Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 4, 24 March 2022


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 1:25:20
Okay. We’re gonna go into another topic, and it’s gonna be a deep topic.

iON 1:25:25
That was a good… now, that was a good topic. We didn’t finish that topic completely, but we did skim a little blow by blow. Here’s the next one more little phase that’s going to apply.

Bob 1:25:34
Oh, yeah. What’s it? Yeah.

iON 1:25:36
When the world systems are undone or revamped or reconciled — that’s the word, reconciled — that’s what you’re fixin’ to experience. And that’s already in place. Remember a long thousand years ago?

Bob 1:25:58
Do you mean…

iON 1:25:59
No, no. No, no, we don’t mean anything. Remember a thousand years ago we talked about NESARA and GESARA and all that la, la, la, la?

Bob 1:26:06

iON 1:26:07
You were like, goddamn, iON, that’s some crazy fucked-up shit you’re ever talkin’ about. [Bob laughs] They’re not gonna cancel all the debt. They’re not gonna pay everybody’s credit cards off. They’re not gonna give everybody 40 acres and a fuckin’ mule. They’re not gonna do that! Why are you sayin’ that? They made these words; Bill Clinton didn’t do it. Alright, we know, we heard it all a thousand times. Whatever, whatever. Now they are.

Bob 1:26:36
Now they are what?

iON 1:26:39
Gonna have to.

Bob 1:26:41
Have to what? Get the 40 acres and a mule?

iON 1:26:44
No, no, no. NESARA. And the details of GESARA, the global, and NESARA, the national implementation.

Bob 1:26:55
Of what?

iON 1:26:55

Bob 1:26:58
But it’s not giving [inaudible]…

iON 1:26:59
That’s being adopted. It’s going to. It is all those things. All those things that you said could not happen, there’s no way in hell that’s ever, ever, ever, ever gonna happen is now in the process of being adopted. Right now.

Bob 1:27:11
Yeah, you told me that I would erase the debt; I’d cancel the debt. [inaudible/overtalk]

iON 1:27:16
Yeah. But that’s another one of those things that you… Well, now, that’s the only debt there is.

Bob 1:27:23
Right. But you’re saying that’s gonna happen. And that’s in GESARA and NESARA, Bob erases that, that’s gonna happen.

iON 1:27:29
Yeah. Which you said there ain’t no way, that’s ridiculous words, if that happens, this will be the biggest thing that ever happened. [Bob chuckles] Any one of these little bitty, tiny things, if any one of them even comes half as close as we said it was, it’s still gonna be the biggest bitch you ever seen. [laughs]

Bob 1:27:43
Right. Now, are we…

iON 1:27:43
If any one of these hit, it’s gonna be bigger than anything you’ve ever seen.

Bob 1:27:49
Yeah. And we can broadcast all this stuff.

iON 1:27:51
Please do.

Bob 1:27:52
Broadcast all this stuff.

iON 1:27:52
Mark it up. Tell UJean to take some notes. UJean, you take some notes. You might learn some’um. [Bob chuckles] It’s good, it’s good. We like UJean, she’s being good.

Bob 1:28:00
And the reason we can broadcast it, it’s all over.

iON 1:28:05
Too late.

Bob 1:28:05
The nukes will be launched. It’s too late in a lot of ways.

iON 1:28:09
The fat lady… The aria has begun, and the fat lady’s on the stage. Yep. But now, we do have to be careful. We do have to be careful ’cause there’s a little bit of lining up here. See now, you don’t know if you… Well, okay, you may or may not play this, we’re gonna have to see. Here’s the thing. We gotta line this up; we gotta get you hooked up with the aliens and not get killed. That’s a good thing. That’s a good place to start. That’s a good place to start. Alright, we got that. Then we gotta get you back. And we gotta get that — your little friend that you’ve had relations with for three or four days — to the bunker when things really start gettin’ ugly, ugly. And we gotta survive there for a moment while the World War takes on, it does its thing. And then we’ve gotta get reconciled back into civilization of what’s left. Okay? So, that reconciliation is a step and a step and a step. So, there’s a little bit shit goin’ on it’s what we’re tryin’ to say, which is what you know. And that’s why JW is as nervous as a whore in church because he’s kinda goin’, Jesus, God, we got no room! [Bob chuckles] There’s zero room. Everything is perfect, it’s gotta be like, it’s gotta be like a clockwork mouse. Gotta work perfect, or it’s not gonna work at all! Or you’re gonna be in New Zealand and Carolyn’s gonna be on her way to the bunker, and this is not gonna work out. See, when the door’s shut, it’s shut now. Love y’all. Love y’all, but when that door shuts, it’s too wet to plow, it’s done. So, hooking all this up together perfectly as presented, a lot of conditioned responses that JW is having to navigate. Now, we don’t navigate it, ’cause we know how it’s gonna go. But at the same time, that doesn’t mean that there’s not room for quote, "ridiculous human" end quote, error. We’ve gotta make sure all that lines up so that you don’t have the sniffles when on the day it’s time to go. Basically.

