- The iCell:
· [iON Communique_7: November 2013 (00:24 mark)]:
Dr. Dean: Is there ribonucleic acid in the RnA Drops?
iON: Of course!
Bob: In the Drops?
iON: Yes, they are that! Yes!
Bob: But it’s a substance from another world. You said that recently.
iON: Well, it is.
Bob: That’s the iCell?
iON: The only reason it’s from another world is because you separated from the “perfect one”.
· [iON on “PAYDAY“ August 30, 2014 Part 1 (1:14:01 mark)]:
Caller: Is it the iCell that’s responsible for changing the gluten in the barley to something else, or is the gluten transmuted?
iON: No! No! No! No! No! It’s a different type of pentose class. You’re trying to make it be a ribose, but it’s not that type of pentose class.
Dr. Dean: iON, he went from the ribose pentose business into gluten – his question was about gluten.
iON: We’re not past pentose. You’re hung there because here’s the thing: ribose is soluble in water – your sugar is not.
Dr. Dean: Is it soluble in alcohol?
iON: No.
Dr. Dean: Oil?
iON: No.
Dr. Dean: Well, what’s left?
iON: Negative pH.
· [iON on “PAYDAY“ September 27, 2014 Part 1 (01:20 mark)]:
iON: So, therefore, we’re back to… um… are there iCells in the Living Water? Yes! Does iCell contain the new carbon? Yes! Is carbon a radial isotope of a deuterium-based derivative? No! Will deuterium… too clever by half… ha! ha! ha! ha! … be transformed into a different baseline element? It depends on the ramifications of Negative pH in your world. See, you’re in a funny place right now because there is already Negative pH – but you don’t know it.
· [iON on “PAYDAY“ July 18, 2015 Part 3(55:35 mark)]:
Caller: The iCell, when we breathe it out into the atmosphere that we’re in… let’s say we go somewhere and stay in another person’s home or somewhere. We are breathing out that iCell. Does it stay in their environment for… how long a time does it stay in the environment after we leave it?
iON: It stays forever! It stays forever!
Caller: It stays forever?
iON: Yep and if they have pets… the pets will change – and they will, like, run and rub – they will get more frolic about it – because they’ll get it instantly. We are coming up on the next generation. The generation after the one we’re in right now is OK to give to your pets.
Amino Acids & RNA6:
· [iON on “PAYDAY“ December 3, 2016 Part 6 (05:06 mark)]:
Caller: iON, does the iCell hyper-accumulate in certain areas of the body?
iON: Ah, we don’t know “hyper”. We don’t know hyper-accumulate. Systemically it does everywhere. It does everywhere but not necessarily hyperly – it may be hyperly. It may be the best word ever spoken, but you would never be able to substantiate – so don’t say it. - Pericardium – Pericardial fluid:
· [iON on “PAYDAY” April 12, 2014 Part 1 (1:15:11 mark)]:
Bert: Apparently, there is a relationship between Chromosome 14, the pericardium, and the heart.
iON: Yes, of course – “The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart”. The pericardial fluid in the pericardium has a molecular density different than any other mass fluid inside the body. It’s secured from itself – where it is a heavier amniotic-based fluid – that yet allows as a discharge simply of electric energy – that causes the heart to pump – or pull blood through the aorta, through the vascular system. So, basically, with blood pushing blood, it’s the only fluid that can allow a simple transference to happen without any charge – or that’s why when you shock a heart, those fluids respond. - Photosynthesis:
· [iON on “PAYDAY” September 27, 2014 Part 1 (14:12 mark)]:
Jean: I’m curious about the change in the process of living things by using the new living carbon, as opposed to photosynthesis – the traditional way we think of carbon?
iON: Oh, yeah! That’s gone! That’s old-timey. That’s like beating rocks together to make fire. We don’t do photosynthesis anymore – neither do you. That’s why your world is changing – that’s why your planet is burning. - Pi:
[iON on “PAYDAY” June 21, 2014 Part 1 (25:56 mark)]:
Eliza: Can you tell us the current frequency that we’re vibrating on?
