Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 2, 24 March 2022


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 47:51
Okay. Okay. So, Carolyn, we were talking about I accidentally, well, I proposed consciously the "fall," but I didn’t know that an argument would happen or I even proposed "let’s have a discussion," and that wasn’t the right thing to do ’cause the argument never ended.

iON 48:08
Right. Correct. And so, the proof in the pudding, here’s the proof. The settling of the war in heaven, the war in heaven, the settling of it is for individual "fallen" humans, humans to come back to their place of God. That’s the answer. That settles the war in heaven. And once that happens, then we can all go back home and we know who God is, and one-third of the angels are gonna stay here in this burned-up Earth, hell on Earth, and two-thirds are gonna celebrate with the angelic choir. I hope that I can sing things that Carolyn likes to listen to because if they sing — don’t you think for one second they’re gonna be singin’ stuff in Zappa, you can believe that. There won’t be no Zappa in heaven, so just so you know. Just so you know. [laughs]

Bob 48:59
[chuckles] Okay, okay. So, iON, just a second. We’re going… what is the thought…

iON 49:05
Did you finish up the, the…

Bob 49:17
No, don’t say anything. Don’t say anything. Don’t say anything. [iON laughs] What is it that we’re… we’re talking about…

iON 49:31
"Our Miss Brooks."

Bob 49:31
So, we were talking about the argument and what did he just go into? We were talking about the…

iON 49:37
We were talking about Archie Bunker. We were talking about Archie Bunker.

Bob 49:40
No, you weren’t. This is not going good, Carolyn

Carolyn 49:42
The argument never ended. The argument never ended.

Bob 49:45
Yeah. And then you started to say something.

Carolyn 49:49
And then he said settling of the war in heaven is for humans to come to the place in God. One-third…

Bob 49:55
Oh, yeah, I got it. I got it. All that he said about that, how individually to take your power, is that what people think Gnosticism as a philosophy is saying?

iON 50:04
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. And your Founding Fathers, what were your Founding Fathers? Your Founding Fathers were of what religion? They were Deists. Imagine that.

Bob 50:15
Is that Gnostic?

iON 50:18
A form of it, yeah. You can look it up.

Bob 50:20
All right.

iON 50:20
You know things, Bob. You can look it up.

Bob 50:24
Yeah. The Gnostic idea is that we’re in a "fallen" world and we got to get the hell out of it. So, we, you’re talking about being "fallen." So, many people will hear this and say, that’s just Gnosticism! They’re allergic to that idea.

iON 50:36
Except for, except for that the Gnostics, there’s no way to get out of it. See, the problem with the Dalai Lama is he’s stuck. He’s stuck.

Bob 50:45
Yeah, that’s right. They believe that the war between light and dark is endlessly cancelling each other out.

iON 50:52

Bob 50:51
You don’t get anywhere.

iON 50:52
It never ends.

Bob 50:53
It doesn’t have an ending. So, this…

iON 50:55
The best you can do is survive one day. The best you can do is survive one day and that’s it.

Bob 51:01
Yes. So, the Gnostic idea of "fall" is true, but the outcome of Gnosticism that the Dalai Lama and them and the mystics believed is not true.

iON 51:10

Bob 51:10
Because we do get out of it thanks to Carolyn.

iON 51:13
Correct. Now, what they’re using to support, purport their argument of that reincarnation, like the next Dalai Lama knows which things belongs, which was the little marital aid that the other Dalai Lama owned, and his button on his little car, or whatever the bullshit is. How they borrowed that is that there is no time. Okay? So, the fullness of this condition of "the" Dalai Lama had all those things all the time, and they busted up to divide it up amongst other people’s position to prove that they are "the" Dalai Lama. That’s where they get the argument or try to support the argument of that carnation or reincarnation or Carnation Milk or some’um. Whatever they talk about it’s ridiculous, but that’s the argument that they use to prove a reincarnated state of a deity. Deities were not reincarnated.

Bob 52:10
Right. And now that we’re actually Ascending and we’re in the process, it’s started, that’s why the Dalai Lama, the present one said, we ain’t doing that anymore. We’re not passing [recording skips]

Carolyn 52:19
Process of Ascension now, and recently the Dalai Lama — what happened to the Dalai Lama? He’s given it up?

iON 52:27
Yeah, he legislated that they’re not gonna pick the next guy like they’ve always done. He says we’re not doing that anymore.

Carolyn 52:27
Ahh. Wow.

iON 52:27
Right. See? It’s full circle. I am the Dalai Lama, so I’m gonna hang out. Just like, just like, just like that.

