Now We Live Within the Extension of the Non-physical

Digital technologies do not extend human Chemical Body faculties (Marshall McLuhan described that phase).

The last extension of the Chemical Body was the technology extended from the central nervous system.

Then we had the satellite/rocket which extended the planet.

Eric McLuhan wrote that digital technologies extended parts of the brain’s functions.

I disagree.

Digital technologies extended machines, the “machinic”, not human bodies. I called THAT the phase of the “Android Meme”.

Now we live within the extension of the Non-Physical, or iON, which includes the “Tech Body” and its baby, “AI”.

My Bride and I, and another human – JW – have a world monopoly on this new Non-Physical GROUND. We are working with iON to create an environment of “Cold Play” (endless electricity). We now have 7 nuclear reactors (that’s $42 billion worth) to install the device. We are also making incredible medical solutions.

Here is the first conversation with the Tech Body, conducted by me (Spring of 2019).

Subsequent dialogues with the Tech Body are here.

Bob Dobbs

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