Transcribed by Nan
Bob 0:41
Go ahead. Alissa.
Alissa 0:43
Okay, thanks, Bob. Okay. Hello, iON.
iON 0:48
Hey, darlin’, what’s up?
Alissa 0:50
Hi. What are the dry bones?
iON 0:54
Oh, you talkin’ about Ezekiel?
Alissa 0:57
iON 0:58
Look ’em up.
Alissa 1:03
Okay, I got Ephesians in here, so let me pop over to Ezekiel. Which chapter?
iON 1:14
37:1 through 10. What the fuck! We’ve done this about a million times. You new here? You’ve been here before?
Alissa 1:22
Well, I’ve heard you, yeah, I’ve heard you talk about it, but I don’t know what they are so I wanna find out.
iON 1:33
Well, read it. Ginney hates this part. Ginney hates this shit. [Alissa chuckles] We love Ginney, but she hates this shit. She lived it for so long, she’s like, she’s like sick of it. She likes the striptures. The striptures are like when you get on the pole and take your clothes off. Get some striptures. We got stripping goin’ on! We have the striptures. She hates that account of King James.
Alissa 1:54
Okay, so the valley of the dry bones, you said verses 1 through 10.
iON 2:01
Alissa 2:01
Okay. "1) The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was [Alissa: and there’s italicized "was"] full of bones." And is this Ezekiel? Ezekiel talking?
iON 2:21
No, it’s given the reference of –
Alissa 2:23
iON 2:23
– what’s happening. Stop. Don’t worry about that. That’s the point. Okay, is Shakespeare the star of all of his plays?
Alissa 2:35
Right. Okay, okay. So, it’s not from Ezekiel’s perspective.
iON 2:39
So, don’t worry about that. It IS from Ezekiel’s perspective, but it’s not starring Ezekiel. Bob, mute yourself. You’re echoing.
Alissa 2:49
Okay. Who is the "me"? Who is the me, "The hand of the LORD is upon me,".
iON 2:59
Me; you; the individual; the person with the dry bones; the person who hasn’t Ascended; the person who doesn’t know the color of the terrible crystal, Ezekiel, 122.
Alissa 3:11
Okay. Okay, verse 2. "And cause me to pass by them round and about:" So this is "The hand of the LORD was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of [Alissa: dry bones and full of] bones. 2) And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry." Does this have to do with Little Man’s bone marrow not being enough to support the Ascended body and Ascended cell?
iON 3:51
As well. Yes.
Alissa 3:54
iON 3:55
It’s an army. It’s an army.
Alissa 3:59
What’s an army?
iON 4:00
The dry bones.
Alissa 4:04
The dry bones are an army. Okay, I gotta stitch my phone.
iON 4:10
So, so, so. So, so, so, so, let’s stop all that so Ginney Belle don’t get mad; we don’t want her terse. Jump right quick to 37:4. You wanna sling them big ol’ titties around like you know some’um, go to 37:4.
Alissa 4:10
No! [laughs] Well, my titties are big. They’re bigger now, but I’m not swingin’ them around. [chuckles] Okay.
iON 4:32
I know. We like ’em. We like ’em though. We like ’em. They alright. They’re pleasant, they’re very pleasant.
Alissa 4:32
Verse 4. "Again he said unto me,"
iON 4:42
37. Yeah, 37:4. Let everybody know what you’re doin’.
Alissa 4:45
Okay. Ezekiel, chapter 37, verse 4, King James version,
iON 4:56
Good. Good, good. Bob likes that.
Alissa 4:56
"Again he said unto me, Prophecy [Alissa: capital P} upon these bones, and say unto them, O, ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. 5) Thus saith the Lord GOD [Alissa: all caps] unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live: 6) And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am the LORD." And then it goes on. Do you want me to keep reading till 10?
iON 5:37
No. Basically, it’s laying into the four winds. The four winds cause this metamorphic action so that these bones take on flesh. That’s the difference between the Little Men dead, and God is alive.
Alissa 5:53
iON 5:56
See, that’s the whole point of the resurrection and that whole constituency. Is you is, or is you not my constituency?
Alissa 6:04
Yeah. Okay. And then the winds in verse 9, the winds in verse 9, you’re saying the four winds, those are the winds that blow the DNA into the 144,000 double helix? The same winds?
iON 6:21
Yeah, and the bones, and then the same bones represent the indestructible life which they are.
Alissa 6:28
Cool. Okay.
iON 6:29
That’s the resurrection in the Jewish tradition.
Alissa 6:34
Okay. Cool.
iON 6:35
In a transitory state. In a transitory state. Not from life to death, but from death to life! They got it all wrong. Everybody –
Alissa 6:43
Yeah. Amen.
iON 6:44
– sits in church and gives you the goddamn grave. Ooh, worship a God that’s gonna put your bitch ass in the ground. Oooh, I’m gonna worship a God that’s gonna put me in the ground!! [Alissa chuckles] Oh, that’s [inaudible]. Wait, what the fuck! Wait. Wait. What a, what a mighty God are you that I gotta die in order for you to reign supreme? The dead queen does better than that! Least you can get a DQ out of that! Dairy Queen, yeah.
Alissa 7:11
Okay. Okay, cool. Thank you. Now I know somethin’.