Transcribed by Nan
Bob 2:12:12
Okay. Angels can be very tiny. Are they living on the level of the cellular? They’re tiny like cells of our body?
iON 2:12:23
As well. As well as being a mighty rushing wind and a conqueror. As well as… Do you remember, do you remember the Aladdin and his pretend jinn, his blue jinn?
Bob 2:12:23
iON 2:12:32
The size of a blue jinn, which can be like monsterful large like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in Ghostbusters. Ghostbusters.
Bob 2:12:50
Right. Right. So, in the Angel Chart, we can look at its micro and macro. Angels are tiny and angels are big in that Chart. Right?
iON 2:13:05
Yeah. Of course.
Bob 2:13:05
They can be big. Okay. I have here, "the Vitruvian movement…
iON 2:13:12
No, wait. No, no, you have to… That’s the wrong, that’s the wrong question. The question is, does it take angels — iON, are angels required to make the lotus flower bloom? We’d say yes.
Bob 2:13:28
Okay, good. So,…
iON 2:13:30
That’s huge. It’s an angel dia — hotta, hotta, hotta, hotta, hotta. It’s an angel diagram, isn’t it?
Bob 2:13:38
Yes, that’s right. That’s what we call it.
iON 2:13:40
And when you open that diagram, that’s the opening of the lotus flower, isn’t it?
Bob 2:13:45
Yeah. Okay.
iON 2:13:46
That’s the mass presumption… Listen. That’s the mass presumption of Ascension, isn’t it?
Bob 2:13:54
iON 2:13:56
Do lotus flowers bloom and unbloom?
Bob 2:14:00
iON 2:14:02
They do? How do they unbloom? Have you ever seen a lotus flower unbloom?
Bob 2:14:06
iON 2:14:08
Ahh, Rhyee! You’re onto something.
Bob 2:14:12
[chuckles] Well, they don’t unbloom.
iON 2:14:16
Correct. Once they bloom, they’ve bloomed.
Bob 2:14:18
Do they wither? Do they blither?
iON 2:14:20
Depends. Depends. Well, no, you blither. You blither. [chuckles]
Bob 2:14:26
[chuckles] Do they wither?
iON 2:14:27
The withering depends. Depends on the water. Depends on the water.
Bob 2:14:33
Okay. Ah, that reminded me…
iON 2:14:37
It’s like, it’s like sex in Versailles. Depends on who you’re sleepin’ with, Bob.
Bob 2:14:43
Did you say Versailles?
iON 2:14:45
We did. Sex in Versailles. Depends on who you’re sleeping with.
Bob 2:14:51
Okay. The Vitruvian movement, is that an OA movement?
iON 2:14:59
It is. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.
Bob 2:15:05
Now, Carolyn was showing me the Vitruvian movement; you move your arms up and down to your side.
iON 2:15:11
Yep. Yep.
Bob 2:15:12
Is that an action of something interacting in the cell? Are you miming cellular action?
iON 2:15:18
It’s laid out in the… No, it’s in the Codex, Bob. You had that. Shit, we broke into the goddamn Vatican and got it for you. It’s in the picture with the man bringing his arms down for Pete’s sake. Or as you would say — no, you wouldn’t say anything. As Carolyn would say, lowering your chi. That’s what she would call it. And she’s very smart. She would know that though.
Bob 2:15:40
Right. So, the action on the cellular which is what we are — humans are more cellular than bone and skeleton — the movements, doing movements…
iON 2:15:50
Maybe. Okay, I’m gonna say that… I’m gonna say, I’m gonna let you get by with that, but we’re gonna call you on it because you really don’t know the difference. The subversive difference between the bars of bones, bars of bones, see, that’s the prison are the bones. That’s the prison.
Bob 2:15:57
iON 2:16:00
The bars of bones, you don’t really know what you’re saying. We’re gonna let you pass because you’re talking broadscale. You really don’t have a clue what you’re talkin’ about, but you’re doin’ a good job. But if you knew what you were talkin’ about, you wouldn’t say that, you’d say, "that this vessel that contains it." Okay, so the thing that holds your clothes or your shorts, — you don’t really wear a shirt — but the thing — except on Friday — the thing that holds your clothes on your body is that you, Bob, or is that a part of you? Those washable shoes, are they you? Are they the sub, sub, subcutaneous part of you, Bob? Are your shoes an extension of your body? No, it’s what you cover your body with. So, if you look at it that way, the way you consider these bars of bones, you’d look at it a little bit different. Esoterically, you’d give it a broader, broader spectrum meaning. And that’s why we’re tryin’ to give you a nickel’s back of enlightening. Not necessarily for you ’cause you’re gonna figure it out, but Bert’s gonna have a question, goddammit. Nobody else may, but Bert’s gonna have a question. So, we want to make sure we are attentive so he knows what to ask. That’s good, Bob.
