Mockingjay. Mockingjay.
Bob 44:14
Okay. So, iONdom… There’s a, I think I laid out this pattern to iON that Epstein, Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell got together in ’91 around the time Carolyn and I went to New York and we’re in a bubble there, isolated, — and then did our magic there — it was paralleled, shadowed by Epstein and Ghislaine, and then eventually, when we got to the Lockdown Bobrule a few years ago, they had to go. So, we stirred their phony relationship up and then collapsed it would you say?
iON 45:00
Bob 45:02
I was…
iON 45:03
Yeah. Bob, what does curtains, drywall and Jeffrey Epstein have in common?
Bob 45:09
iON 45:11
No. Three things that didn’t hang themselves.
Bob 45:17
Ah, ha ha. Very good. [iON chuckles] Would the vaccines…
iON 45:24
That’s pretty hard.
Bob 45:24
Yeah. Are the vaccines part of the vile judgments in the Book of Revelation?
iON 45:28
They certainly are. And they’re coming too. The next one’s gonna be good.
Bob 45:32
Okay. Yeah, it’s like nobody’s gonna stop the people killing people. And if you’re a Little Man, you’ll get killed because you didn’t wake up. So, your enemies are comin’ after you.
iON 45:38
Bob 45:50
Okay. Is the Middle Kingdom what you used to say ten, eleven years ago, the Grand Central Station?
iON 45:59
Bob 45:59
They’re switchable metaphors? Okay.
iON 46:03
They are. They’re not the best ones ’cause Carolyn says all analogies suck sooner or later.
Bob 46:08
Yeah. Okay. I have here Fox News and Sidney Powell. Sidney Powell said her source claims she said they quote her in her emails or some’um that her source "claimed to get her information from experiencing something like time travel in a semi-conscious state, allowing her to see what others don’t see and hear what others don’t hear as she received messages from the wind." That’s supposedly stuff she did. If she said anything like that, she’s talking about iON, correct? In getting the documents.
iON 46:42
She’s talking about, she’s talking about a gold dore bronze armalude bedside commode what she’s talkin’ about.
Bob 46:50
iON 46:50
That blows in from the wind. And now she’s got new emails. Did you read their emails? That’s better than Drudge. You should read that. "Here’s what we know now. Here’s what’s goin’ on now. Here’s what the, here’s the new fluff and stuff now. Here’s what’s goin’ down now." She’s doing pretty good.
Bob 47:08
Yeah. And she, people say that she’s a wacko and the new guys are just replaying Sidney Powell, –
iON 47:12
Good. Good.
Bob 47:13
– but she’s not. Is she laying low so she doesn’t get killed?
iON 47:18
She don’t care. She got, she got the goods, and they know it. So, they’re not gonna do nothin’. [chuckles] She’s, she’s got, she’s got the goods. And that’s why they all have these troubles. That’s why they’re going against her sayin’, aw, she’s just some, she’s just some trope that somebody dug up from somewhere. Oh, yeah. I got my news from the wind. The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. [chuckles]
Bob 47:43
Okay, is Glen — he’s head of continuity of government and the head of NORAD and a bunch of things. Glen D. Vanherck. Glen Vanherck. He’s the one who did, handle a lot of the balloon press conferences. Is he an alien?
iON 47:59
Yeah, he’s nothin’. He’s a — no, he’s human, but he’s been so overrun there’s nothing left in his mind. His mind has been — [Bob chuckles] see what happens, the aliens can overload you and charge you. You know how people like –
Bob 48:10
iON 48:11
– they call it… What was… the Queen mum used to call it they’re suffering from imbecility.
Bob 48:16
Yeah. Okay. Joseph Farrell, friend of Dark Journalist, he’s looking at the events and he says there’s somebody being spooked. He says if there are hoaxers in the, in the Pentagon, and they’re trying to make people afraid by putting up balloons and saying they’re aliens, he says I think they’re spooked by something real. And that’s us. That’s us but there’s really — now, I think you said he listens to iON. He wouldn’t tell anybody, but he does listen to us.
iON 48:47
How do you come up? How do you come up? How do you come up with that bombastic statement if you don’t know somethin’? What is he listening to if he’s not listening to that? Just sayin’.
