Transcribed by Nan
Bob 2:00:54
Right. Okay. That was an excellent news update. So, here’s some sidebars about that. I saw today that Sidney Powell’s saying, look, they’re gonna rig the election. Now, she’s aware of what you said, and she can’t say that, so she’s doing one step back: watch how they rig the election. What is her agenda? Or is she not knowing what you said?
iON 2:00:54
She’s becoming — no, no, no, no, no. She’s trying to say be aware. Like, she’s saying, don’t let your guard down.
Bob 2:00:54
iON 2:01:08
She said just ’cause we’re gonna win everything doesn’t mean you’ve won. Just ’cause we’re gonna win everything doesn’t mean you’re gonna win. You’ve got to come to a position where you realize what’s going on. And what’s going on is is you have an unequal system. She didn’t say it’s gonna be rigged. She said you have a not-equal playing field. It’s not an open election where you just cast your vote and that’s how it’s decided, you see.
Bob 2:01:55
Right. And she’s correct on that.
iON 2:01:58
Yeah, what she’s saying, be aware. And then when you’re aware, then you’re gonna notice and you’re gonna see and you’re gonna say wait. And then it’s gonna — that’s the whole point of this "maybe," "maybe not" having an election. Because now what’s gonna happen is if the Republicans gonna win everything hands down, the Democrats are gonna say, "There’s no goddamn way that many Republicans won everything. [Bob chuckles] That’s ridiculous, I’m calling Antifa, I’m calling niggers, Niggers for Jesus. I’m calling Niggers for Jesus, and I’m gonna put them in the streets and I’m gonna burn your black businesses down! That’s what I’m gonna do. We’re not gonna have this. You don’t think you run — you don’t run this, you don’t run nothin’! You don’t run nothin’. [Bob laughs] We’ll show you how this goes." And everybody’s gonna be scared to death, cowering in their houses while they call the National Guard. The National Guard.
Bob 2:02:46
Okay, so then the Republican — the Trump people, the people behind Trump who know that Trump will win, they’re gonna encourage people not to have the elections ’cause the Democrats will do what you just said. They’ll bypass that so…
iON 2:03:01
We don’t know. There’s some steps that are gonna have — there’s some steps. We’re gonna be real careful now ’cause we don’t get you in trouble, Bob. But there’s some steps that’s gonna happen. That’s the reason we keep being — we’re a bit incredulous regarding whether there is gonna be a midterm or not. It could be.
Bob 2:03:02
iON 2:03:14
It could be. That’s the difference between 88 days and 82 days. We’re gonna have to see. We just gonna see. Gonna have to see what we see. What we see. So, just so everybody’s aware. Now, everybody’s got good information, meaning they got the do’s and the don’ts, okay? Don’t go rioting, regardless.
Bob 2:03:37
Yeah. Yeah.
iON 2:03:37
Lay back. You got your — if you don’t have food and water and your staples in place, gas in the gas grill to cook on, a generator arena to be able to charge your shit up or some’um, some’um, some’um. If you don’t have that by now, don’t worry about it. Just go to the local public house and get you some ale, some Guinness stout, and drink yourself to death; that’s what you need to do. That’s what, that’s probably the only thing that’s gonna help you anyway. [Bob chuckles] Just go and kill yourself. Oh, but there’s — we got rainbow fentanyl, Bob. We got rainbow fentanyl so these people who are havin’ a hard time, they don’t like it, the rate is 50 times stronger than fentanyl. It’s called rainbow fentanyl. Ooh, it’s a delight. Two grains of fentanyl will kill ya. This stuff will make you, make you, make your TT fall off. It’s gonna be the best ever. [Bob chuckles] People are lined up. They’re paying chances on it right now.
Bob 2:04:32
Yeah. Listen to this. Yeah. What Kroker used to say back in 80s, social space, public space is gone. That’s what Trump’s saying. There’s no social space, public space or any representative institutions to respond to that space is gone. So, you don’t need to run out there ’cause there’s nothing out there, and you don’t communicate anything, and you just actually run into the bullets and you’re gone. So, stay home. That’s the new syllabus.
iON 2:04:54
How many people, how many people… Okay, let’s ask it this way. How many people do you know personally that you can call on the phone and talk to besides us that aren’t on Facebook? How many people?
Bob 2:05:10
I don’t — Dave Newfeld is not on Facebook.
iON 2:05:14
Okay. Okay, that’s one out of — you know several people. You know several people.
