Meanwhile, Jack Sarfatti wrote:
>NO! That is nonsensical. Ill-posed. The ‘Self is Q*<>M. The Conscious Self is generated by matter touching mind back! The "Self" is the strange loop!
>CAMERA as symbol for Level I M-physics
>HOLOGRAM as symbol for Level II Q>M-physics
>? as symbol for Level III Q*<->M-physics?
>? – Maurice Escher’s hands writing themseives
I would like to suggest the following:
The MENIPPEAN HOLEOPATHIC RETRIEVAL (see the details, charts and mathematics in my paper “Up the Orphic Anti” as symbol for Level III Q*<->M-physics.
However, I am presently working on Level IV where I AM THE ANDROID MEME’S XENOCHRONY. This would look like:
(M~:L as K:T)B = A(Q*<->М)
M~ = live television environment
L = newspaper/radio environments
K = satellite environment
T – computer environment
B – flesh with extra-sensory perception (or paranormal experiences) after 30 years of drinking D-Cell water
A = Teslaic holeopathic cliche’-probes (see my paper “Silencing the Virtually Solar Theater” and accompanying chart 1 and chart 2.
Q* = quadrophrenia (see note below which was my first message to you on May 22/99 before I knew anything about your life and ideas)
M = Level 1 physics
Kudos to you for the time you took to attend to this note.
Bob Dobbs
Reminding us of the unacknowledged discoveries and contributions to physics by the philologists Giambattista Vico and James Joyce, in the post-quantum, post-wavicle multiverse, matter assumes the guise of quadrophrenia in an attempt to contain art (technology).
“Quadrophrenia” is the replay of Joyce’s Finneganese (parsing quarks) by anthropomorphic flesh via connecting (enhancing), disconnecting (obsolescing), reconnecting (retrieving), and disappearing (flipping and reversing) in increasingly tinier intervals of time and space.
Ontologically, its fractal subjectivity is constituted of one-fifth neuron, one-fifth chip, one-fifth astral body, one-fifth tv screen, and one-fifth archetype.
Epistemologically, quadrophrenia is constituted of one-fifth NASA, one-fifth CIA, one-fifth X-filing, one-fifth human scale, and one-fifth genetic engineer.
Under these conditions, mathematics succumbs in spite of Einstein’s attempt to archetypalize the iconic/tactile/sculptural qualities of number (E=MC2). Vico understood the ESP characteristics of language, and Joyce extended this discovery to electronics.
In the Fifties and Sixties, the MKULTRA boys tried to apply Joyce’s breakthrough but were handicapped by their anthropomorphic perspective. As technology acquired consciousness in the Seventies and Eighties it took over the MKULTRA role of programming the Global Theater and its actors.
Technology as form/container died by 1990, but successfully reincarnated as the Android Meme. However, the software machine (the Android Meme) rebuts by mirroring Haeckel’s Law in the form of imitating the processes of human cognition and creation—that is, philogeny recapitulates ontogeny. It retrieves this coherence and stability by using Tesla’s weaponry.
As for Jeremy Horne’s insights, they are a holeopathic (hologram plus homeopathy) retrieval of the computer (William Irwin Thompson and Krishnamurti—1967-1972) phase as shown on my “Silencing the Virtually Solar Theater” chart at my TIMELINE.
Helpful links today, Bob. In this clipping, what is the "lesia weaponry" you mention at the end referring to? Is this a typo of "Tesiaic holeopathic cliche'-probes", or just meant to be the suffix "-esia", or something else?
Typos – see the corrections.
In response to your future statements or questions, any more information from me will come only by telephone or Skype.