Bob 48:56
Right. Alright, so…
iON 48:58
Where does he come, where does he come up with that information? So, there you go.
Bob 49:02
Right. Okay. I have here Alfred O’Donnell worked on UFOs and saw a "being." He’s just some guy in UFO lore. Did he see somebody, Alfred O’Donnell?
iON 49:15
Yes. Everybody does. They all do. Most people are, most people are blind and can’t see, and other people see, they see things they don’t. Okay. You got, you got two kind of people. You got people who say they see things who don’t, you got people who do see things that say they don’t. [Bob laughs] Same thing. They’re all inside out from that side because they can’t, they can’t stand the stigma. "I want stigma! I want stigma so I see things." And then they make stigma. Or "I don’t, I don’t I see things. I really do see things, and I don’t want stigma so I’m not gonna say anything. And then I’m gonna stay out of the way because I see it. I know what the real deal is, I don’t need to tell anybody." So, it’s like –
Bob 49:51
All right. I got that.
iON 49:52
– trying to decensor your controlled communication. You’re trying to decensor your controlled communication.
Bob 50:00
Who’s trying to do that, the people who are denying that they saw some’um?
iON 50:04
Some of both. Some of both.
Bob 50:08
Who’s trying to decensor?
iON 50:11
Everybody. The ones that see and the ones that don’t see. [Bob chuckles] ‘Cause if they don’t see, they’re tryin’ to decensor that they don’t see. And if they don’t see, [Bob laughs] they’re tryin’ to decensor that they do see. The same thing. It’s the up and down and over and under. It’s which side of the pendulum you’re swingin’ on, basically.
Bob 50:26
Right. And the basic thing is, do you believe and want coverage of yourself so you’re in the news, or you’re smart enough to realize I don’t want to be in the news, that’s a bunch of bullshit. There’s a division, right?
iON 50:37
Correct. Correct. That’s what we said about Carolyn years ago. Darlin’, we’ll give you anything you want, everything you want, just get your ass off the goddamn billboard. You don’t want to be on the billboards today. Maybe later, not today.
Bob 50:52
Okay. Is awareness of China’s control of the USA more vulnerable today? Is China vulnerable? They’re controlling the USA, which you’ve talked about for years.
iON 51:04
What’s China? What’s China?
Bob 51:06
iON 51:08
No. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Forget that. They through. Since Evergrande, we call it Evergreen. Since Evergrande is gone, yeah, that’s over. That’s through. They’re borrowing money to piss in the wind. They’re borrowing money to piss in the wind.
Bob 51:24
But there is the Mountain.
iON 51:24
I don’t know how. A true Communist state. That’s not China. That’s not China.
Bob 51:28
But there is … What’s not China, the Mountain?
iON 51:31
The Mountain is not China. No.
Bob 51:33
Okay, but they control the USA if anybody does more than anybody else does if anybody can control it.
iON 51:39
Except, except, well, except for the Dragon aspect. Don’t discount that. You can if you want to, but it’d be a fool’s errand.
Bob 51:49
Well, isn’t the Mountain part of the Dragon?
iON 51:53
The USA is the Dragon. That’s what the Mountain is supporting.
Bob 51:56
I’m gonna read you some stuff, but I want your commentary. This is based on a guy named Wall… Wall, Wallace. Wallace Thornhill.
iON 52:11
[laughs] Wall, wall Wahlfield, that’s it.
Bob 52:16
[chuckles] He was born in May 2, 1942, and just died a month ago, February 7, 2023.
iON 52:22
Damn, he was just a baby.