Bob 2:05:19
iON 2:05:19
And even if they have, like, quiet accounts or they have a thing, the secret thing where they can go in and look to see who’s got what and how much, how much their bidet cost, and how big their "Crimma" tree is, and all that kind of bullshit stuff. They know how many lovers they got lined up in their little, little cubby there, that’s goin’ on around there. They look for that kind of stuff, but past that, most everybody’s in that media world at some level or tier. And that’s what’s not talkin’ anymore.
Bob 2:05:50
The Chip Body.
iON 2:05:51
The Chip Body, that’s what you’re talkin’ about. And it has no stay. The Chip Body now has no stay.
Bob 2:05:57
Yeah. Yeah, that’s what, that’s what took over the social space for a while now. That’s gone. The Chip Body space is gone.
iON 2:06:06
Correct. And so now what’s exposed is now they have all your information. But see, it’s too late now ’cause they have all your information. They know who you are. They know where you’re coming from. They know where you came from. They know where you’re going. They know what you like, they know what you don’t like. They know what kind of wine you buy; they know where you buy it; they know how you pay for it. They know how it goes. They know how much sugar you take. They know about everything about your medical field. They know everything about you inside and out. They got you. Ain’t nothin’ you can do that they don’t know. "They," we don’t know who the superfluous "they" is, but the Big Brothers know. Big Brother knows, and they got you. They got you.
Bob 2:06:41
It’s the Tech Body. Listen to this. Right. You took, you took advantage of the chip space, the chip landscape, cyberspace, –
iON 2:06:42
Bob 2:06:42
– and no one was runnin’ — humans couldn’t put their religious rules on it, so you came in and merged with the physical.
iON 2:06:45
Bob 2:06:45
Well, now you have the end of the Chip Body space that you took advantage of, and the Tech Body is taking advantage of that empty dead zone. Right? So, that’s why the Tech Body took over.
iON 2:07:05
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And you know what we say now? You know what we say now to all those people that gave it up, them high school girls that gave it up for us, Bob? Here’s that song we’re gonna sing for them. [singing] We don’t care if it rains or freezes as long as y’all got your plastic Jesus sittin’ on the dashboard of your car. [laughs] You gave up, you gave up your idol, and your idol served you well. You gave up your idol, the idol served you well.
Bob 2:07:38
Yeah. And they gave up the old plastic Jesus and adopted the new Chip Body idol. Is that what you’re saying?
iON 2:07:46
Yeah. Mm-hm.
Bob 2:07:46
And then that, then that did them in, and now the Tech Body is singing that.
iON 2:07:50
No. Okay, no, let’s say this. Let’s stay fair, let’s stay fair. Not necessarily did them in. Where you gonna go? Whatcha gonna do? Where you gonna go? Whatcha gonna do? Where you gonna go? Well, I’m gonna go… Where? Where you gonna go? Okay. And then when you get there, whatcha gonna do? [Bob chuckles] Ah, ah, ah, ah. I can’t answer the question because it’s like, u-oh. Well, I’m gonna go to the bunker. I’m gonna have provisions and I’m gonna be okay till the thing passes. Okay, so where are you gonna go? I’m gonna go the bunker. Whatcha gonna do? I’m gonna be provided for. Gonna be okay till the storm passes over just like Vestal Goodman told you. Till the storm passes over.
Bob 2:08:33
Right. And you say the storm will pass over?
iON 2:08:36
It will. It certainly will. And they will pass, darlin’, they will pass.
Bob 2:08:40
Okay. So…
iON 2:08:41
If you can make it. It’s in the time of trouble that you need sustaining. It’s not, it’s not the God of the mountain that you’re worried about, it’s in the bowels of the valley. When they kill a fuckin’ niggar for nothin’, that’s what you need to be worried about. So, you got to live long enough to complain about your condition. And right now, sedition is the least of your worries at this stage of the game. Just sayin’.
