Bob’s Private Session Partial Transcript 1, 12 January 2023


Transcribed by Nan

Bob 1:41
So, the roosters, how are they involved? Are they a sign of anything? How did you make the rooster quiet?

iON 1:52
Well, we did not have to do that. The aliens are navigating this portion of the program ’cause they’re desperately… Now, you’ve been fussing about this for a little bit of a moment, but they’re becoming desperate ’cause now they’ve run out of gas. Now they’re, they’re, they’re in a, they’re in trouble. They’re in trouble now. That’s what’s causing…

Bob 2:14
In the way. How are they in trouble?

iON 2:17
The Euphrates is almost dry.

Bob 2:20

iON 2:21
Well, you say yeah, but when those four angels are released, they not gonna have a say. It’s gonna get nasty.

Bob 2:28
Well, is the Tech Body weak compared to those Euphrates angels?

iON 2:37
Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay. Marshall McLuhan would not let you get away with being sloppy. That’s not the correct word. Choose another word rather than weak. ‘Cause it’s not about powerful or strong or not strong or a weakling. That’s not the way to say it. They’re driving different forces. You see? It’s like a difference between a rainstorm causin’ a flood at your house, and a bulldozer pushing your house down. They’re two different things. They’re two different forces of power that would push against a reality that you may or may not be subdued by. So, you can’t use weak.

Bob 3:16
The two realities have their own autonomy and –

iON 3:19
Revelation 6.

Bob 3:19
– they don’t affect… Listen. They have their own autonomy, so they don’t affect each other.

iON 3:24
Agreed. Agreed.

Bob 3:28
Whatever the Tech Body can do is something the Tech Body can do that the angels can’t do, and vice versa. The angels can do stuff the Tech Body can’t do. So, they’re two separate situations.

iON 3:39
Okay, those are good words, but we need to clean that. Can we clean up one little thing though? We wanna clean up ’cause there’s words, so we wanna clean it up. Okay, here’s what’s goin’ down. What’s happening is there’s individuals like in a ridiculous, inappropriate in every way, Elon Musk, who runs around who thinks his shit don’t stink, but he doesn’t even defecate. Bless his heart. It’s like Dean Koontz in a very bad novel with his diamond defecating spiders runnin’ around and tryin’ to make the magic of the world go around. It’s nothin’ magic about it. It’s setting you up into a position where you can actually have access to these Starlink, to this connectability, to the flipping of the poles to set this whole thing up. He’s gonna try to take credit for the whole damn thing, and we don’t care. Bless your heart. They will put him in effigy on an old rugged cross. Calvary is right down the road for that little boy. He’s comin’, don’t worry. That’s all right. Let him do what he’s gonna do. He’s using anything and everything to bring himself to a higher volition. Now that, you’re already at the higher volition. He’s tryin’ to prove a point. You’re tryin’ to make the point. That’s the difference. He’s tryin’ to prove a point. You’re tryin’ to make a point. You want everybody to bow to you. And we get that, and they are, but you don’t have to prove the point that they have to. You’re not gonna make ’em do it with the sword in your hand ’cause you don’t have to. He will.

Bob 4:58
Okay, so what… How’s that affect the news today?

iON 5:04
Okay. Perfect. That’s a good thing. That’s a good thing. Now, once again, once again, the worm has turned. Okay now, we’re not gonna bring up Thompson. Well, no, wait. Goddamn, we just did, we brought up Thompson. So, now I guess we gotta talk about Thompson. So, here we go. The Thompson quadrant has now been mirrored back unto itself. The thing about Thompson, William Irwin Thompson, is that he can never complete the conversation; it always doubles back. Now, this is what Carolyn was talkin’ about earlier, which you can still play. Carolyn was talkin’ about earlier of the double back. It’s a double entendre. You see, if you’re gonna have this, if it’s gonna be sex talk, if it’s gonna be like Angel talk with Char, if it’s gonna be sex talk, then okay, that’s fine, we’ll draw that crowd and we’ll just do sex talk and have the LGBTQRSTXYZ come on in here and we have a big ol’ rave or somethin’. But that’s not the point. The point now becomes, you have to have some tenacity in the position. So, what’s happening now is the Thomson quadrant is being mirrored to himself, to itself. We didn’t say himself, we said itself. ‘Cause now what’s happened is 30-seconds later, Donald Trump was the hardest nother nother motherfucking son of a bitch, treasonous heretic, awfulest person in the whole wide world, and now every single goddamn thing that he’s been sayin’ all the way along, turned out to be absolutely the God’s honest truth: He did win the election. He did have all the capacity. They were going after him. They were — the Department of Justice was incentivized to destroy him at every level. And every single step of the way, everything they accused him of doing they are now being caught having done, up to and including documents in the Corvette garage in Pennsylvania — Delaware. Delaware, Joe Biden’s documents.

