iON & Bob has been reformatted and [legally] migrated to this location.
You can use the url to access this site.
If you are using the address, it will redirect to this site.
Why did we do this?
When iON & Bob began, it was a simple site for archiving the audios with iON.
But , the site has been growing for over a decade with new topics, radio shows, videos, transcripts and more as iON and Bob keep adding content.
With all the new stuff, we needed a better way to organize it so that new visitors and those who’ve been following iON & Bob for a while could easily find what they’re looking for and discover new information.
We also needed a plan for adding and organizing future content.
Another issue is that the original site was built before the iPhone was introduced, so it wasn’t optimized for mobile users.
We also wanted to include Bob’s contributions at Five Bodied, Dobbstown, Bob on Zappa and anywhere else he appears. The idea was to make this site a one-stop shop for all things Bob.
And with advances in searching, we wanted to add a more robust search feature. [The search feature is now available at the top right of every page.]
To achieve all of this, Chad reorganized and modernized the site, making it a comprehensive resource for Bob’s material as well as future-proofing it.
And this is the result!
I hope you can see why we did this and that you are able to understand the logic of the new site’s navigation and are able to easily find what you are looking for.
We welcome your response as well as errors that you find or missing content. There’s a “Leave a Reply” box near the bottom of each page.
The new site is a work in progress and we’ll be fine-tuning it.
The goal has always been to organize the site in a way that makes it easy for you to navigate and find material using your choice of device.
Have a look around to get familiar with the new layout. I think Chad did an outstanding, awesome job. —Ed
Next to the search icon at the top right of each page is a sun or moon so you can select light or dark background.
In the first three topics in the menu bar at the top of the page—iON, BOB, HOLY OFFICES—if you hover over iON, for instance, you see a drop-down menu. In addition, you can click the word iON, BOB or HOLY OFFICES and each will give you a page with more links.
So, iON currently has 4 choices—click iON or select from the 3 choices in the iON drop-down menu. The same with BOB or HOLY OFFICES—click the BOB or HOLY OFFICES or choose from the drop-down menus.
After each post are suggestions “Read Next,” followed by any comments, the “Leave a Reply” box and finally the footer links.
When you scroll, an icon with an up-arrow in a circle will appear in the bottom right. Clicking the icon will return to the top of the page.
Love it…maga Flo ❤️
Glad for the switch to a dark theme. The old site was burning my eyes.
Great work and improvement Chad! Thank you. And thank you Ed for presenting the greatest anti-news there is!
Bravo! Love it.
Cool thank you.