Bob 2:09:05
Okay. As the chip landscape opened up for iON to come in, and then the chip landscape disappears, creating a vacuum that allowed the Tech Body to come in, when you say Ascend, the Ascended space, Andromeda, has opened up for people. That’s the new state to go to.
iON 2:09:26
Agreed. Agreed. Well, now, now, no, no, to be fair, we would say it’s a forced condition ’cause some people are scared, Bob. We’re not mad. We’re not cross. We don’t — well, we almost don’t care anymore we’re just sayin’, but that’s not the point. The point is, is that we want every — we see everyone as Ascended. We already see them as Ascended. But now what’s happening is they keep uppin’ the ante. Uppin’ the ante. Uppin’ the ante until they can’t afford to bet no more. I’m gonna hedge my bet. I’m gonna hedge my bet. I’m gonna hedge my bet. I can’t hedge my bet anymore. But when you get to that, when you run out, if you can’t double down for less, then you can’t double down, then you’re out. And you’re gonna have to Ascend. There’s no other choice. There’s no other choice. It’s the only game goin’.
Bob 2:10:15
And that space is open for one to Ascend into.
iON 2:10:17
Yeah. And we call it, we would say it’s a forced Ascension. So, we would say, the blessing… Now, Scott, whatever his — goober, Pentuin, whatever fuck he is. He said that we’re a devil, and we’re this, and we’re gonna destroy the world, and we’re this. We are gonna destroy the human race ’cause it’s doomed anyway. We are, that’s fine. It’s doomed anyway, so it’s goin’ down one way or the other. We’re just tryin’ to say here’s the lifeboat. Here’s the lighthouse. That’s the light from the lighthouse, shine on me. Here you go. This way, this way, this way, this way, this way. Not everybody drowned on the Titanic, just sayin’; not everybody did. A lot of them did, but not everybody. So, the point now becomes you got to find a way to embrace this condition — however carnal — into a place where you can make it into a supernal condition that will allow that power to flow, course through your meatsack body. Now, we’ve given all the bill of particulars and the details, and we’ve even given the goddamn anatomy of what you fuckin’ look like when you Ascend. Alright, if you need some more bill of particulars, we’ll draw you a picture or make a machine. You can go to Emory University to see how your Ascension is goin’ if you want to, but that ain’t the way you’re gonna want it this now. I’m just sayin’ now. You do it anyway you want to, but that ain’t what you gonna want. Then you’re gonna come right back into a place where you have the ability and the capacity to come into your place of power, and you can feel the coursing power of God in your own meatsack body! Then you can go home to rule and reign with Bob, forever. That’s a long time.
Bob 2:11:40
Right. So, the… Yeah. So, the forced Ascension is due to a larger environment, but maybe Gods aren’t subsumed by it. But for Little Man…
iON 2:12:11
Well, the fat, lady, the fat lady’s on the stage, Bob. It’s time for the aria. The show’s over. It’s over.
Bob 2:12:17
Yeah, but what the fat lady, what the fat lady is, is the poles flipping, –
iON 2:12:21
Bob 2:12:21
– and the changes in the structure of the solar system, so to speak. That’s what’s forcing the Ascension, and that’s come. And so then we don’t care about…
iON 2:12:30
Bert would say, Bert would say, Bert would say that’s when we first saw Nibiru. Nibiru. And he’d be right. That’s what Bert would say, but don’t let us quote Bert.
Bob 2:12:33
Yeah, when we saw that a few decades ago, that was the sign the poles were flipping. Okay.
iON 2:12:47
Bob 2:12:47
So, so, the, the other aspect is, you’re saying being a human is inappropriate. You’re not interested in saving the human form.
iON 2:12:57
Oh, no.
Bob 2:12:57
I was speculating this. Let me say this. I was speculating this the other day. Do you have to save at least a couple of the human form to keep Ascended beings going? Do they need a bit of it?
iON 2:13:01
What’s the first words? What’s the first words? A couple? What do you mean? What are you saying, couple? We don’t know your words.
Bob 2:13:17
I didn’t say couple. I meant to say the human form is inappropriate, you say.
iON 2:13:24
Yes, I agree.
Bob 2:13:25
So, you have a bit, you have a bit of compassion. Is it because it’s necessary to save a bit of the fallen form — 20 people get on the craft to go to Andromeda to move into an Ascended state, you need a few humans in that transition to the Ascended state?
iON 2:13:47
No. No.
Bob 2:13:47
No, don’t need humans.
iON 2:13:48
No. The humans become… The humans in the human form become cockroaches.
