Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 2, 18 August 2022


Transcribed by Nan

iON 18:48
This is your time, darling. Go ahead.

Carolyn 18:51
Yeah, well, eight drops makes space for the resurrection. Can you tell me more about that?

iON 18:58
Yes. Okay, what it does is it changes the way the globulin in the codons in the body — now, wait now. We say a lot about codons, just slow up now, we’re not mixin’ things up. Bert’s on this like a bad habit; he’s gonna straighten this out next Sat — not this Saturday, but next Saturday, or Tuesday or whenever it is. He’s on this, but that’s not what we’re talkin’ about. What it does is you got to change the cell, and you got to change the blood. The blood has cells, but they’re not the same thing, you see.

Carolyn 19:30
Ah-huh. Yeah. Yeah.

iON 19:30
The blood that gives you strength, it will never, never, never lose its power. But you got to get that at the cellular level. They’re two aspects of the same condition. You got to get it in — it’s got to be systemic. So it’s in the cell then that will also — or you can affect the blood ’cause otherwise, Carolyn, now hold on now, hold on, this is interesting. What if we said okay, fuck y’all stupid, whore, bitch, motherfuckers, you’re not worth God there. We’re gonna take Ascended blood, we’re gonna inject in your artery Ascended blood and let the Ascended blood just take over. Why couldn’t we do that? What would be wrong with that? What would be wrong with that? Why would that not work? It would, but it would kill you first if you weren’t conditioned for that shift and change. It would. It would. That lamb’s blood with the perfect blood, the lambs blood of life, it would kill you if you weren’t conditioned into the receiving of that power because it would overwhelm the system. It would overwhelm the system. See the rub? And that’s the point. So, you got — so now listen. For your work, what you’re gonna have to do to be successful, you’re gonna have to segregate meat from the marrow. Meat from the marrow, they’re two different things. The marrow is what produces the red blood cell. Well, let’s just say blood. Can we say it like that? That softens it. Just say blood.

Carolyn 21:02

iON 21:03
And then whole plasma is if you have enough hydration. Now if you don’t have hydration, marrow ain’t gonna help ya. You’ll be dem — dem, d-e-m — dem dry bones in Ezekiel if you don’t have hydration. You got that, that’s hydrogen.

Carolyn 21:20

iON 21:20
So, once that’s balanced, then what happens is it shifts and kicks the body into a new spatial affirmative condition which allows the cells to pick up the lamb’s blood of life, okay, that immediately eradicates an Rh factor; you already know that. It immediately sets the new blood types; you already have those, you have no reason to go through all that. You have those, you’ve saved them. Bless your heart, you did good. You’ve faithfully done this all the way through as it catches up. And now it’s finally catching up to a point where you have written an entire new media ecology. JAMA, JAMA’s fucked up. They don’t know what to do ’cause now medicine isn’t medicine anymore. They don’t know what to do.

Carolyn 22:08

iON 22:08
They really do not know what to do. So, it was so okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay, we need it, we need it, we need, we need some Glucophage! We gotta have Glucophage! That’s what’s the secret to life! But there’s just another thing, nother thing, nother thing, nother thing, nother thing. Another synthetic thing that tricks you into tryin’ to stay alive that makes you worse and worse and worse, and worse and worse. And they don’t mind ’cause it keeps the waitin’ rooms full. So, they’re not upset about that, it’s all good.

Carolyn 22:34

iON 22:34
We’re not fussin’ about that, you already know that. But you’re talkin’ about something different. This is not pertussis. This is not whooping cough. This is not catching. This is not catching. What this is is gonna move you to a new level to say, this is the answer. And you quietly step by step by step, make it available, just quiet. Now, you’re gonna do teaching things; we’re not mad about that, we don’t — we almost don’t care. If you like it, we like it. We don’t care. If you like it, we like it, we don’t care. But in this teaching thing that you’re talkin’ about, you have to come to some way to explain to the caretakers — that’s what you’re gonna call them. The advice givers, whatever you want to — we don’t know what you call — we don’t know the right word. Pick a word, we don’t care. Call ’em, call ’em LaRouchians. The LaRouchian quadrant. Make ’em be LaRouche and make that work like that. [Carolyn chuckles] If you want to, we don’t mind where you’re gonna teach ’em stuff, teach ’em that they gotta figure out the difference between the blood and the body. The blood and the meat, the meat, the meat and potatoes. The meat and the blood; divide that. One deals with the meat, the other deals with the blood. And it’s a, it’s a — the heart of the matter is a matter of the heart. That’s not changed. That’s not changed. But what the heart’s working with is everything. Those are the key codes that you’re prescribing that allow the human body to respond. People have these problems and they’re well enough to complain about them. Ha! Ha-ha. That’s pretty good. That’s a pretty good goddamn disease when I live long enough to complain about. That’s pretty good. So now what happens is then they have to find a way to overcome it. And they don’t do that in their mind. They think they do it in their mind, but they don’t. If the heart’s right, it’ll overcome it. The body will recover itself if you’ll just stop getting in its way! If you’ll stop overcompensating for the meatsack body and get out of its way, it will take care of itself. There’s no reason for you to ever be sick, EVER, for any reason. And that’s where Bob puts the line. He says, "I’m not gonna hurt. Carolyn, it hurts. Oh, Carolyn…" No, here’s the best one. "Carolyn! It might hurt. Do somethin’. [iON laughs] Do something before it hurts. I don’t wanna hurt. I don’t want no hurt. No hurt whatsoever. I’m not gonna do that, it might hurt. Nope, not doin’ it. No." And so he compensates for that and it’s workin’! We can’t fuss. It’s workin’ out okay.

Carolyn 25:14
[chuckles] Okay, you started saying the RNA drops changed the way the globulins and the codons in the body work. But then you got to talking about the blood. So, where do the globulins…

iON 25:32
The globulins… Okay, okay, the way, the way. Okay. When you spin out — doing apheresis, the process of apheresis where you spin out the white blood cells out of whole plasma, that separation, that’s a process where you have to add a condition to shift the way the plasma is held together. All right? When the codons are adjusted correctly, you will no longer be able to spin out white blood cells. They do that for like leukemia patients that need the white blood cells, and you can donate them like in apheresis, that’s a fine thing. Nothing wrong with that. But in an Ascended body, you won’t be able to spin that out. They’re talkin’ about that in the little dots, in little dots over the past, it won’t spin out. That’s the new blood type.

Carolyn 26:19

iON 26:20
Now, here’s what happened. Here’s the benefit. Here’s the benefit. The benefit of that is, is that the body is gonna respond in kind. Okay? And you’re gonna drop this, this, this, um… We don’t know how to say it. Let’s say it nice. Okay, people who are morbidly obese, if they were Ascended, they couldn’t be obese. You couldn’t, you couldn’t eat enough ’cause it’s not about what you put in your mouth that messes you up, it’s what comes out of your mouth, most typically. So, we’re softening that just a little bit. But once you get that leveled out, it won’t ever be a direction of don’t eat this and don’t eat that. It’s to eat everything. Eat everything. Eat everything as often and as much as you like. Delight yourself. And what you’ll find is is if your balance, if your balance is right, you’ll be sated, and you won’t want more. You know, it’s like when Bob picks up, pick a something. A fruit du jour apples. Okay, here’s an apple, Bob. No, I need 27 apples. Bob, why do you need 27 apples? They’re good. You don’t need 27, you need one! Why can’t you just have one? No, I’m gonna, I’m gonna eat ’em. I’m gonna eat ’em till they’re gone. You know how Bob does.

Carolyn 27:31

iON 27:32
But it doesn’t have any effect because he’s hit a point, whatever that point is. Now, he’d go a month and never eat another apple. No problem. But then when it hits him, then when it hits him, that’s what he goes with because he doesn’t have any regard to any problem with that activated position. And guess what. So far, it’s had a very limited negative effect on his meatsack. So, we have to argue for that limitation that it’s okay up to a point that he doesn’t give any regard to it regardless. It could be ice sugar, sacks of sugar, and for him, it wouldn’t be any different. "Oh, that’s good, it was tasty. Oh, that’s tasty, let’s get some more. Oh, that’s tasty, let’s get some more of that." Or then you give him something that’s actually good for him, "Oh, I don’t like that. It doesn’t taste good." See, in essence, that’s our Bob. You know how Bob is. But anyway, the fun of that is is that he only responds to that which his body adapts to. Okay? He’s very good at that part. He’s very good. Because you could say I’m not cookin’ next week, and he’d say okay. He wouldn’t say nothin’.

Carolyn 28:38
Yeah. No. [chuckles]

iON 28:38
He really wouldn’t say, he really wouldn’t say too much. You’d, after the second day, you’d be like, come on now. Here’s a piece of meat, eat that. Okay. I like that.

Carolyn 28:45
Exactly. Been there. Been there.

iON 28:48
He don’t care. Yeah, he wouldn’t care. You know, you can’t punish him with that because he’s like," I don’t want some, I’m good. Thank you. I’m good. Yeah, yeah, yeah.". But now, the good news is is that’s an example. That’s an example of how his meatsack body is responding to the new alchemy. The new alchemy. It’s starting that process. Now, we didn’t say it was perfected yet. And don’t get him grumpy, don’t get hangry. You know, when he’s hangry –

Carolyn 29:16
Eh, heh-heh-heh.

iON 29:16
– you know want that is. He’ll get all angry, aggravated, ’cause he’s being sharp for no reason, he’s just be low. So, that’s understandable. But the balance then becomes is how to increase the veracity. And that’s what the next thing that’s gonna start happening with the meatsack with the Ascending ones. That’s what Bert’s havin’ trouble with now; he can’t get used to it. It’s a little odd for him. He’s another one that’s right on the money as far as where you’re supposed to be.

Carolyn 29:44
But increasing the veracity, where, how does that word play?

iON 29:50
Yeah, the veracity of being able to actuate Ascended cells as opposed to Little Man cells. So, I have to have dessert. I have to have meat. I have to have three meals. I have to have three hots and a cot. I have to have sleep. I have to have water. I have to have juice. I have to have fill-in-the-blank. You don’t have to have any of that. None of that’s necessary really at all. What has to happen is that your cells have to be able to respond. And whatever input it takes for those to respond at that strata or level is the new alchemy. Now, in Nostradamus, they go through those details pretty clearly, and he actually lays it out for Catherine D’Medici, but that’s neither here nor there. We touched on it also when we were playing with the Emerald Tablets, but see, that was such a flip flop thing, nobody ever got anything out of it. The words are there though. You may wanna pick, you wanna pick through ’em, they’re there, it’s no problem. But the thing of it is, is we’re not tryin’ to make you become angelic. We’re tryin’ to make you think the way the angels see you. If we could let you know how the angels see you, all this would be a dim and faint memory because you wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore.

Carolyn 31:08
Ahh. Yeah.

iON 31:09
See, that’s why they have a little bit of the advantage over many. They don’t have an advantage over you, they’re scared shitless of you. They’re scared to death. [Carolyn chuckles] They are mortally afeared of you because you’ve been so simple, and you’ve been so soft, and you’ve been so easy, and you haven’t taken any prisoners, and you’re not been tryin’ to take, tryin’ to kill nobody. [ding sound] You’re not tryin’ to undo anything. That was your email. That was your email. That "ding" was your email.

Carolyn 31:41
I heard it. Yeah. It wasn’t somebody coming — going out. Oh, my gosh.

iON 31:45
Correct. That is correct. That is correct.

Carolyn 31:49
I’m quitting my email.

iON 31:50
No, no, you don’t have to, it’s okay. Don’t have to do that. You don’t have to honey, things happen. That’s not a problem. We’re just making sure it’s clear ’cause Bob should have gotten the email saying that it was secure before, but they did break in. They did break in last time.

Carolyn 32:05

iON 32:05
They probably won’t be, they probably won’t be doin’ that again. We’ll just see how that goes. It’s kinda fun. Kinda fun after a little bit.
iON 18:48
This is your time, darling. Go ahead.

Carolyn 18:51
Yeah, well, eight drops makes space for the resurrection. Can you tell me more about that?

iON 18:58
Yes. Okay, what it does is it changes the way the globulin in the codons in the body — now, wait now. We say a lot about codons, just slow up now, we’re not mixin’ things up. Bert’s on this like a bad habit; he’s gonna straighten this out next Sat — not this Saturday, but next Saturday, or Tuesday or whenever it is. He’s on this, but that’s not what we’re talkin’ about. What it does is you got to change the cell, and you got to change the blood. The blood has cells, but they’re not the same thing, you see.

Carolyn 19:30
Ah-huh. Yeah. Yeah.

iON 19:30
The blood that gives you strength, it will never, never, never lose its power. But you got to get that at the cellular level. They’re two aspects of the same condition. You got to get it in — it’s got to be systemic. So it’s in the cell then that will also — or you can affect the blood ’cause otherwise, Carolyn, now hold on now, hold on, this is interesting. What if we said okay, fuck y’all stupid, whore, bitch, motherfuckers, you’re not worth God there. We’re gonna take Ascended blood, we’re gonna inject in your artery Ascended blood and let the Ascended blood just take over. Why couldn’t we do that? What would be wrong with that? What would be wrong with that? Why would that not work? It would, but it would kill you first if you weren’t conditioned for that shift and change. It would. It would. That lamb’s blood with the perfect blood, the lambs blood of life, it would kill you if you weren’t conditioned into the receiving of that power because it would overwhelm the system. It would overwhelm the system. See the rub? And that’s the point. So, you got — so now listen. For your work, what you’re gonna have to do to be successful, you’re gonna have to segregate meat from the marrow. Meat from the marrow, they’re two different things. The marrow is what produces the red blood cell. Well, let’s just say blood. Can we say it like that? That softens it. Just say blood.

Carolyn 21:02

iON 21:03
And then whole plasma is if you have enough hydration. Now if you don’t have hydration, marrow ain’t gonna help ya. You’ll be dem — dem, d-e-m — dem dry bones in Ezekiel if you don’t have hydration. You got that, that’s hydrogen.

Carolyn 21:20

iON 21:20
So, once that’s balanced, then what happens is it shifts and kicks the body into a new spatial affirmative condition which allows the cells to pick up the lamb’s blood of life, okay, that immediately eradicates an Rh factor; you already know that. It immediately sets the new blood types; you already have those, you have no reason to go through all that. You have those, you’ve saved them. Bless your heart, you did good. You’ve faithfully done this all the way through as it catches up. And now it’s finally catching up to a point where you have written an entire new media ecology. JAMA, JAMA’s fucked up. They don’t know what to do ’cause now medicine isn’t medicine anymore. They don’t know what to do.

Carolyn 22:08

iON 22:08
They really do not know what to do. So, it was so okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay, we need it, we need it, we need, we need some Glucophage! We gotta have Glucophage! That’s what’s the secret to life! But there’s just another thing, nother thing, nother thing, nother thing, nother thing. Another synthetic thing that tricks you into tryin’ to stay alive that makes you worse and worse and worse, and worse and worse. And they don’t mind ’cause it keeps the waitin’ rooms full. So, they’re not upset about that, it’s all good.

Carolyn 22:34

iON 22:34
We’re not fussin’ about that, you already know that. But you’re talkin’ about something different. This is not pertussis. This is not whooping cough. This is not catching. This is not catching. What this is is gonna move you to a new level to say, this is the answer. And you quietly step by step by step, make it available, just quiet. Now, you’re gonna do teaching things; we’re not mad about that, we don’t — we almost don’t care. If you like it, we like it. We don’t care. If you like it, we like it, we don’t care. But in this teaching thing that you’re talkin’ about, you have to come to some way to explain to the caretakers — that’s what you’re gonna call them. The advice givers, whatever you want to — we don’t know what you call — we don’t know the right word. Pick a word, we don’t care. Call ’em, call ’em LaRouchians. The LaRouchian quadrant. Make ’em be LaRouche and make that work like that. [Carolyn chuckles] If you want to, we don’t mind where you’re gonna teach ’em stuff, teach ’em that they gotta figure out the difference between the blood and the body. The blood and the meat, the meat, the meat and potatoes. The meat and the blood; divide that. One deals with the meat, the other deals with the blood. And it’s a, it’s a — the heart of the matter is a matter of the heart. That’s not changed. That’s not changed. But what the heart’s working with is everything. Those are the key codes that you’re prescribing that allow the human body to respond. People have these problems and they’re well enough to complain about them. Ha! Ha-ha. That’s pretty good. That’s a pretty good goddamn disease when I live long enough to complain about. That’s pretty good. So now what happens is then they have to find a way to overcome it. And they don’t do that in their mind. They think they do it in their mind, but they don’t. If the heart’s right, it’ll overcome it. The body will recover itself if you’ll just stop getting in its way! If you’ll stop overcompensating for the meatsack body and get out of its way, it will take care of itself. There’s no reason for you to ever be sick, EVER, for any reason. And that’s where Bob puts the line. He says, "I’m not gonna hurt. Carolyn, it hurts. Oh, Carolyn…" No, here’s the best one. "Carolyn! It might hurt. Do somethin’. [iON laughs] Do something before it hurts. I don’t wanna hurt. I don’t want no hurt. No hurt whatsoever. I’m not gonna do that, it might hurt. Nope, not doin’ it. No." And so he compensates for that and it’s workin’! We can’t fuss. It’s workin’ out okay.

Carolyn 25:14
[chuckles] Okay, you started saying the RNA drops changed the way the globulins and the codons in the body work. But then you got to talking about the blood. So, where do the globulins…

iON 25:32
The globulins… Okay, okay, the way, the way. Okay. When you spin out — doing apheresis, the process of apheresis where you spin out the white blood cells out of whole plasma, that separation, that’s a process where you have to add a condition to shift the way the plasma is held together. All right? When the codons are adjusted correctly, you will no longer be able to spin out white blood cells. They do that for like leukemia patients that need the white blood cells, and you can donate them like in apheresis, that’s a fine thing. Nothing wrong with that. But in an Ascended body, you won’t be able to spin that out. They’re talkin’ about that in the little dots, in little dots over the past, it won’t spin out. That’s the new blood type.

Carolyn 26:19

iON 26:20
Now, here’s what happened. Here’s the benefit. Here’s the benefit. The benefit of that is, is that the body is gonna respond in kind. Okay? And you’re gonna drop this, this, this, um… We don’t know how to say it. Let’s say it nice. Okay, people who are morbidly obese, if they were Ascended, they couldn’t be obese. You couldn’t, you couldn’t eat enough ’cause it’s not about what you put in your mouth that messes you up, it’s what comes out of your mouth, most typically. So, we’re softening that just a little bit. But once you get that leveled out, it won’t ever be a direction of don’t eat this and don’t eat that. It’s to eat everything. Eat everything. Eat everything as often and as much as you like. Delight yourself. And what you’ll find is is if your balance, if your balance is right, you’ll be sated, and you won’t want more. You know, it’s like when Bob picks up, pick a something. A fruit du jour apples. Okay, here’s an apple, Bob. No, I need 27 apples. Bob, why do you need 27 apples? They’re good. You don’t need 27, you need one! Why can’t you just have one? No, I’m gonna, I’m gonna eat ’em. I’m gonna eat ’em till they’re gone. You know how Bob does.

Carolyn 27:31

iON 27:32
But it doesn’t have any effect because he’s hit a point, whatever that point is. Now, he’d go a month and never eat another apple. No problem. But then when it hits him, then when it hits him, that’s what he goes with because he doesn’t have any regard to any problem with that activated position. And guess what. So far, it’s had a very limited negative effect on his meatsack. So, we have to argue for that limitation that it’s okay up to a point that he doesn’t give any regard to it regardless. It could be ice sugar, sacks of sugar, and for him, it wouldn’t be any different. "Oh, that’s good, it was tasty. Oh, that’s tasty, let’s get some more. Oh, that’s tasty, let’s get some more of that." Or then you give him something that’s actually good for him, "Oh, I don’t like that. It doesn’t taste good." See, in essence, that’s our Bob. You know how Bob is. But anyway, the fun of that is is that he only responds to that which his body adapts to. Okay? He’s very good at that part. He’s very good. Because you could say I’m not cookin’ next week, and he’d say okay. He wouldn’t say nothin’.

Carolyn 28:38
Yeah. No. [chuckles]

iON 28:38
He really wouldn’t say, he really wouldn’t say too much. You’d, after the second day, you’d be like, come on now. Here’s a piece of meat, eat that. Okay. I like that.

Carolyn 28:45
Exactly. Been there. Been there.

iON 28:48
He don’t care. Yeah, he wouldn’t care. You know, you can’t punish him with that because he’s like," I don’t want some, I’m good. Thank you. I’m good. Yeah, yeah, yeah.". But now, the good news is is that’s an example. That’s an example of how his meatsack body is responding to the new alchemy. The new alchemy. It’s starting that process. Now, we didn’t say it was perfected yet. And don’t get him grumpy, don’t get hangry. You know, when he’s hangry –

Carolyn 29:16
Eh, heh-heh-heh.

iON 29:16
– you know want that is. He’ll get all angry, aggravated, ’cause he’s being sharp for no reason, he’s just be low. So, that’s understandable. But the balance then becomes is how to increase the veracity. And that’s what the next thing that’s gonna start happening with the meatsack with the Ascending ones. That’s what Bert’s havin’ trouble with now; he can’t get used to it. It’s a little odd for him. He’s another one that’s right on the money as far as where you’re supposed to be.

Carolyn 29:44
But increasing the veracity, where, how does that word play?

iON 29:50
Yeah, the veracity of being able to actuate Ascended cells as opposed to Little Man cells. So, I have to have dessert. I have to have meat. I have to have three meals. I have to have three hots and a cot. I have to have sleep. I have to have water. I have to have juice. I have to have fill-in-the-blank. You don’t have to have any of that. None of that’s necessary really at all. What has to happen is that your cells have to be able to respond. And whatever input it takes for those to respond at that strata or level is the new alchemy. Now, in Nostradamus, they go through those details pretty clearly, and he actually lays it out for Catherine D’Medici, but that’s neither here nor there. We touched on it also when we were playing with the Emerald Tablets, but see, that was such a flip flop thing, nobody ever got anything out of it. The words are there though. You may wanna pick, you wanna pick through ’em, they’re there, it’s no problem. But the thing of it is, is we’re not tryin’ to make you become angelic. We’re tryin’ to make you think the way the angels see you. If we could let you know how the angels see you, all this would be a dim and faint memory because you wouldn’t have to deal with it anymore.

Carolyn 31:08
Ahh. Yeah.

iON 31:09
See, that’s why they have a little bit of the advantage over many. They don’t have an advantage over you, they’re scared shitless of you. They’re scared to death. [Carolyn chuckles] They are mortally afeared of you because you’ve been so simple, and you’ve been so soft, and you’ve been so easy, and you haven’t taken any prisoners, and you’re not been tryin’ to take, tryin’ to kill nobody. [ding sound] You’re not tryin’ to undo anything. That was your email. That was your email. That "ding" was your email.

Carolyn 31:41
I heard it. Yeah. It wasn’t somebody coming — going out. Oh, my gosh.

iON 31:45
Correct. That is correct. That is correct.

Carolyn 31:49
I’m quitting my email.

iON 31:50
No, no, you don’t have to, it’s okay. Don’t have to do that. You don’t have to honey, things happen. That’s not a problem. We’re just making sure it’s clear ’cause Bob should have gotten the email saying that it was secure before, but they did break in. They did break in last time.

Carolyn 32:05

iON 32:05
They probably won’t be, they probably won’t be doin’ that again. We’ll just see how that goes. It’s kinda fun. Kinda fun after a little bit.

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