Bob 52:25
Yeah. "He earned a degree in physics and electronics at the University of Melbourne, Australia, and began postgraduate studies. Before entering university, he had been inspired by Immanuel Velikovsky’s best-selling book, "Worlds in Collision." However, the lack of curiosity and the frequent hostility toward this challenge to mainstream science convinced Thornhill to pursue an independent path outside academia." So, what he came up with was, he met a guy named David Talbot. And maybe he met Velikovsky. "On a subsequent visit to Velikovsky at his home in Princeton, New Jersey, Thornhill posed the key question raised by the theory of recent planetary catastrophe: what is the true nature of gravity? That question led to a reexamination of accepted ideas across many disciplines, culminating in the formulation of the, in quotes, ‘Electric Universe Hypothesis.’" So, this guy has gone on to write many papers on it. And he presented the idea, the "Electric Universe" in January ’97 at a conference in Portland, Oregon, "and provoked great interest from the astronomers, engineers, and scholars in attendance." He again spent time with a guy named David Talbot. And, and I guess he persuaded Talbot. "Mr. Wallace Thornhill persuaded Talbot that the celestial configurations Talbot had reconstructed beginning with the Saturn Myth, were plasma discharge phenomena."
iON 53:55
Yes. Good.
Bob 53:55
And he went on to do, to do workshops. Okay, now we’re gonna go to somebody writing out the details of this theory, so here’s how it goes. The title is… Did you just say you agree or something? You just say words like that?
iON 54:11
Yeah. That’s what we’ve been sayin’ forever with the plasma base. Everything is. He’s just picking up on it slowly. Nothin’ wrong with that.
Bob 54:17
Okay, so the essay is called "Cosmic Resonance." So, it says, –
iON 54:23
Oh, my god, resonance. Resonance?
Bob 54:23
– "Proponents of the Electric Universe…
iON 54:26
It’s got a bad title, "Cosmic Resonance." [chuckles]
Bob 54:28
Yeah. That’s not good.
iON 54:33
That’s like a good sin, isn’t it? It’s a good sin. Okay, I got you. Go ahead.
Bob 54:38
We don’t know what electricity is. And he’s using the term to describe everything, but is electricity plasma? Is that a better word?
iON 54:49
Mm-mm. Mm-mm. [meaning no]
Bob 54:49
So, it’s not correctly named, his theory.
iON 54:51
Plasma. Plasma. Right. That’s why he’s having a problem. Plasma is a component of corporeal issue with electricity, but it’s not energy. That’s what you’re tryin’, that’s what he’s trying to… Well, we’re, we’re, we’re gettin’ ahead of ourselves.
Bob 55:03
You’re right. No, you’re right. Here we go.
iON 55:05
We’re gettin’ ahead of ourselves. Sorry.
Bob 55:06
No, you’re correct. That’s what he says. "Proponents of ‘Electric Universe Theory’ face one, seemingly infinite wall of resistance. That is the false preconceptions submitted in people’s minds by consensus science." So, regular science.
iON 55:19
No, that’s called, that’s called ohmerage. The unit of resistance is called ohmerage. It’s not the people’s public service award. [chuckles]
Bob 55:29
[chuckles] Okay. So these, the Thornhill-ites, they "do not see the cosmos the same way materialists do. Fundamentally, the cosmos is energy. Energy is kinetic motion…"
iON 55:47
Yeah, yeah, yeah, and semen is, semen is the, is the contraction between the reaction. Semen is the contraction between the reaction. Come on, Bob, you gotta do better than this.
Bob 56:02
[chuckles] No, no, no, come on. Let me… bear with me. "Energy is kinetic motion, or potential motion of matter over a distance. The matter itself is potential energy– so, it is just all one thing–energy."
iON 56:13
[laughs] So, so, it’s a long-distance, it’s a long-distance orgasm. Okay, that… Okay, we agree one hundred percent: long-distance orgasm. [Bob laughs] You win first prize. Carolyn! Get him a kewpie doll. Get him a kewpie doll, he won first prize.