Bob 6:59
Whose home is the Corvette at?

iON 7:02
Joe Biden. Joseph Robinette Biden.

Bob 7:05
Okay. So, let me just — so, there’s a new headline. Now let’s just see if Drudge even acknowledges anything.

iON 7:11
Oh, my god, yes.

Carolyn 7:12
Yeah, they found more documents. More official, confidential…

iON 7:16
Besides the Penn… Beyond, beyond the Penn Biden. Penn Biden was bad enough ’cause that’s where the Chinese, that’s where the Chicoms — that’s Rush Limbaugh’s birthday — that’s… Chicoms was in that office; they paid for it. So, they had access to those documents as well. So, that’s pretty much fun.

Bob 7:16
Okay, so…

iON 7:18
And the moving company, and the moving company was lawyers. When was the last time you had a — you moved and you called the lawyers to come and move ya? [Bob chuckles] That’s an, that’s an expensive round about the mountain, isn’t it? [laughs]

Bob 7:50
Right. Now, you said Penn Biden? This is not… Penn Biden is nothing. You meant the Hunter Biden problem.

iON 7:59
No, no. Joseph Robin Biden, this has nothin’ to do with Hunter, although his driver’s license address is that address that he said he was living there while those documents were there, but that’s another sidebar.

Carolyn 8:12
Penn Biden, Bob…

Bob 8:13
Now listen.

iON 8:15
Okay. [laughs]

Bob 8:18
Whose name was on whose license, iON?

iON 8:22
Okay, you’re confusing the three conversations. The one office is Penn, P-e-n-n Biden; it’s a, it’s a business where they all had the Chinese paid for it and they all had an office. That’s where they found the first box or two or four of classified top secret information. Now, that’s a barnburner right there. And then before the day went through, they found some MORE at his house in Delaware.

Bob 8:50
Okay, as Carlson gets on there talking about this, and he says nobody’s gonna do anything about this. He’s just "off." That nobody will do anything. That Biden is protected somehow. Now iON –

iON 9:04
He’s not.

Bob 9:04
– is saying that he’s not protected anymore.

iON 9:07
No. No more, no more than everybody knew that Donald J. Trump won the election.

Bob 9:15
Well, what about that?

iON 9:15
See, this is the twist. Well, this is where… This is the twist. This is the twist. So, now what happens is he rose himself up. Just like Swalwell is no longer on the committee to run things down the thing, and it’s the same way why Mr. Schiff got throwed off of his committee. It’s the same reason Miss "Oohan" got her hooha throwed off the damn committee. I don’t know how she got on there in the first place. All these things that were ridiculous and outside the upside-down part that we lived through is now being reversed. Now the Democrats decide: "We’re gonna work with the Republicans. We’re gonna make this a Democratic Republic. Everything’s gonna be wonderful. This is gonna be great. Let’s do this thing. It’s great." That’s the rub. It’s almost like everybody said never mind. Never mind.

Bob 10:02

iON 10:02
There’s no wokeness. No woke. Woke, woke’s gone to sleep, Bob. Woke has officially gone to sleep.

Bob 10:08
Oh, okay. So, whose name is on the license?

iON 10:15
Hunter Biden’s address on his driver’s license. We can send you — we’ll drop you a copy of it. It’s the same address where they found — where the Corvette’s locked up in the garage — Top Secret for big deal Eyes Only, in the garage, in boxes in the garage. And he was listed as living there when those documents were there when Joseph Robin Biden was Vice President of the United States of fucked up America. So, he can’t have those documents at all, let alone have them where they were not in a SCIF. A SCIF.

Bob 10:55
Yeah, he wasn’t supposed to have them there.

iON 10:59

Bob 10:59
You said that the Penn Biden thing is nothing compared to something else that’s happening.

iON 11:00
Correct. That’s correct. Penn Biden is bad, really, really — that’s a company, that’s an office building at Penn State.