Bob 1:30:04
So, and we can play all this. We can play all this.

iON 1:30:06
Yeah. Play it. Play it. That’s fun. But that’s the, that’s why he’s so taken aback and fightin’ fire tryin’ to work it all out. But the other side of it, if you just turn loose, you should know you’re — tie the end of the rope. I’m at the end of the rope, Bob, tie a knot and hang on. No, let go, you’re six inches off the ground. Quit tryin’ to hang on. Let go. Let go. And he’s doing better. And every time he does, strides are increased. So, good.

Bob 1:30:38
Okay. So, you’ve laid out what’s gonna happen.

iON 1:30:44
No, we didn’t lay out what’s happened. We went over the details of your glorious, imperialistic overthrow of the World Government.

Bob 1:30:54

iON 1:30:55
The World Government.

Bob 1:30:59
The people that JW met on this trip to England –

iON 1:31:03
Which time?

Bob 1:31:03
– they know a lot — beg your pardon?

iON 1:31:06
You were — okay, here’s a question. Before we answer that, do you want to play this or not? [laughs]

Bob 1:31:12
No, I don’t know. We probably can’t play it, but you’ll decide.

iON 1:31:13
‘Cause we can say it one way and you can play it, and we say it another way, you can’t play it. But if you’re talking about Rule Britannia, okay, we can play that. Go ahead, talk about that. Ask your question. It’s alright.

Bob 1:31:27
No, I’m gonna ask…

iON 1:31:28
Money, don’t worry about it. Money doesn’t matter. And money’s the only thing they’ve ever had. Money doesn’t matter.

Bob 1:31:34
Right. Do they under…

iON 1:31:35
Power is everything. So, they need…

Bob 1:31:38
Do they…

iON 1:31:38
They understand. We’re sorry, let us finish. They understand that the only way they’re gonna survive is if they have access to the power because we’re not offering the power and we’re not selling the power.

Bob 1:31:49

iON 1:31:49
And JW’s not negotiating some position to swap the power; he’s not doing that. [Bob chuckles] Because he’s got it already! Why is he gonna give it…? I don’t need pussy, I got pussy! I don’t need pussy, I have a million pussy. I don’t need pussy. The last thing you want when you got pussy, the last thing you want is more pussy! We don’t want that. So, the power — and not from a, not from like Tsar Nicholas the Second’s position of power. It’s not like that ’cause it’s not like something you’re tryin’ to commandeer the masses to subdue to. This isn’t like that at all. We can be a party of three! It’s all good. We’re good. We got it. You got enough? Yep, we got enough. We got enough. Yep. Okay, let’s go. That’s all. Cuz everybody’s gonna do what they’re gonna do. So, this kingdom that you rule and reign over doesn’t have to be a vast domain. But everybody’s gonna be dead, so you can have as much as you want.