Bob 56:27
Yeah. "An Electric Universe is one of energy transformed from a kinetic to potential by standing waves of constructive interference." Like that sentence?
iON 56:38
Don’t care. You slung us, you slung us off the flying jenny a little while ago, but we’re working on…
Bob 56:47
Okay, just try to put them. Let’s see if they get anything right.
iON 56:47
White-knuckle flight.
Bob 56:50
Yeah. "Matter ‘particles’ consists of holographic, plasmodial interference patterns…"
iON 56:56
[laughs] I’ve got run over by a hologrammy and a bus that tore my ass up. [Bob chuckles] I got run over by a hologrammy that tore my ass out out of the frame. That’s the one. Yeah, that… come on now, Bob. Lord Jesus.
Bob 57:12
Yeah. "Holographic, plasmodial interference patterns." [iON laughs] That’s gonna be laughing every time.
iON 57:20
That would be, that would be, that would be funnier… that would have been funnier if we just said it. You know that you’d just say, "Oh, that’s iON." And then, and then, and then Brent would have another little gizgasm. [laughs]
Bob 57:29
Now these "interference patterns — standing waves in other words — form the ether."
iON 57:37
Oh, standing waves.
Bob 57:38
Yeah, they form the ether.
iON 57:39
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. So, what color… So, here’s the question. If he wrote this in the essay, I’m gonna continue. But if he didn’t, I’m gonna have a little reservation. What color was the hologrammy bus that tore my ass out of the frame in his existential dissidence?
Bob 57:56
Yes, we’re gonna get to that. So, he says, [iON chuckles], he says, "Each standing wave is itself a ‘circuit’ of energy, shaped by its frequency."
iON 58:06
So, the energy shapes its… Bob. [Bob chuckles] God. The energy shapes its energy?
Bob 58:13
iON 58:13
Okay, I got energy. I got an electric light and it’s gonna be a receptor; it has ohmerage. And we’re gonna set a breaker so it doesn’t overload, or we’re gonna make light that’s energy that the circle of that energy is the energy. So, the light energy is the energy that is the energy in a circumstantial condition? [chuckles]
Bob 58:33
Okay, thank you. Now listen to this. Next sentence. This gets funnier. "The shape [of matter] conforms to the shape of energy flow, and the shape of matter forms circuitry that anchors the shape of energy. It is a feedback loop." Anything close to reality in a statement there?
iON 58:52
Sounds like he’s describing a colloidal loop.
Bob 58:56
Okay. He says, "From our perspective, plasmoids are electromagnetic bubbles of potential energy, and hence the perception of a ‘particle.’"
iON 59:04
That’s more about the clitoris. That’s more clitoris, not resident collodial. [chuckles]
Bob 59:09
iON 59:09
So, he went a little deeper down the rabbit hole there.
Bob 59:12
Yeah. "…hence the perception of a ‘particle.’ On the inside, they are whirlwinds of trapped energy patterned into an infinite cyclic circuit. This circuit creates polarity, angular momentum, exchanges energy with its environment by induction, and maintains structural integrity with a membrane of capacitance." That sounds pretty good. That way off?
iON 59:35
But you’re in a circle of a circle of a circle. You’re in a circle jerk, lookin’ to see who you’re gonna sleep with tonight, Bob. [Bob chuckles] It’s not doing good.
Bob 59:42
Okay. "Its internal potential maintains resonant balance, and therefore is in constant feedback, with its environment. It is an RLC circuit." You know what that is? Capital R, capital L, capital C.
iON 59:54
[laughs] You’ll have to call… [laughs] You’ll have to calI… You’ll have to call Scott. You’ll have to call Scott [iON, Bob laugh] and see, and see if one of his PhDs qualifies that. [laughs]
Bob 1:00:14
[chuckles] So, it’s funny. I am reading this because of Scott. Scott’s promoting this.
iON 1:00:20
I know. We know. We know. That’s why we said it. [chuckles]
Bob 1:00:24
And he was, he was making fun of Chad and Bert asking iON about electrons and subatomic particles, maybe even quantum stuff that Wal Thornhill is a race[?] with this "Electric Universe Theory." Is there a reason you, you… you don’t agree with anybody! But you use the electron…
iON 1:00:43
We don’t, we don’t mind agreeing, we don’t mind agreeing with people that make goddamn sense, but so far we haven’t bumped into many of those yet. [Bob, iON chuckle]
Bob 1:00:43
Yeah. So, the electron theory and subatomic particles, it’s not real, but it makes sense, what you’re saying. There’s a logic.
iON 1:01:02
Eh, feeble logic, but okay.