Bob 11:11
That’s the Penn Biden Center. It’s a think tank.

iON 11:14
Yes. That’s correct. Whatever that means. They don’t "think" very much if they were that stupid to leave stuff around. They don’t "think" much. But the other is gonna be a bigger deal. It’s gonna be a larger deal, that they’re gonna have no choice but to engage. So, basically, what’s happened is the worm has turned. Just like Trump will come back…

Bob 11:32
Okay, but I wanna… Too many pronouns. What does this mean? So, here’s the headline on Drudge: DOJ, Special Counsel to probe Biden.

iON 11:43

Bob 11:43
Was that real bad news way beyond Penn Center? Penn think tank.

iON 11:50
Yes, yes. ‘Cause now, now it’s basically it’s open. It’ll open up everything, meaning those documents, depending on what they are, will open up the capacity to say where he got, Joseph Robin Biden got money. And those documents are, or they’re stored so that the people can’t figure out his connection of how he has been introverted or compromised, or someone else to say, I’m gonna give you this money, but you’re gonna have to do what I say. Those kinds of things. And so that’s what…

Bob 12:25
You just said they won’t be able to figure out how he’s compromised, Biden.

iON 12:29
No, they will. They will be able to… It will cause the committees to search his accounts of how he affords all these houses. He’s got houses strode all over the world, and he makes a senator’s salary for 35 years. How you do that? How does that work? You can’t afford all that. So, that’s the rub.

Bob 12:36
Okay. All right. Okay. So, there’s the situation. Now, that’s part of the TV Body imagery because there’s no Biden; he was killed –

iON 12:55

Bob 12:55
– on June — summer ’21. So, what is goin’ on between the…

iON 12:58
Yeah, and he’s doin’ really bad. And he’s doin’ really bad because the way the masks are with his squinty face, if you look at those anymore, — Bert knows all about that — it’s very obvious that they’re just playing out this Name That Tune. But they’re coming back full circle because they have to create a distraction for the aliens to be successful for your being received.

Bob 13:21
So, the Pentagon, the Pentagon aliens, are serving as a distraction, –

iON 13:25

Bob 13:25
– what they create, for the Eastern Gate Bob aliens that are coming through.

iON 13:30
Correct. Correct. And we want the Eastern — now, here’s the thing. And this is where Carolyn would come into the conversation, but just to listen. This is why it’s important. When she stomps down hell hill, she’s tryin’ to draw the Eastern Gate angel angelic forces to come settle it. Okay? That’s where Christ receiveth sinful men, whatever the hell that means. We don’t even know what that means, but them some pretty words. But we don’t want the angels…

Bob 13:32
What is it? Christ? What is that? What are the words? Christ something pretty? What did you say?

iON 13:58
Christ, Christ receiveth sinful men. So that you have a chance to Ascend. So that you have a chance to get off — get on the end of the Emmaus Road. And she’s right about that, but there’s a race. If the Euphrates River goes dry and those four angels in Revelation 6 are released, it’s on. Don’t worry about it. Yeah, it’s too wet. It’s too much.

Bob 14:21
Well, does that mean, "it’s on," meaning the Eastern Gate Bob aliens got a problem if the Euphrates angels get…

iON 14:30
Potentially. Potentially. Potentially, but see, this was supposed to be already solved. The Terms of Endearment are clear. It’s very clear you win unless you wanna do this six or seven more times. Lord, we sure hope you don’t. Let’s do it this time. It’s been good. Let’s finish this and get it on home. We got to get home. This world is not your home. So, once we get that straightened out…

Bob 14:37
Yeah, okay. I got this. Yeah. Okay.

iON 14:55
But you see, there are forces on every side tryin’ to compel and uncompel, tryin’ to prove and tryin’ to disprove, tryin’ to make a point of order and tryin’ to defy a point of order. See?

Bob 15:09
Okay. What you would think are just human, that’s human activity, but the angels are like humans.

iON 15:14
Well, Kroker. It’s more like Kroker. More like Kroker.

Bob 15:14
No, it isn’t.

iON 15:15
Yes, it is.

Bob 15:17
It’s human bickering. Human bickering, and that’s always going on. And it sounds like the angels get sucked into it, and they’re bickering, too. Is that true?

iON 15:27
Yeah, I’m right because you’re wrong. I’m right because you’re wrong.

Bob 15:30
Yeah. Why are the angels drawn into that?

iON 15:32
‘Cause this is a war in heaven. This is, this is — they have everything on the line. That’s what human experience is about is to prove the end the war in heaven. They got big stakes, and this is Vegas, baby. Heh, heh, this is the Super Bowl.