Bob 2:13:53
Right. So, you’re…
iON 2:13:56
You’re, you’re a substrata. You’re a substrata. And we will love you. We would love, love, love, love, love you, but you’re a goddamn cockroach! You’re not gonna be welcome in the house. [Bob chuckles] You’re not gonna be welcome. You scream at cockroaches, that’s what you do. When you turn a light on and you see a cockroach, you scream at it. Now, Carolyn puts them under glass. She has roaches under glass. It’s so much fun. She pets them. I don’t know how that works out, but she’s really patient with the cockroach. One cockroach in her whole life that came in [Bob chuckles] in one box from the Costco. It’s crazy. But anyway, settin’ that aside, the…
Bob 2:14:30
A human scream scares the cockroaches, and they won’t come back. Is that what you’re saying?
iON 2:14:35
Yeah. That’s right. That’s what you do to cockroaches, you scream at ’em.
Bob 2:14:38
Okay. Do many people know this? Have you heard of people –
iON 2:14:41
No. We don’t care.
Bob 2:14:41
– seen people screaming? How many people know this?
iON 2:14:42
Yeah. Of course. You turn the light on in the middle of the night and there’s cockroaches everywhere and you scream, and they scurry. They’re gone. You can’t find them for a thousand…
Bob 2:14:51
I know. So, people do scream. Some people know you can scream and they won’t come back? Okay.
iON 2:14:53
Yeah. Sure. Well, they don’t come back till the next time. So then you gotta get some "pizen" and go from there. Alright, but the whole point is that humans are not the state that’s gonna work, and we have no sympathy for the Little Man state. We’re not trying to support being human. We are against human and humanistic approaches at all levels and all fronts. Humans are doomed to die. Life for the Little Man is fatal. Do not engage the futility of living a human existence; it will end badly for you, we promise. Now, Ascension is another conversation. But don’t worry if you decide not to. We’re not gonna let you waste a single thing. All that marvelous backed up, pressed down, shaken together, overflowing power of a living God that’s coursing through your veins, if you decide not to take advantage of it, whoo, have we got an opportunity for you. We’ll scoop every little morsel of that, every drop. We’ll send it to Dobbstown USA, R.F.D. Mayberry, R.F.D. [Bob chuckles] We’ll send it where it’ll be safe in Mayberry. It’d be great. We’ll let Andy Griffith and Opie figure it all out. We’ll put it in the cell and let Opie — let Otis eat and drink his way through it or not. It would be great fun in Mayberry, but we’re not gonna waste any of that power. Every drop of it we got. If you don’t want to Ascend, we understand. We understand. We got it. We’re not gonna waste one drop of it though ’cause power is power; it doesn’t go away. You got it? Power is power, it doesn’t go away.
Bob 2:15:10
To get on Bob’s rocketship do you have to Ascend or be pretty close to it?
iON 2:16:26
No, you most certainly will. No, you most certainly will, or you won’t ride with Bob. Bob does not like large people. Bob does not like smelly people. Bob does not like people who are not groomed. Bob does not have any patience with people who are not very careful groomers. That means comb your hair, brush your teeth, clean your ears, nothing hanging off the body in any level or degree.
Bob 2:17:12
Wipe your ass. Wipe your ass completely.
iON 2:17:14
Wipe your ass. I should not smell your ass when you walk into a room. [Bob chuckles] There should be no, there should be no tuna factories if you have a vagina. There should be no tuna smells in the room when they put the heated seat on in the car. If it smells like a tuna refinery, that’s not gonna work. You know, get yourself together; look as good as you can. But just do the best you can. Now, not everybody’s beautiful, but you can look — you can comb your hair. You can comb yourself up. You know, shave under your arms, clean yourself up at least ’cause, you know, ’cause there won’t be anything stinkin’ around Bob, promise. Ask Carolyn, she’s, she’s good at this. Nothin’ stinkin’.
Bob 2:17:54
Yeah. So, the next point I was gonna make was the…
iON 2:17:59
That was pretty fun. Did we hurt anybody’s feelings there, Bob? You think we hurt their feelings?
Bob 2:18:03
No. No.
iON 2:18:04
Maybe not. We might have. It’s the case. It’s the case! I mean, I don’t know what you wanna call it after that, but mercy. Your rules. Bob rules. Lockdown Bobrule. If you ain’t figured that out by now, you’re on the wrong program anyway. [laughs]
Bob 2:18:20
All right. So, the…
iON 2:18:21
Ivan Stang, it took him forty years to figure it out, but even Ivan Stang has figured it out now; it’s Lockdown Bobrule.
Bob 2:18:29
Yeah, like you’re saying if you don’t know that, you’re on the wrong program.
iON 2:18:33