Bob 2:17:19
iON 2:17:19
Congratulations. You’re doing so good. You’re doing good.
Bob 2:17:23
Now listen to this.
iON 2:17:23
Did you thank Carolyn for giving her [sic] your time? Did you thank Carolyn for givin’ up her time?
Bob 2:17:27
No, I didn’t.
iON 2:17:28
You better. You better. You better be thankful. She could retrieve it, you know.
Bob 2:17:35
Yeah. I’ll thank her later. Okay. So, we know that when you portal, you go through the cellular. So, a lot of action goes in the cellular. The movements get you traveling, and then you have to return, and you have to understand the movements. That is all…
iON 2:17:51
To the plane, to the plane of essence. To the plane of essence.
Bob 2:17:54
Right. And the chart over on the wall there which has basic movement of the frequency level… I was talking about below, that’s below the cellular it might be musical movements. That’s what Thompson would say, musical movements of the angelic. But just us in the cellular, musical movements below the cellular, when the fake beginning when consciousness woke up and became aware of itself, it made a move. Like you show a cell, an amoeba or something. The single cell amoeba, they move across the liquid, and then they bump into another amoeba or somethin’. But these movements were the first movements of a fake beginning of consciousness. That’s why our movements are miming the movements of essence, our essence across the meatsack physical world. You know what I mean?
iON 2:18:51
Yeah, that’s right.
Bob 2:18:51
It’s a movement.
iON 2:18:52
That’s right.
Bob 2:18:54
And that’s what the Sufis were showing with their dancing movements. They were trying to tap into the original movements, and Gurdjieff was a student of them.
iON 2:19:01
Well, no, they were tryin’ to mark, they were tryin’ to mark the distance. They’re trying to mark the difference. And in the tribal that [indistinct] what you talk about every goddamn week about the tribal vicinity.
Bob 2:19:13
iON 2:19:14
You make reference to the tribal vicinity, which is what Kroker was tryin’ to explain, but you know Kroker.
Bob 2:19:22
Yeah, that’s the phrase "vibrational proximity" applies to what you just said.
iON 2:19:26
Yes. Yes. Very good. Ooo, boy! For an uneducated motherfucker you get around, don’t you, Bob?
Bob 2:19:35
Right. Now, there was a priest in Paris, Jousse. J-o-u-s-s-e. He gave lectures.
iON 2:19:40
Jousse. Jousse. You’re not saying it right. Jousse. Jousse. Jus, like au jus [o-zhue]. Like an au jus, like a gravy, jus. Like a jus.
Bob 2:19:51
Right. So, he gave talks, and Joyce, James Joyce, attended them. And he talked about the gestural came before the verbal in human communication.
iON 2:20:01
Right. Well, he referred to it as the provocateur. The provocateur, actually. Provocateur.
Bob 2:20:08
Was he, was he trying to describe… Was he trying to talk about what I’m talking about that he kind of intuitively discovered?
iON 2:20:14
He did. Yeah. He was tryin’ to prove Kroker wrong, but he didn’t do it very well, did he?
Bob 2:20:21
No. And what would Kroker say that was right and he couldn’t prove wrong? Which part of Kroker?
iON 2:20:26
Oh, that the environment is the subsidy of the containment. The environment is the subsidy of the containment. That’s the short version.
Bob 2:20:38
Yeah, and it’s communicated by movement or gesture.
iON 2:20:41
Right, and then you’re gonna, you know, then you’re gonna run into some devil thing before it’s over with and you’re probably not gonna make it anyway. [laughs]
Bob 2:20:47
iON 2:20:47
So, it pretty much, it pretty much goes south after that, Bob, as well, you know. [laughs]
Bob 2:20:56
Now, wouldn’t the refining of movement in the initial beginning, fake beginning of consciousness, would lead to dance and coitus? It’s the gesturing of coitus and dancing.
iON 2:21:12
Well, but that’s not the reason for it. That’s the altimeter’s version. The altimeter’s version. Altimeter’s version.
Bob 2:21:25
That’s the outcome. Can’t you say outcome?
iON 2:21:26
The height, the breadth. The height, the length, the breadth.
Bob 2:21:29
iON 2:21:30
Bob 2:21:30
But isn’t that the outcome?
iON 2:21:35
Maybe. Okay, okay, how high an airplane is in the sky doesn’t tell you where the plane’s gonna land, and the landing place would be the outcome. The altimeter tells you how high or low you are in proximity to the ground. So, that’s why this is about Kroker and not Thompson. ‘Cause see, the ground isn’t included.
