Bob’s Private Session, Partial Transcript, 19 September 2019

– How to ascend
– Name of the White Stone
– Gut is the key to ascension, that’s why people have problems with their guts now.
– Gods act more aristocratic.

How to ascend

BOB | 02:27
How are they going to ascend? How do you ascend?

iON | 02:28
Oh. That’s easy. You’ve done the best parts of it. You engage. You find out the information. You’re not lost. You’re not insipid. You engage. You have questions regarding your condition and then the bigger condition. Then you engage the products, which means the products that allow you to have a body experience, okay, from a conditioning standpoint. You don’t have to have the products to ascend. But it’s like the Emmaus Road and the Damascus Road. The one’s a white knuckle flight. You really don’t want the Damascus Road. You could go blind. That’s pretty easy. That’s what happened to Paul.

Okay. So then the next phase that you do is you bring living water and bread of life. But your bread of life is not on the way yet, but it will be. There’s a mailing snafu, but it’s coming. So just be patient. Don’t scream at JW. He’s trying to do what he can do to get it to you, but it’s not quite on the way yet. So hold tight. So bread of water and bread of living water, as you used to call it. And now you’re starting with the water, and you should start seeing a huge change in your skin, your pigmentation, and all these things that you drive. Now, Carolyn naturally does this just with the applying of where she is and what she’s going to allow in a control standpoint. But it’s going to even wipe that down to make that even less, meaning it’ll be simple. It’ll just flow. Your body will just naturally…

BOB | 03:59

What does Carolyn do naturally?

iON | 04:01
Oh, she makes an isolated position and she doesn’t allow bad thoughts or wrong words or inappropriate anything. She doesn’t allow it in her environ. She doesn’t want sugar in her house because it could get in something that she would consume. And rather than make a mistake, she just doesn’t have no sugar in it at all.

Name of the White Stone

BOB | 04:25
Right. Now, Carolyn named the White Stone. We decided both names, Insulinose and Cellionose, were her name for White Stone, or is one more the name than the other?

iON | 04:38
One is for everybody, and one is for the better, the higher.

BOB | 04:43
Oh, and so the one for the higher is Cellionose?

iON | 04:47

BOB | 04:47
We didn’t know that, Carolyn. So Insulinose is discussed with Bert on the show. We use the word Insulinose, and that’s… the name, the new thing that Carolyn named, but the more elite name is Cellionose. Did you know that, Carolyn? I don’t think we knew that.

Gut is the key to ascension, that’s why people have problems with their guts.

BOB | 05:08
All right, since you’re having a pause here, why is J.W. so hungry? You told me yesterday.

iON | 05:14
He’s voracious. His body is responding. And he’s not eating that much, but he’s just hungry. He’s never been really hungry. I mean, he eats, you know, but it’s like, okay, it’s time for dinner. Okay, eat. But he can go and not, he’s like you, Bob. He can go and not eat at all. That’s great. But the food has been very delicious to him. And so… He’s engaging, but his body’s shifting. It’s catching up.

BOB | 05:35
From the water. From the living–

iON | 05:36
From it all. Yes, from it all. Because he has the propensity. He kind of gets to it. And it’s actually, his body is responding. But what’s happening is it’s hitting all the little fine points. It’s like not the big muscles. It’s the little tiny tendons.

BOB | 05:55
And that gets translated into hunger.

iON | 05:58
Yes. Yeah, because his body’s processing, so he’s like, hey, let’s go, hey, let’s go, hey, let’s go.

Here’s what’s going on, Carolyn. These new words are words you had all along, darling. It goes back to burning in the belly. You’ve heard that to your blue in the damn face. Now burning in the belly is starting to mean something. That gut is the key to ascension. Uh-oh, did we say something? Say something. The gut is what it’s about because that’s where all the trouble is.

It’s in the gut.

The burning in the belly is what’s going to have to make this live. Now, you can’t get the least of the kingdom with the dying of the damn GERDs and all this bullshit and think they’re going to ascend. They have to come to some level or place where you’ve got a marker you can get to.

Gods act more aristocratic

Yes, you can take Lazarus out of the grave and prop him back up, but that’s not the point. Get a good strapping one and ascend those. Send some Berts. It’s going to be great. Because they have to have the tactile, visceral ability and capacity to stay in their meat sack body. And the ones that are able to manage that are much more qualified to be in the higher levels of the aristocracy.

Now, we haven’t been talking like this. We haven’t been talking like this on purpose. But now it’s the point. This is the way gods do. It’s the point.

God’s act different than little men, and they act more aristocratic, potentially.

CAROLYN | 07:29
Yes. I brought up, Bob, that I had more words, but I wanted to sift through them to ask them properly. I mean, some of these words are from years ago. And then I jumped into, “well, you’re getting to the place where the words now mean something,” and then you jump to burning in the belly. We talked about those words years ago, but now… The gut is the means to ascension. That’s why all the people have problems with their guts now. But you have to see–

iON | 08:01
It’s going to get worse. It’s going to get worse beyond words. So you better be a belly doctor. And you’re going to be real good. But you are anyway when it comes along. They can’t stop coming up with these new things. It won’t be interesting to you. And it is. But it’s good because you’re smart with it so you know. You see. I mean, it’s kind of like, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know, I know, and I can help you. That’s good, but we’re just giving you a heads up. Don’t be taken aback when you find that everything comes back to the gut.

CAROLYN | 08:32
iON | 08:33
Why does no one talk about gallbladders? Why does no one talk about gallbladders anymore? They don’t really take them out.

CAROLYN | 08:38
No one talks about any of the basics anymore. It’s all just jumped right into total body meltdown. There’s no nothing.

iON | 08:47
You’re dead, and we got the autopsy to prove it. That’s right. You’re alive, but you’re going to be dead in 35 minutes.

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