Bob 52:42
So, he finally knows what time it is.

iON 52:44

Carolyn 52:45
Yeah, and the Queen isn’t gonna pick her next succession.

Bob 52:48
No, we’re gonna… Yeah, we’re gonna talk about the Queen later, Carolyn. You’ll probably sleep through that. But the, but the thing is, JW… [iON laughs]

iON 52:58
I resemble that remark. I resemble that remark. We may take a nap too, Carolyn, and it’ll be all right. It’d be good.

Bob 53:04
Yeah. So, iON, the Dalai Lama knew about MHIR and congratulated Walter [indistinct] about MIHR. He tuned into what Bob and Carolyn were doing. And he said to JW say hi to us because he knew. Somehow, he’s a bit of more Ascended than most; he understood the change that was coming. Correct?

iON 53:22
Correct. Obvious. Yeah. Most people kinda do. See, that’s why we laughingly say all religions get the constructs, they just get fucked up in their dogma. They get fucked up in their — they can get rid of their dogma and just take it from an esoteric plane of essence. They go, "Oh! Okay. You put the seed in the ground, the seed dies, it makes a whole nother plant and produces more fruit. Oh, okay." Why can’t we just go with that?

Bob 53:52
[chuckles] Hey, Carolyn, you know what it means when we come to dogma? People repeat. When someone asks the question about what’s going on about Ascension, whatever, they’ll repeat an answer they heard. They don’t know how to — which I do — how to make it up. You make a different answer every fucking time! You make a different answer whenever the dogma, whenever the question — somebody comes up, "Hey, Bob, what is Ascension?" You say, "Oh, the LaRouche version."

iON 54:18
So, Carolyn. So, Carolyn…

Bob 54:18
You know, you can make it up. There’s no dogma! There’s nothing to repeat, Carolyn.

iON 54:22
Yeah. Right. So, Carolyn it’s like this. It’s the same penis, but it’s new and different every time. Isn’t that nice? [Bob chuckles] It’s the same penis, but it’s new and different every time. It’s all exciting, very exciting. Yeah. It sums up [indistinct] city crime crisis.

Bob 54:38
iON, how quickly –

iON 54:41

Bob 54:41
– if there’s no time, somehow the argument broke out and I and the people, I said "Oh, this looks like the "fall," we’re gettin’ out of here." No, I didn’t know that. All of a sudden, we’re in a bubble. It happened instantaneously. No, two people are in the bubble. Only two people are in the bubble.

iON 54:57
It always, it always — it caught up. It caught up. It caught up instantly, Bob, because you forced it. You pushed it.

Bob 55:03
Yeah, yeah, but only two people are experiencing the bubble, iON.

iON 55:06
Mannheim Steamroller. Mannheim Steamroller.

Bob 55:10
Yeah, yeah. Only two people are experiencing the bubble, but everybody else who was on Andromeda and maybe still there, they know; they’re watching the scene with two people, or are they not existing yet, they’ve been obliterated.

iON 55:25
Not existing. They’ve been obliterated. You couldn’t stay. The war in heaven is over. So now what’s only left is the Gods here.

Bob 55:32
So, we’re gonna come back to you, Carolyn.

iON 55:32
Now the only left is what the Gods that are here.

Bob 55:37
You’re talking about now. No, back then…

iON 55:41
There ain’t no back then. Ain’t no goddamn back then. Ain’t no back then.

Bob 55:44
I know. We ended up in the bubble, and we weren’t aware of the clay and how the bubble was made. But when we — then we’re conscious at some point. Carolyn, bring in when does the amino acid thing happen in that process of the clay.

iON 55:59
When the nitrogen in the body reaches 14 parts per million.

Bob 56:05
That’s the nitrogen in the clay. Because the clay, the body doesn’t look like — the clay doesn’t look like a human form yet when it’s being made in the bubble. Right?

iON 56:15
Carolyn knows. Carolyn knows how to gauge it. She knows how to work with nitrogen. She knows how important it is.

Bob 56:21
Yeah, but the human form hasn’t arrived yet. When the clay is made complete, the process is completed, that’s the human form.

iON 56:28
The human, the human condition is, the human form is, Bob. We’re not, we don’t want you to have a human form. We want you to have a God form; that’s the point.