Bob 15:46
So, Little Men are just puppets in the war among the aliens and Tech Body and Bob.

iON 15:55
No, we’d call it, we’d call it the Big 10. You know, like them football, college football, the Big 10 conference. There’s about 10 different segments that are fighting to be the champion. The Tech Body’s one of them.

Bob 16:07
Okay, let’s… List them off. Tech Body. Go ahead.

iON 16:11
Tech Body is one of ’em. Okay, you have the first set of angels, you named them: A1, A2, B1, B2. You have the Tech Body, which is connected maybe to those teams, like somebody could throw a name so somebody else could get ahead in the rating. So, that’s the other side. Then you have the angelic — well, no, let’s call it this way so it will make sense. You have two sets of fallen angels. We’ve listed those back in Revelations Revealed. The first set of fallen angels are the four angels that are bound under the Euphrates River that’s going dry, which is what Revelation plainly lays out. Okay? And then you have the other fallen angels that are the ones that that’s the Gilgamesh side, your buddies. The Gilgamesh side has always praised Bob overall because they know Bob sooner or later is gonna get it right, but they just don’t know when. Then you have regular Ascended Gods.

Bob 17:15
Okay, hold it. So, you have done — you laid out the four: A1, A2, B1, B2. Is that one of the 10 or four of the 10?

iON 17:23
No, no, each of 10. Four of the 10. That’s correct.

Bob 17:27

iON 17:27
Because they’re not necessarily –

Bob 17:29
And with the Tech Body that’s five.

iON 17:30
– because they’re not…

Bob 17:30
No, no, listen! We’re registering… Don’t say new stuff. We’re registering what you said. Tech Body is five. Then you went into the two sets of some kind of angels, Gilgamesh and some’um else.

iON 17:41

Bob 17:41
So, that’s six and seven.

iON 17:42
Fallen angels. The fallen. That’s right.

Bob 17:44

iON 17:44
Fallen angels.

Bob 17:45
Six and seven.

iON 17:45
And the next one, the next one would be a Little Man who’s become a God. That would be in the state of Ascension. A state of Ascension.

Bob 17:55
Right. That’s eight.

iON 17:55
We say… That’s right. Okay. Now, now, now, now you have the whole big picture. The whole big picture of this connection. This connection which interferes and effects everything, like… Um…

Bob 18:10
Wait, wait. Are you doing number nine when you say this connection?

iON 18:14
Yes. Number nine. Yes. Number nine would be what Carolyn would call Mother Earth. Mother Earth. ‘Cause the Earth is reacting and responding to all this travail. This birthing pains. It’s responding and it’s gonna take…

Bob 18:24
And that, hey, iON. And iON, that Earth is bigger than the universe. You agree?

iON 18:35
Oh, by far. Oh, by far. Oh, no question.

Bob 18:37
Right. It’s, it’s the actual center of the universe the way they used to think about it before the printing press. You know, before…

iON 18:38
Exactly! Which is the right way to think about it, by the way.

Bob 18:47
Yeah. Okay. So, that factor, this mysterious Earth, is… um… anymore you can say about that. That’s number nine, the Earth [inaudible].

iON 18:57
That’s number 9. Now, the 10th, that’s the Earth and the firmament thereof. You see, the Earth and the firmament thereof ’cause it’s gonna kick back. ‘Cause see, the Earth would say fuck all y’all. Fuck your angels, fuck your everything. I’m gonna take care of Earth, I’m gonna take care. [Bob chuckles] I will destroy you all like I did the last time. I’ve done this a dozen times. I got acres and acres and acres of goddamn dinosaurs that are pushin’ up petroleum byproducts in the earth right now. I’ll wipe y’all out in one second. Don’t, don’t fuck with me now, I’ve got this. I can take care of this. I know how this works in this cyclical. Now, the 10th one, the most important one, the least important one, the one that’s trying to drive this all is something called time. There is no time. There is no time. But every one of these factions are tryin’ to borrow the 10th element as time to prove their point or to win or to be first or to keep you away from the wall or to not make a deal or to make this thing a mess or to make you have to go the bunker and stay too long till you’ve had time to read Gravity’s Rainbow twice! [Bob chuckles] For Pete’s sake, that’d be disgusting right there if you had to do that. So, the point now becomes this becomes the revelatory — as in a revelation — condition to the Genesee Valley. You’re goin’ back to Genesee; you’ve been almost there all along, but now you’re gettin’ there. As you stated earlier, you’re getting there. And that, now… Okay, we should stop. Go ahead.

