Bob explains “Post-Information” to OJ

“What your mouth does, what your eye sees, and what your ear hears, basically your head is obsolesced by the extension of the proprioceptive and tactile nervous system. And that’s been happening since television. And then the internet squared it and made it come alive. So we’ve been in a tactile, proprioceptive, haptic environment. It’s not involved with the eye, the ear or the mouth or even smell, though smell does lingers. It’s a powerful sense. So most people consider what they read, see, hear as information but that is not what is informing us anymore. It’s the proprioceptive, the massage of the interplay of tactility that your texting life is using. The medium you are using is what is molding our sensibilities. And that is why iON comes forth as the nonphysical extension of the proprioceptive autonomic system. iON himself represents a change in media or you could say a change in psychics and mediums and channeling. Edgar Casey is the radio era. Cosmic Awareness is TV era. Evergreens is sort of the early computer web 1.0 period. iON reflects the web 2.0 exactly. It’s a different kind of mediumship even though iON is more than mediumship because the Android Meme is pretty well the punch line for human history. So, it’s about time the ultimate in nonphysical comes forth and gives us a punch line to the whole thing. And that’s an exclamation point. That’s what iON does because communication wise we have come to that point. We are involved in proprioceptively swimming and surfing with a non-head which would be eye, ear, nose, smell, hearing media. So what people call information is what I mean, post information, Post-Head. Everybody’s head is chopped off.” – (What Youth? 2016-01-12, Part 2) ]]

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