Bob 1:32:41
Right. But these people are meeting ’cause they’re not sure, they don’t fully understand. They haven’t listened to enough iON; they haven’t talked to Bob enough to see what’s happened. They just know that we’re in charge in some way, and they wanna be part of it. And they have no clue what this means.

iON 1:33:00
They know, they know that the words that they’ve heard are playing out almost like a — who is that author, that ridiculous author that every single book he writes is the same? It’s written about a million of them. And it’s always with a lawyer, and he’s…

Bob 1:33:01
Marshall McLuhan? [chuckles]

iON 1:33:10
No! Yeah, kinda, but not that droll. The one who writes the books about the bad lawyer and every one of his — the death of Kennedy, the death of Lincoln, the death of whatever his name is. Anyway, that bad author. It’s almost like that every book they read says the same thing. And every time they read a different book…

Bob 1:33:37
Stephen King? Stephen King?

iON 1:33:39
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, he’s the one that got thrown off of "The View." Whoopie and Joy stomped off when he was on "The View." It doesn’t matter. We’re not tryin’ to sell his books. So, anyway, the point is, is that he — every one of these storylines that they’re hearing are coming true. That’s the problem. Every aspect of it is arriving. Then the next thing you know, the Euro’s gonna go to zero. What? What? How can the Euro go to zero? Everybody’s got a Euro, and oil’s in Euros, and we’re gonna die! We gotta have a Euro. We told you. That’s old news, Bob. Fuck, everybody knows that. Right?

Bob 1:34:24
Yeah, but you’re saying that they have heard what iON had said is what they’re noticing is coming true.

iON 1:34:29
And they don’t care. And they don’t care. Except when you closed media ecology, when you closed down the schools, and you closed down the hospitals, and you closed down everything –

Bob 1:34:41

iON 1:34:41
– and you have FEMA "cramps" and Lockdown Bobrule, they’re startin’ to notice. And they know at any given moment, another lockdown could be arriving day after tomorrow. Give it one more second. They’re already working on — now they know how to do the vaccine. They’re already working on the next problem so they can have the next vaccine to "save the day." And they’re callin’ it BA2. You watch and see how that goes. They’re gonna bump into it, and when they…

Bob 1:35:07
"D" as in David?

iON 1:35:08
No, "B" as in bitch. "A" as in asshole. "2" as in hendiadys.

Bob 1:35:19
[chuckles] Okay. Let’s…

iON 1:35:21
But we don’t call it that. We don’t call it that. We call it B-A-T-2 ’cause there’s another part to BA. BA is the part that is the single most virulent, or what do you mean when it’s easy to catch? What is that word? There’s a word: easy to catch.

Bob 1:35:41

iON 1:35:41
Infectious. We would never say that word, eww. Yeah, we would never. It is the single most infectious virus known to man. But it won’t, but it won’t kill you! But BAT2 will.

Bob 1:35:47
BAT2 or BA2?

iON 1:35:59
BA2 is the most infectious of any that’s ever been known to human beings. Ever. I mean, it’s like it goes faster than, faster than cod liver oil through you. It’s fast, Bob, it’s really fast. I mean, shit, it’s everywhere. I mean, like a week, it’s the whole United States.

Bob 1:36:20
Yeah. Listen. In a week, did you say? In a week?

iON 1:36:25
Yeah. Or less.

Bob 1:36:26
Right. And you were saying it’s BA2. Not BAT, that was a mistake. So, forget the letter "T."

iON 1:36:33
No, no! It’s not a mistake. Not a mistake. No, that’s not a mistake. There’s two of them; two types. They’re talkin’ about the strain of COVID as BA2. And they said, but don’t worry, it’s very infectious, but it won’t kill you. That’s true. That’s true. But what happens is it’s gonna spread everywhere, and then the next bump is gonna be called BAT2, –

Bob 1:36:58

iON 1:36:58
– and that’s the one that you won’t recover, you won’t recover from. But that’s not the last one. You know the last one. We don’t wanna talk about that one yet. But it’s in Ukraine. No, that’s not true. It’s in Kyiv right now. The Omega is in Kyiv right now.

Bob 1:37:18
You said Omega; that’s the term?

iON 1:37:20
No, we don’t say Omega. You know we never say Omega. We never say Omega.

Bob 1:37:24
Yeah. Can we state what you just said? Can we play it?

iON 1:37:27
Yeah, go ahead. We said it already. We just don’t like to… We don’t want to harp on it ’cause we don’t wanna make, we don’t want to give Maggie indigestion. [laughs]

Bob 1:37:39
Yeah. And, and the phenomena that’s releasing these things are what we call the Pentagon aliens.

iON 1:37:46

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