Bob 20:29

Carolyn 20:29
Yeah, let me say. I, Bob, I came up with 12, so let’s get this straight. One, Tech Body. Then are two, three, four and five: A1, A2, B1, B2?

iON 20:42

Bob 20:43
The A1, and 2, and B1 and B2 were the first four mentioned, Carolyn. Then Tech Body.

iON 20:49
Correct. As the fifth one.

Carolyn 20:49
Then Tech Body. And then four angels bound under the Euphrates.

iON 20:56
No, no. Let’s call those — call those fallen angels. Fallen angels –

Bob 20:56
And there’s two sets of them.

iON 20:59
– that are already here. There’s two sets. One is that the fallen angels — we did that in the Revelation Revealed series, but we don’t wanna give them any intention ’cause they’re waking up right now. And the other one is Gilgamesh; that’s another fallen angel.

Carolyn 21:16
Yeah. But are those, are those two sets under number six? Or are they six and seven?

iON 21:20
No. Six and seven.

Bob 21:26
Yeah, Carolyn, and the number six…

Carolyn 21:28
And then…

Bob 21:29
No, wait, Carolyn. The fallen angels have been here a long time. That’s what A1 are. A1 are aliens in the earth.

iON 21:38
Yes, but they’re… I know, but… I know, I know that’s true. That’s true. But they’re not necessarily the fallen angels. It’s a separate subset.

Bob 21:45
Oh, okay.

iON 21:44
The regular A1s would destroy, they would destroy the fallen angels in a second if it gave them a little bit of an edge, you see.

Bob 21:54

Carolyn 21:56
Right. So, we’ve got six, the four angels bound down into the Euphrates. Seven, fallen angels.

Bob 22:03
Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh.

Carolyn 22:04
Gilgamesh. Then I got eight. Eight is Ascended God. Nine is Little Man becoming a God.

Bob 22:13
No, that’s…

iON 22:13
But that could be –

Carolyn 22:13
Ten would be Mother Earth.

iON 22:14
– that would be a part, that would be part of it. That would be part of, that would be part of it because –

Bob 22:18
Carolyn, that’s eight. That’s eight, Carolyn. Eight is Little Man Ascending.

iON 22:20
– we see everybody… Uh-huh.

Bob 22:20
Eight is Little Man Ascending.

iON 22:22
And we see every — see, we see everyone as a God. Y’all just don’t.

Carolyn 22:28
iON said Ascended Gods. There are Ascended Gods apart from Little Man becoming God. But you’re saying –

Bob 22:34
That’s not what I heard.

Carolyn 22:35
– with them both under eight. We put them both under eight.

iON 22:40
We would say, we would say that we would, we don’t, we would not notice the difference. We see all of them as Ascended Gods if they do, if they make it. If they don’t make it, it’s up to them.

Carolyn 22:49
So then…

Bob 22:49
But iON, you’re talking about, quote, "human." Hold it, Carolyn. You’re talking about humans and their Ascending process. That is the…

iON 22:49
We don’t see humans. We don’t see humans, but yeah.

Bob 23:00
Okay. So, you see Gods Ascending or doing something getting out of their cage. That’s number eight.

iON 23:05

Bob 23:07
So, what’s nine, Carolyn?

Carolyn 23:08
And then I have nine, Mother Earth.

iON 23:10

Carolyn 23:10
And then is the Earth and the firmament thereof part of nine?

iON 23:15
Yeah. It is part of nine. It is.

Carolyn 23:17
Okay, so that’s that. So, then there’s time. Good. Got it.

Bob 23:21
Yes. Time.

iON 23:22
Ten. But time isn’t a thing. Time is not a thing. But every single one of ’em are racing, they’re racing to borrow it. They’re racing to borrow it.

Carolyn 23:32

iON 23:31
They’re trying to spin this world into a thing where this is not — Well, that didn’t happen. There was no election. How could you say there was an election problem? They never had no election. There was no election. That’s crazy talk. So, they’re undoing the doing. They’re undoing the doing. So, each one of those vestiges…

Bob 23:50
Well, wait. What’s undoing? What’s undoing the doing?

iON 23:52
Time. Time. They’re tryin’ to use time undo. To undo stuff.

Bob 23:57
Right. Is that, iON, is that the false premise of time?

iON 23:59
Correct. That’s the Marilouise Kroker version anyway.

Bob 24:02
Yeah. Would you call it a meme?

iON 24:04
We don’t like that word. That’s your word. You use it. You do real good with it. We don’t like it.