iON: No, we can’t because you’ve got to change Pi. Pi is 3.141592666666 – and it just goes on – but it goes on – it just never ends – but it’s going to change. Once the Pi changes – that changes the amplitude – once the amplitude changes and sets – the frequency gets tighter – it gets closer together. So, the pitches are higher, which will change. You can’t gauge it presently. Once that new media applies – then what happens is – it shifts or changes. The shift or change – then you’re looking at it from a different bias. So, your amplitude is gauged from a point… same way, when you do a sine/cosine – cosine is starting from -1 – sine is at 0 or a +1, which is actually 0. Then that makes the whole thing different from where you’re starting. Do you see? So, that’s changing! So, you cannot gauge your frequency now because the amplitude isn’t set yet. - Please yourself:
· [iON on “PAYDAY” March 1, 2014 Part 2 (58:50 mark)]:
Caller: Would “Who am I?” have no answer?
iON: “Who am I that a King would bleed and die for you is the one – the one that was worthy – the one that caused the Lamb to be slain”. The one that made that blood available to flow back coursing through your veins, that’s who! And so, “Who am I?” is one that – that’s all for. You see, all of eternity had to be wrought just for you, or it may not work for anyone. You can’t worry about the whole wide world – you better worry about you. Because if you can’t please and delight yourself, what in the world makes you think that we can?
· [iON on “PAYDAY” March 21, 2015 Part 2 (14:49 mark)]:
iON: Please yourself!
Caller: What was that meaning when you say that… when you say: “Please yourself”?
iON: Well, basically, what we mean is that – if you can’t please and delight yourself – then we most certainly may disappoint you.
· [iON on “PAYDAY” May 10, 2014 Part 1 (35:46 mark)]:
Caller: Dr. iON has not got the bedside manner of Dr. Dean today.
iON: No, that’s true. Here’s why… there’s a reason… it’s time – it’s time! Timing is everything! It’s now time to move to the next layer! It’s time to please and delight yourself! If you can’t please and delight yourself – don’t depend on Bob to delight you – he’ll do the best he can – he’s really probably the only one that really – really – really cares about you. But at the same time, it’s time to take the next layered step. Contrast is wonderful! We love contrast! But after a little while, you’ll make it to where you don’t choose to stay. You make it so contrasting, it’s no fun anymore. Now, if you just want makeup sex – and you’re going to fight so you can make up – great! But if you never get to the makeup sex, then you’re just fighting all of the time. So, the point is… the bedside manner is… when you start this… our trouble… it’s time to shake yourself and come into your place of power as God. And you better get happy in this little world and realm that you created. It’s time! Get happy or get out!
Bob: No one knows how to do it, iON! You’ve got to give them the “how”!
iON: But they’re so brilliant that they haven’t asked the questions, yet- have they? - Plutonium:
· [iON on “PAYDAY” July 19, 2014 Part 3 (1:46:00 mark)]:
Jean: iON, you said that plutonium was more valuable than gold and silver…
iON: Yes!
Jean: … because it can be consumed.
iON: Yes!
Jean: So, will Little Man be consuming plutonium at some point?
iON: Sooner or later… I guess the better way to say that is: “One way or the other”.
Jean: Because there will be a lot of plutonium in our environment – more than there is now?
iON: Do! {“Do” means “Yes” – Ed.}
Jean: And that will be one of the choices for Little Man to eat?
iON: Ha-ha! Ha-ha! Well, one of many, but yeah. - Polarity:
· [iON on “PAYDAY” May 3, 2014 Part 1 (23:23 mark)]:
Caller: And you said that you’re creating… you’ve all begun to create because we are not.
iON: Yes.
Caller: So, I am aware of the RnA Drops. Are there other things that you are creating that I don’t know about?
iON: We are changing polarity. We are changing three-phase polarity – the way polarity is changing – is running through your planet. You still don’t know what electricity is – and we find that just stunning that you will not live on a planet without it – and you still don’t know “what the hell” it is. So, we are changing it – that’s what we’re doing.
· [iON on “PAYDAY” June 14, 2014 Part 2 (00:03 mark)]:
Caller: I’ve got a question for iON. I get the impression that you want to reduce polarity.
iON: No, we don’t want to, but it is being reduced. We don’t care about polarity – but it is changing – it’s lessening.
Caller: In an Ascended position, polarity wouldn’t be that significant.
iON: That’s right.