Bob 2:22:00
The gestures are measurements.
iON 2:22:02
Got it. That’s right. And see, that’s where McLuhan would say you’ve lost your mind, you’re assuming there’s an airplane! Who said there was an airplane? [Bob chuckles] You’re flying the plane, the plane’s not flying you. You know, in some ridiculous context from their point.
Bob 2:22:19
Okay. So then the Keys and Aethyrs, they’re not dealing with the OA movements and the OA movements’ purpose to get back home.
iON 2:22:25
No, they never have.
Bob 2:22:25
The Keys and Aethyrs are movement and gesturals to the angel world.
iON 2:22:34
No. To the altimeter that tells you how high or low you are to the angel. The altimeter.
Bob 2:22:41
Okay. So, the altimeter applies to the Keys and Aethyrs, and the OA movements is some’um different. But they both come out of gesture.
iON 2:22:49
No no, no, no, no. The OA movements tell you where to get back to go back to where you started from, how to land where you took off from. They tell you… That’s why it’s the difference. One is an ETA, where’d you come from, where you’re going to. Sue Bone would call it the locator.
Bob 2:23:09
iON 2:23:10
The OA movements is the locator.
Bob 2:23:12
And what are Keys and Aethyrs?
iON 2:23:12
The Keys and Aethyrs tell you want kind of, they tell you what kind of flight you’re gonna have. How high or low your flight’s gonna be. How quickly you’re gonna move, how it’s gonna go.
Bob 2:23:13
So, they go together.
iON 2:23:20
That’s very good. That was about, that was almost brilliant, Bob, for you. That was better than your usual shit by the way.
Bob 2:23:28
Bert’s gonna collapse on this part of the session. [iON chuckles]
Bob 2:26:57
Yeah, so Donald Trump is taking Australia out of the Commonwealth? That came up somewheres and I’m asking.
iON 2:27:03
It is. It’s out. It’s out now. They’ve closed it.
Bob 2:27:09
Right. Now, is that why the Queen doesn’t trust Trump? Because he’s taking apart her Commonwealth?
iON 2:27:16
Nah. They swapped it. They’re gonna give it back to Philippines.
Bob 2:27:23
What? To give the Commonwealth back to the Philippines.
iON 2:27:26
That’s where they got it from. Yep.
Bob 2:27:28
And that the native cultures of the Philippines deserve that.
iON 2:27:34
Doesn’t make any… They don’t care if they deserve it or not, they want their land back.
Bob 2:27:39
Right. So, the land…
iON 2:27:41
So, whether you like it or not, they don’t really care if you like it or not.
Bob 2:27:44
The land is Australia? They want Australia back?
iON 2:27:48
They do. That’s where it came from.
Bob 2:27:51
So, the Queen is… Trump’s taken it out and the Queen has to go along with it because it’s going back to the Philippines.
iON 2:27:57
Or she can’t… Okay. Okay. Right. Or, or, or, or, or she has to make a declaration of war and go defend it. The bitch can’t quite do that, can she? So, let it go.
Bob 2:28:11
Right. So, the Queen… That’s the part of the operation they’re having now that makes the Queen not trust Trump.
iON 2:28:20
Yeah. Well, the problem, the Queen’s problem is that she don’t have a Margaret Thatcher. If she had a Margaret Thatcher back, by god, Margaret Thatcher would blow their shit up. [Bob chuckles] There wouldn’t be anything left. You wanna leave? Okay, you’re gonna leave. You’re gonna be dead, but yeah, come on, come in here, come in here. Isn’t that what happened to Argentina? That’s happened to that, too, didn’t it? Falklands.
Bob 2:28:42
iON 2:28:44
Yes, that was the Falklands. That’s right. So, if you have somebody strong at the stern, you can say, "Say something! Say something." That’s why we get away with it because it’s that Margaret Thatcher position of well, we got to get people strong enough to be able to do our bidding. If you have that, then you don’t have all this conversation. You let these, you let these… Well, we don’t even want to get started. We don’t wanna say somethin’ crude, but [indistinct], pantywaist.
Bob 2:29:13
Yeah. You have those, but you’re saying you have the strong soldiers. That’s what you’re saying?
iON 2:29:21
Bob 2:29:21
That’s us, Bob and Connie. Right. Okay.
iON 2:29:28
You’re not very obedient, but you’re very strong. [laughs]
Bob 2:29:31
iON 2:29:33
You have this awful arduous position of having a mind of your own. It’s ridiculous! It’s ridiculous. [laughs]