Bob 1:01:08
Okay, so anyways, so he was laughing at Chad and them for still believing in that old stuff. But I say whatever humans make as a meme that comes to be part of a consensus, that’s real. Just like the Bible stuff is real because that’s a bunch of thoughts that people lived with for eons. Right? That’s what you’re up against: meme collectives that have made within this world [iON laughs] a reality that [indistinct] potential energy.
iON 1:01:34
Tell, tell, tell Scott, tell Scott that what’s he’s really describing is the Reproductive Health Library. That’s what… [laughs]
Bob 1:01:40
The Reproductive Health Library? Is that what I should tell him?
iON 1:01:46
Yeah. RHL. RHL. That’s what he’s… [laughs]
Bob 1:01:49
RHALL, what the hell is that? RHALL. Come on, you mean H-E…
iON 1:01:54
Bob 1:01:55
iON 1:01:56
RHL is what you said.
Bob 1:01:58
Oh no, the RLC circuit. The RLC.
iON 1:02:02
You didn’t say that. [chuckles] That’s what we’re laughin’ for.
Bob 1:02:04
Yes, I did. I said help. So, you were saying RLC, and I thought you were saying the word help. Okay. This gets close to LaRouche ’cause they use the words "self-similar." "This circuit pattern repeats, in self-similar, scalar harmonies from the sub-atomic scale to the supra-galactic. Therefore, an Electric Universe is luminous bubbles within bubbles; circuits within circuits; harmonies within harmonies vibrating a constant energy from within, in resonance with ‘everything’ without." So, this is, this is a distortion of Ezekiel’s vision.
iON 1:02:43
Wait a minute!
Bob 1:02:45
Oh, yeah, you’re disconnected.
iON 1:02:48
Okay, I’ll say this again. Wait a minute.
Bob 1:02:51
iON 1:02:52
It’s dead. [ear buds] Let me see if we can do it this way. Bobby, say some’um.
Bob 1:03:06
This circuit pattern…
iON 1:03:08
Oh, my God, finally. We went, we went… Hey, we did good, Bob: four hours and 30 minutes on one pea pod. That was good. It lasted longer than we thought it. So, that’s good.
Bob 1:03:08
Very good.
iON 1:03:11
Okay. Hurry up.
Bob 1:03:13
We’re wrapping up. Yeah. "This circuit pattern repeats in self-similar, scalar harmonies from the sub-atomic scale to the supra-galactic. Therefore, an Electric Universe is luminous bubbles within bubbles; circuits within circuits; harmonies within harmonies vibrating a constant energy from within, in resonance with ‘everything’ without."
iON 1:03:39
[chuckles] So, we’re gonna release the life cycle. We’re gonna take this circuit and we’re gonna make an electrical circuit that is a resistor. Wait, how can a circuit be a resistor that’s an inductor and a capacitor? And we’re gonna connect that and make them all parallel. And we’re gonna call this something derived from positions outside of the ohmerage, which is if you don’t have ohmerage then you’ve burnt yourself to death. Then those vegetables that Carolyn is cooking, chop up and cook, can also cook you. [chuckles] So, you have all components to cancel electricity is the point of this conversation, apparently.
Bob 1:04:19
All right, so we’ll wrap it up by saying that this bubbles within bubbles, that’s sort of like a vulgar version of Ezekiel’s vision?
iON 1:04:27
A wheel within a wheel. Yes, except for Ezekiel can raise the dead bones, the dry bones in this case.