Bob 24:10
Okay. Yeah. Is it…

Carolyn 24:11
So then…

Bob 24:13
Hold it, Carolyn. Is it the mind?

iON 24:16
Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, okay, okay. It’s where the… Okay, it’s where the… Okay, here we go. You’ll like this. It’s where the labyrinth of the mind goes to take a shit. [laughs]

Bob 24:29
Yeah, it’s part of the reality of the mind is this tenth point.

iON 24:33
It’s the defecation of the mind. That’s it. [laughs] Perfect! That’s a good word.

Bob 24:40
Okay. Did you get that, Carolyn? It’s the action of the mind which is perceiving everything and judging it and gettin’ in the way of everything. That is a, that is an element and a tapas [inaudible].

iON 24:51

Bob 24:51
And that’s why iON says everything is revolving around the mind!

Carolyn 24:54

iON 24:54
Okay now, see how perfect it is though talkin’ to Bob. Everybody else would get it and say, "Okay, we’ve got it. We got our degree. We got our PhD. We’re good. Now we can go teach somebody some’um." Bob never is like that. He could have this same conversation a dozen times and get something different from it every single time. And we think it’s wonderful because there is no limitation! He won’t even limit his limitations!

Bob 25:18

iON 25:19
It’s amazing.

Carolyn 25:19
So then you begin with the revelatory condition…

Bob 25:22
Carolyn, he said that’s Bob Neveritt. Carolyn, he said that’s Bob Neveritt.

iON 25:26

Bob 25:26
What’s the difference there from Ophenel and Bob Dobbs and whatever other Bobs gonna bring.

iON 25:32
Well, the… It’s the Marshall. Leave the Marshalls out of it though. That’s… [chuckles] Bob Marshall.

Bob 25:38

iON 25:38
That’s a sad story. But anyway, the rub becomes the shifting position of how you look at those — what do you call it? The Four Faces of Eve.

Bob 25:49

iON 25:48
Remember, Sally Field did the movie The Four Faces of Eve where they’d flip and in a second become something else? You do that often. You’re up, you’re down, you’re over, you’re under, you win, you lost. You don’t know, you know everything, you don’t know… "I’m sure I’m positive that I know absolutely nothing. I’m positive I know absolutely nothing, and I know all of nothing. I’ve conquered nothingness. I know all of it." So, you’re not bound by any of those rules or regulations that says, this is what I am. See, Carolyn goes by that because she has a persona that she supports. She’s not gonna change her mind. She’s open-minded. But just ’cause somebody does some’um foolish doesn’t mean she has to. You don’t care. You’re just gonna be like, "Well, let’s see how it goes! I don’t know what this is, let’s see." You see, that’s the difference. And that’s what makes it exciting ’cause she never knows what’s comin’ out of you next. It makes her very nervous, often. [iON, Bob chuckle]

Carolyn 25:49
Yeah. And then iON, you said, "the revelatory condition of the Genesee Valley."

iON 26:50
Yep. Yeah, we’re almost, we were almost there when we did Revelations Revealed; that was many days ago. Okay? We were almost there, then. Now it’s come another full round circle, quickly, in this cycle.

Bob 27:05
Carolyn, iON’s talking about Genesis. Genesis, the beginning of the Bible. Paradise. That’s what he’s [indistinct].

iON 27:11
Correct. Going back to. Where we’re going to. We’re going back to the Genesee Valley, which is where, which is where ReJoyce lived.

Bob 27:21

iON 27:21
When she didn’t even know it. When she didn’t even know it. Okay, go.

Bob 27:27
Do you say that ReJoyce has transitioned?

iON 27:32
Mostly. Mostly. There’s residue. There is residue.

Bob 27:37
Does she listen to the show? Does she engage with the show?

iON 27:41
When she can stand it. When she can stand it. When she can stand it. It’s too much. Because it became too real. See, here’s what happened, Bob. When you have power and you engage, really engage power, what happens is it’s overwhelming. It’s intoxicating, and then it’s too much, and then it’s not enough. And then it’s too much, and then it’s not enough. And it’s like give me the amount that’ll kill me, and back it off just a little bit. That’s what I want. I want the maximum dose that I can have, and then back it off just a little bit. Then if I build an endurance, then I can have more and more and more and more. And that’s the whole point of power, which is what we’re tryin’ to convince everybody that they should engage and happily enjoy.