Caller: As far as God-ship goes, polarity wouldn’t really be very interesting.
iON: So, how novel of you to bring it up!
Caller: Well, I’ve been feeling a lessening of the importance of polarity because if you don’t have polarity in electricity, then how is electricity going to work?
iON: It won’t!
Caller: A God doesn’t need electricity.
iON: Look at polarity as “mutual inductance”.
Caller: My initial reaction was to combine capacitance with a coil, and it reminded me of that.
iON: Yes.
Caller: They’re directly linked, and they negate each other.
iON: That’s right!
Caller: And that produces an oscillation indefinitely.
iON: Marvelous! - Poles of the Earth:
· [iON on “PAYDAY” February 28, 2015 Part 2 (35:06 mark)]:
Eliza: A while ago, iON, you said: “We just extended the polar integers – the half spin now is melting the South Pole pretty rapidly – but nobody seems to be asking questions about that”.
iON: Um-hmm!
Eliza: Can you tell us a little bit more?
iON: Pole to pole, you’re starting to have the connection. The distance between North and South is becoming greater, which is a good day.
Eliza: The distance between North and South is becoming greater?
iON: Yes.
Jean: iON, so the North and South Pole… the distance is getting greater – that means the earth is getting bigger – the planet’s expanding?
iON: No, it does not.
Eliza: How does the distance become greater if the earth still remains the same size?
iON: The poles are not bound to this plane.
[iON on “PAYDAY” May 12, 2019 01:00 hour (38:31 mark)]:
Bob: Well, what is a “plane”, then? We’ve got “realm” and “dimension”. What’s a “plane”?
iON: Well, OK! Look here! You got… you have an axis of the earth, correct? The poles are flipping, correct? How far does an axis go and still be an axis? Can it be a million light-years from the center point on X and Y? Yes! So, it can be in another… if you’re going to call that another world a billion light-years away or whatever or whatever – that’s not even accurate – the poles are just flipping. So, the longest distance that it can make is the strongest bond of that magnetic charge. But this… there’s no saying that it stops at the… at Alaska – that’s the North Pole, and it goes just a little bit outside of the crust, and that’s it. No, it goes further than that – the axis – axes. Because there’s not a real stick line that you’re… you know… a line running through magnetic North where the actual axis of it is – the pole. - The Pope:
[iON on “PAYDAY” May 24, 2014 Part 1 (36:18 mark)]:
Caller: Is the Pope God?
iON: No.
Caller: Has there been a Pope that was a God?
iON: No, there’s been two Cardinals, but no Pope. - Portals:
[iON on “PAYDAY” July 12, 2014 Part 2 (1:10:59 mark)]:
iON: The portals are all open now.
Caller: OK.
iON: And you might link that to Coldplay. It’s possible, but the caveat is that it’s increasing.
Caller: What do you mean by “increasing”?
iON: Being more than it was! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Caller: Well, the portals are all open, so how…. increase more?
iON: Yes. You see all portals as way off this planet – all portals are not – some are ways into this planet. How else do you so easily change history?
Caller: New energy?
iON: New energy, smenergy! How else do you think we report all of these new histories? If history is all that it is – if history is what it’s all “aboot” – when the “moose” is “loose aboot the hoose” – then a history book should just be written one time and cover that time period and be done – but that’s not what happens. Guess what happens? Every time you turn around, they’re rewriting history. - Power:
· [iON on “PAYDAY” May 10, 2014 Part 1 (57:37 mark)]:
iON: We don’t mind engaging at any level; that’s not the question. But at the end of the day, our job is to bring you into your power – not bring you into ours. And the more you all don’t come into your own power, the more powerful we become as has been made itself evident this evening.
[iON on “PAYDAY” May 17, 2014 Part 1 (09:30 mark)]:
Bob: You are an ultimate protecting condom, iON. You know… nobody is going to nail me, right – unless you let it go?
iON: It’s not even about that. As you come more and more and more into your power, you need less and less and less of us. But if you need to borrow power until you get yours, isn’t that how it works? If you thought of energy as a bank, you could make a withdrawal as long as you make deposits. Could you not? So, this power that you’re borrowing, you’re building your own. And so to make the case clear, you are trying to increase your power. And if you borrow ours, