Payday, Partial Transcript, 22 October 2020


Transcribed by Nan

Michael 1:48
So, iON, who or what is the architect of Ascension?

iON 1:55

Michael 1:55
Right. I guess I knew that, but I thought I’d ask anyway.

iON 2:04
Well, you said, you said you were asking stupid ques… no, easy questions. [laughs]

Michael 2:09
[laughs] Yeah, easy questions. Well, you know, easy and stupid can be explained.

iON 2:17
Well, the good news is there are cures for imbecility. You can, you can overcome it if you want to.

Michael 2:24
ReMag will help. ReMag will help.

iON 2:26
Yeah. It couldn’t hurt. It couldn’t hurt. Like chicken soup. It’s like chicken soup, it couldn’t hurt.

Michael 2:33
What are some of the experiential characteristics that indicate that Ascension has been successfully activated?

iON 2:41
You can raise people from the dead; your will, the winds and the waves obey your will; you can make people fall over dead with a look; you can call all of nature and earth to beckon to your beck and call; you can make things — you know what forcing a boom is?

Michael 3:05
In relation to a flower?

iON 3:07
Yeah, forcing a bloom, like a tree.

Michael 3:10
Yes, yes.

iON 3:11
Okay, there’s a way you can force it to bloom. Well, that’s what God can do too.

Michael 3:16

iON 3:18
It can curse a fig bush, and it will wither. You can bless a fig bush, and it will blossom.

Michael 3:28
Wow. And, um…

iON 3:34
Telltale signs. That’s what we — that was Bob’s catchline when somebody said, "I’m Ascended." He goes, "Oh, yeah, buddy? How many people you raise from the dead this week? Alright, come back and see me, come back and see me when you know some’um. When you know some’um."

Michael 3:49
Yeah. So, and what is the biggest misconception we have about Ascension, iON?

iON 3:57
The way Bob says, "buddy." Bob says it real funny. That’s the biggest misconception of all. Buddy. You gotta say it, "Hey there, buddy." The way he says buddy, it’s just cute as a, it’s cute as a bug.

Michael 4:09
Is there a correlation between the Ascension process and Bob’s Tiny Note Chart?

iON 4:18
Tiny Note Chart? Does Bob have a Chart? Get the hell out of town. No, you can’t do that ’cause this is gonna — you’re gonna get into the private session, and Bob will get mad as fire.

Michael 4:29
Okay. Okay.

iON 4:29
But you’re actually doing really good that you would actually bring it up. Now, what did you want to know about Holeopathic Television and the Satellite?

Michael 4:29
What did I want to know about that?

iON 4:35
Ah-huh, you said you wanted us to [indistinct] Chart.

Michael 4:43
Well, okay, may… Well, well, maybe that relates to the next question I have. Let me ask the next question first.

iON 4:52

Michael 4:52
Are the five quadrants of Bob’s Tiny Note Chart aligned to the five modes of the pentatonic scale?

iON 5:01
Yes, and Holeopathic Satellite (squared), all the way up to the Anthropomorphic Physical, but you’ve got to be careful because you’ll get lost in there. The Close Encounters will fuck you up and you’ll get lost in the, in the quarktune cubed if you’re not careful. Or you’ll end up with the Hib like Magic Johnson. You gotta be careful.

Michael 5:25
Alright. Well, that’s interesting. We were wondering about…

iON 5:30
FIGURE, GROUND in a pentad.

Michael 5:30
We were wondering about that on the last Tailgate whether that was connected.

iON 5:42
Mm-hm. We know.

Michael 5:46
A personal question: has ReMag successfully cleaned up my angel blood yet?

Bob 5:51
Blood what?

Michael 5:56
You once, you once made a statement that I had angel blood and that ReMag would assist me to clean it out. So, I’m wondering…

iON 6:07
It’s doing a great job –

Michael 6:10
That’s good.

iON 6:10
– and you got a long way to go there, buddy. Buddy.