Bob 28:16
So, I think what people find overwhelming I don’t find it so overwhelming.

iON 28:22
You don’t — you never noticed! Like, here in the whole wide world is the end of time and you say, "Well, I’ll have to see what Matt Drudge said about it. [Bob chuckles] I really can’t go about that. I mean, Barbara Walters is dead. I don’t know." We lost Diamond. We lost Diamond and all we’re left with is Silk. She’s the one that can’t talk. The one that can talk — so now your Tiny Note Chart’s gonna get messed up. But now you lost half of Diamond and Silk. That’s gonna be some mess. Barbara "Wawa" is dead, and she’s not gonna make her cry no more. She didn’t make Carolyn cry in the first place, but anyway, that’s another thing. She did respect — Carolyn does respect Barbara Walters. Not any of the rest of them, but she did respect her ’cause she was pleasant. And she wasn’t two-faced too much.

Bob 29:01
Right. So, you know, you say Carolyn is finding it… She doesn’t know if she’s nervous about what Bob’s gonna do next. What would you say? Carolyn’s the only female on the planet who can take Bob? So far has been able to take him?

iON 29:18
We’ve had to say so far, but it’s, you know, it’s early. [chuckles]

Bob 29:22
Oh, it’s early. Okay.

iON 29:23
She’ll whoop some, she’ll whoop somebody now. Don’t, don’t mess with her now. I wouldn’t do that.

Bob 29:23

iON 29:25
Do not do that. Do not do that.

Bob 29:29
Most people on the planet can’t take Bob. I see that.

iON 29:33
Yeah, you’re too, you’re too divisible. You’re too… You know, we have whole integers that are always divisible by something, even if it’s by one. You’re not divisible. You can’t divide you. You’re not divisible. Dividable.

Bob 29:48
Yeah, you just said I’m too divisible. Now you’re saying I’m not divisible.

iON 29:50
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, like a whole integer. You can divide it by something even if you’re dividing it by the number one. You divide it by one, it’s that number, but it’s still divisible by that. You are not divisible by anything. It doesn’t matter, you don’t fit the equation. And that’s why you’re the perfect one to have the conversation ’cause they’re never gonna catch you taken aback ’cause you didn’t notice in the first place!

Bob 29:53
[chuckles] You got that, Carolyn? I didn’t notice. Okay.

iON 30:06
Correct. And then you talk about him, and that’s interesting.

Carolyn 30:10
Yeah, that’s his superpower.

iON 30:10
And that’s interesting.

Carolyn 30:11
His superpower.

iON 30:11
And that’s, and that’s interesting because you’re never caught in a position where someone got the better of you ’cause you never accepted even when they DID get the better of you, you didn’t notice. [Bob laughs] So, it’s like, okay. You know, it’s okay.

Bob 30:36
So, what is a superpower, Carolyn?

Carolyn 30:41
You being so detached that nothing applies.

Bob 30:46
Oh, okay.

iON 30:46
Except for germs. Except for germs. You’re not detached about germs. No, no, you got those. You recognize those. You know he can see them, Carolyn. No one else can. [Carolyn, Bob chuckle] He can see… Honest to god, he can see the… And he’ll look…

Bob 30:46
Yeah, I don’t care about it. I didn’t know I could see them. So again, it doesn’t matter what you’re saying if that’s true.

iON 31:06
As you nervously, as you nervously wash those hands. Yes, Bob, we know. We know. [chuckles]

Bob 31:12
That’s not true. Not true at all. So, the 10 points, iON, the 10 things you’ve just laid out, are they listed in the Bible anywheres? The known Bible.

iON 31:23
Ezekiel. It’s all Ezekiel. That’s, that’s the color of the terrible crystal; that sets the stage, 1:11. That sets the stage and then you go all the way to the valley of the dry bones. And that’s what you’re fixin’ to come to right quick. Bert’s done a great deal of work. Bert’s done a great work on that. If you’d have a conversation with him, he would tell you some stuff. So, he knows things.

Bob 31:47
Well, how many chapters in Ezekiel? Or versus. What’s the word? Chapters?

iON 31:52
Yeah, chapters. About 43.

Bob 31:56
43 chapters. So, how many total verses are there in Ezekiel?

iON 32:00
Oh, good gracious. 1000s.

Bob 32:03
Oh, it’s long. Okay. All right. So, you’ve done — you’ve laid out the 10 factors that are fighting or mixing it up, engaging each other.

iON 32:13
That are, that are battling for who’s gonna win. Who’s gonna provide the grand design of what is yours and what is mine. They’re settin’ the stage. The angels want to win, they don’t want humans to Ascend. They want, they want to take over.

Bob 32:13
Yeah, we know that.

iON 32:16
Lucifer wants to win. Lucifer wants to win the battle of heaven.