Bob 1:04:38
Right. So, to wrap up…
iON 1:04:40
What, what happened to Bucky Fuller? Why can he stay with Bucky Fuller? He chased him for a few days. What happened?
Bob 1:04:47
I know. Okay, we’ll do that another time.
iON 1:04:49
Bob 1:04:49
But the thing is, instead of electric theory, "Electric Universe Theory," what terms would you use to say and attempt to describe what is pretty hard to understand and describe? What would you use instead of saying "Electric Universe Theory"? What terms would you say?
iON 1:05:04
We would call it the electric slide.
Bob 1:05:08
Okay, the electric slide.
iON 1:05:09
The line, the line dance, the electric slide. It’s electric. That one.
Bob 1:05:14
Okay, so there’s a lot more, maybe we’ll do it again. But basically, you’re gonna just laugh through it all, and…
iON 1:05:19
No, it’s fun. It was fun. We’re interested in anything you’re interested in, Bob, because more times than not, you’re actually interesting than not. [laughs]
Bob 1:05:28
Yeah. Yeah. Heh, heh. Okay, so we’ll end up with some…
Carolyn 1:05:33
Hey, I have a question.
iON 1:05:35
Yes, darlin’.
Bob 1:05:35
Go. quick.
Carolyn 1:05:36
iON, oh, [indistinct/echo] iON, is plasma a substrate or the wire?
iON 1:05:48
No, it’s a capacity. Capacity. Which could affect the wire and a substrate.
Carolyn 1:05:54
iON 1:05:54
It can affect it. It’s like what you do — it’s the elements that you… wait, oh, here we go. It’s the elements that you do to ReMag to make it effective. Same thing. You got a substrate that you’re tryin’ to change. You’re not changing the element, but you’re making the element be different. Now, wait now. You’re not changing the element, but you are ’cause your magnesium isn’t magnesium, is it?
Carolyn 1:06:20
Right. No.
iON 1:06:21
Same thing. Excellent.
Carolyn 1:06:22
Bob 1:06:24
Very good.
Carolyn 1:06:24
I’ll pick that up. Yeah, when we get to our…
Bob 1:06:28
You like the word plasma, but what they’re describing is nowhere near the plasma you’re talking about.
iON 1:06:36
Mm-hm. That’s because they don’t know.
Bob 1:06:37
[echo] Right. Is there a word substrate and beneath plasma?
iON 1:06:44
Say the words again, you’re, you’re all blurry.
Bob 1:06:46
[echo] Is there a substrate and beneath plasma?
iON 1:06:52
We don’t know it ’cause you got different kinds of plasma.
Bob 1:06:58
iON 1:06:58
Look, Bob. Plasma, you got four different quadrants; four quadrants, not five. You got four. You got to see what you’re dealing with. It’s states of matter. And so you’re looking from different positions or particles or combinations of those ions or electrons. And so it’s just the ordinary matter in the universe or what you compel or corporally make into a thing that says something is a thing. Like, plasma is blood; plasma in a lymph; plasma in milk. The corpuscles are fat glob, globules. We can’t even say it. Carolyn don’t like fat; she don’t like fat things, so globules. But that’s fat globules.
Carolyn 1:07:40
[chuckles] No, I do. I do.
iON 1:07:41
[chuckles] She don’t…no, no, you don’t. No, you don’t. Don’t say….[Carolyn chuckles] don’t come in here and try to clean up your stuff. We know how you feel about fat globules.
Bob 1:07:48
Okay, gotta go, guys. Gotta go.
iON 1:07:52
Bob 1:07:52
Did you say your sentence?
iON 1:07:54
Yeah, we did. Goodbye.
Bob 1:07:55
Okay, iON, one last thing.
Carolyn 1:07:57
Thank you, iON.
iON 1:07:58
You’re welcome, darlin’.
Bob 1:07:59
Don’t hang up. Don’t hang…