Michael 6:14
Okay. Do I need to up, increase my dosage then, or just keep it?

iON 6:18
Well, good God, you can’t — you don’t — I don’t think you can — you can’t — I don’t think you can consume anymore. You’re gonna sue Carolyn for magnesium poisoning. [Michael laughs] You’re gonna sue her for magnesium poisoning. That’s it. [chuckles]

Michael 6:33
Alright. Alright.

iON 6:35
No, you need to spread it out. You can take a dot more. We would never tell you to take less.

Michael 6:41

iON 6:41
Carolyn would say if you got the scours or some’um, cut back a little bit. We don’t — you’re burning enough magnesium that you, you’re not gonna have that as a position. So, we say if you’re gonna add it, but then spread it out a little bit more so you have a more fresh hit more often.

Michael 6:59
Okay. All right.

iON 7:00
‘Cause see, JW shoots his. He doesn’t, he can’t sit around and drink all day. He’s got things to do. He can’t sit around and be sippin’, sipping cocktail toddies all day long. If he’s gonna do it, go. Let’s go. Boom. But she says it’s better to do it the other way. So, do what she says not JW does.

Michael 7:19
Yeah, I follow Carolyn’s and just do it all through the day.

iON 7:24
Yeah, but if you’re gonna do a little bit more, and then and a little longer, like more through the day.

Michael 7:31

iON 7:31
And it may help. It may help you. Well, you should notice the difference.

Michael 7:36

iON 7:36
I mean, your body’s already better ’cause you — we’re surprised you’re alive. [laughs]

Michael 7:44
I have died a few times.

iON 7:47
You shocked the, you shocked the shit out of us. We didn’t think you had a, you had a prayer in heaven. So, you’re doing pretty good there, buddy. [chuckles]

Michael 7:53
Thank you, iON. I’m feeling pretty good too I must say.

iON 7:58
Yeah, that’s good. You got rid of some of those, you got rid of some of those bad examples that you were holding up so close to you. [laughs]

Michael 8:06
Yeah. Thanks for the assistance with that. I would say thank you for all this, and encouragement, and all of that stuff.

Bob 8:15
Hey, Michael, Leon posted that God is the eighth body; I guess that’s what iON once said. You might want to check with that.

Michael 8:23
God is the eighth body?

Bob 8:28

Michael 8:28
Could you say more about that, iON?

iON 8:31
Yeah, it’s in Bob’s Chart. The Third Kind. "Close Encounters of the Third Kind."

Michael 8:44
All right.

iON 8:46
It’s in Bob’s Chart and it’s in the thunders. And it’s what you get done with after the, after the Ascension. After the marriage supper of the Lamb. We did this little thing called the Revelation Revealed.

Michael 9:02
Yes, yes.

iON 9:02
Bob, what you… see if you can’t make that available to somebody. [Michael laughs] You hide all the good stuff for yourself. He’s just selfish. He’s just selfish. That’s Bob, he’s just selfish. He’s gonna keep everything for himself. He goes to all the trouble to kill a very nice somebody and then he won’t get rid of the body, piling up in the damn library. It’s just crazy. Just crazy. Why would you save a dead body? It’s like saving garbage. We get rid of garbage, don’t save it. But not our Bob. He’s gonna save it for the bank of memories.

Bob 9:34
It’s book collections of individual authors I have for dead bodies. And it is a nice metaphor. Yeah.

iON 9:40
Well, well, well. That’s your… Hey y’all, that’s Bob’s story, so Bob can say… Bob will say anything he wants to. Let’s go with that. Yeah! That’s the, that’s the ticket, Bob. That’s the ticket.

Michael 9:45
It’s a metaphor, that’s what that is. [chuckles]

iON 9:55
Carolyn just loves metaphors. They’re her favorite! She can’t go a day without one of our delicious, insightful, ever-illumination metaphor.

Bob 10:05
She’s not interested in metaphors. She’s not a humanist, she’s an engineer.

Michael 10:11

iON 10:11
Okay. Classically trained. Dalhousie’s brightest.

Bob 10:15
Classically trained.

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