Bob 32:31
Now, iON, these 10, are they within what you say, "Well, that’s before the foundations of this reality." The "before the foundations,"…

iON 32:32
It’s always been. It’s always been.

Bob 32:36
The 10 aspects are in the area known as "before the foundations" were established.

iON 32:52
Yes. Yes.

Bob 32:53
Okay. They’re always there. It’s always there.

iON 32:56
Now, now you have to be careful. You have the wire whisk. Remember the egg beaters?

Bob 33:00

iON 33:00
You have this looping thing. So, you have this. You have to be careful. Those words that you said are sovereign; they’re right words, no question. That’s not the point. The point is that wire whip that keeps looping, looping, looping, looping, looping. One minute Trump’s the head of the world; next thing, he’s the public enemy number one. Next thing, Joe Biden is nothing, and next thing you know, Joe Biden figured it all out. The next thing you know, Joe Biden’s goin’ to jail; he’s goin’ to jail. Yeah, he’s goin’ to jail. And then, then, then, and then, and then, and then and then. It’s like wait a minute, these lines don’t match. This isn’t reality. How do you go from havin’ a whole lot of everything or nobody has any money and everything’s going good, to we’re in a big recession and everybody’s got all the money in the world and can’t afford — they’re gonna go bankrupt with a bank-full of money! Huh! It’s the craziest thing in the whole wide world.

Bob 33:47

iON 33:48
Yeah, that’s the Capstone part for sure.

Bob 33:49
Now, what’s it mean to… To mirror the Thompson quadrant means you’re not in the Thompson quadrant anymore, but what’s it mean to have a mirror?

iON 33:56
You’re above. You’re above the upside down.

Bob 34:00
Okay. If it’s mirrored, you overcome it.

iON 34:03
You’re above, you’re above. Well, ah-ah-ah now, now maybe! Maybe. We’ll see. We’ll see. But see if you, if you overcome it and change it all back around immediately and all of a sudden Trump was really President all along, and you wake up and Drudge says, "Trump won! He’s our President, la, la, la, la, la." [Bob laughs] Goddamn, wait a minute. I got some questions now. Poor Whoopi Goldberg would have a nervous breakdown. I don’t think she can take that. So, the rub is it’s gonna take a moment, but you’re seeing it already change. You’re already seeing it change.

Bob 34:33
Okay, that’s my… Yeah, that’s my topic. So, the description of the mirror of the Thompson quadrant, but that’s not public. Right? We’re not talking about the mirroring in public. Correct?

iON 34:47
You can. You can. Yeah, you can, it’s alright. That’s alright to do it. That’s fine, nothing wrong with that.

Bob 34:51

iON 34:54
Because that’s what is. ‘Cause that’s the only way you’re gonna be able to explain how we went from Trump is bad, Biden is good, and now all of a sudden, and Shifty Shift is good, he’s our hero, to now he’s throwed off his committees. And now, Biden’s goin’ to jail or killed or whatever again. [Bob chuckles] They’re gonna kill the next one. How many of them we’re gonna kill? It’s pretty bad. Like that.

Bob 35:15
Okay. Yeah. Listen. iON, that’s his image. It’s not Biden, it’s his image.

iON 35:19
That’s true. Correct.

Bob 35:20
Okay, so, this, this chaotic, flipping and reversing, that’s what I call quadrophrenia; it’s encased in a tetrad.

iON 35:29
Yeah, it is. Well, quadrophrenic in the tetrad. It’s quadrophrenic in the tetrad. But what happens when you drop the tetrad? What happens then, Bobby?

Bob 35:39
You’re into the pentad.

iON 35:42
Okay. Or the hexadic.

Bob 35:46
Yes, that’s the Tech Body. The Tech Body doing quadrophrenic.

iON 35:48
Agreed. Agreed.

Bob 35:48
So, we’re in, we’re in the pentadic. We’re in the pentadic already.

iON 35:53
Agreed. Okay, agreed. Now, listen now. We’re givin’ you a lot… We got a libertine gospel goin’ on here ’cause we’re lettin’ you get away with some stuff that you really shouldn’t be gettin’ away with. But we’re gonna hold the conversation so you can actually engage. Because otherwise, we’re gonna explain your Chart to you. That’ll straighten you right up now. We’ve been waiting to do that and fix that damn Tiny Note Chart. Damn. Gonna be sad.

Bob 36:18
Did you want to say something?

iON 36:20
We did. We said it.

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