Bob 56:37
Well, it’s the same as the human form. That’s the old discussion.

iON 56:40

Bob 56:40
That’s why I’m asking. You say it’s quite different. Why is it quite different?

iON 56:43

Bob 56:43
It’s exactly the same, it just looks tighter and tapered. It just looks more porcelain or something, that’s the difference. Or…

iON 56:50
More porcelain. More porcelain. What the fuck are you talking about? [laughs]

Bob 56:57
More porcelain. [laughs]

iON 56:58
Carolyn! Give him some amino acids! He needs some amino acids! [Carolyn laughs]

Bob 57:01

iON 56:59
More, more porcelain. Lord suffering cats. [laughs]

Bob 57:08
[laughs] I know what I’m talking about. That’s the way we were in Alpha Centauri for fuck sake. We were porcelain people. Porcelain the pig. [iON, Bob laugh]

iON 57:22
Lord have mercy.

Bob 57:22
But see…

iON 57:22
Okay, get back, come on back to the point, Bob. Come on back to the point. Anytime you’re ready. We’re ready when you are.

Bob 57:28
Like Carolyn got get all this — yeah. Carolyn got all this chemistry, and I want to take the general terms of clay. Now this clay, making us from clay, did that happen instantly?

iON 57:38
Yeah. God, God –

Bob 57:40
Everything is because there is no time.

iON 57:43
– God spit. God spit. Here, here, here. Here’s like it go. God spit on the ground. And he made a salve out of the spittle, and he brought man forth out of the dust. Mm-hmm. To see if this was gonna work out or not. Or not!

Bob 58:02
So, Carolyn…

iON 58:02
There’s a choice! Hold on. There’s a choice. You don’t gotta Ascend. You ain’t got to! Just sayin’.

Bob 58:08
No, but the clay… Okay, but see, the clay, when the clay happened, since there’s no time, everything’s in an instant. So, we got transformed into the bubble in an instant. And we didn’t know. We had a different concept or thinking. –

iON 58:08
We don’t like your words.

Bob 58:10
– We didn’t know that we were…

iON 58:13
Didn’t like your words. We don’t like your words.

Bob 58:16
Yeah, we didn’t know that we were missing.

iON 58:17
I know. Instant doesn’t mean anything. Say, in the twinkling of an eye. Don’t say instant.

Bob 58:34

iON 58:35
Because that sounds like a soup.

Bob 58:36
In the twinkling of an eye.

iON 58:36
That’s like instant soup. In the twinkling of an eye.

Bob 58:38
Right, right, right.

iON 58:39
That can happen in LESS than a second. LESS than a second. So, that’s in a twinkling of an eye.

Bob 58:43
Okay, Carolyn, that’s how you know [recording skips]

iON 58:47
Metaphorically embrace it.

Bob 58:49
That whole amino acids or lysine talk you did half an hour ago, that comes in now. We went from my general terms of this instant, this twinkling of an eye, the twinkling of the clay to the human form. Now that talk about what we’re missing and how we’re gonna regain it, you already did.

Carolyn 58:50

iON 58:50
In essence. In essence.

Bob 58:52
Yeah. So, Carolyn, you have to relisten to that.

iON 58:55
There’s a little bit of cleanup. There’s a little bit of cleanup, but see, she’s got all the notes, and she follows — she’s really good at this, Bob. She’s really — she’s done this several times. And she’s gonna put it together.

Bob 59:24
Well, I’m good at it when I hear it a second time. When I hear it the second time, I’ll get it. [iON laughs] I don’t get it the first time, but I get it the second time. So, Carolyn, I think we should stop this topic. It’s been an hour, and you’re only supposed to get a half hour.

iON 59:38
Oh, but you took 45 minutes of that hour though, so just sayin’. [Carolyn chuckles]

Bob 59:44
What about 45 minutes? I took it?

iON 59:45
You took 45 minutes of her hour.

Bob 59:49
No, well, it was what she was leaving out. So, Carolyn, do you want to, do you want to get iON to finish what he hasn’t completed? Do you want to try to clean it up, Carolyn?

Carolyn 59:59
No, I guess I’ll go over it. And there was a bunch of words that Demetrius evoked of polypeptide bonding, and that, that is sort of meaningful to…

iON 1:00:12
What did you just say? You mentioned– you said Demetrius? Or you’re naming a chemical?

Carolyn 1:00:17
In "What Youth?" in "What Youth?" Demetrius brought up or evoked from ION some stuff about polypeptide and bonding and carboxyl groups and everything.

iON 1:00:30
We were slappin’ him. We were slappin’ his jaws ’cause he’s been a sluggard, and he hadn’t been doin’ what he’s supposed to, and Krystal is a whore and he [indistinct words].

Bob 1:00:36
This is two nights ago, Carolyn? Two nights ago?

Carolyn 1:00:39
Correct. So, I’m gonna go over all that, clean it up, and blah, blah, blah. So, it’s very good. And yes, I’m okay. I’m done.

Bob 1:00:48
Right. We should finish.

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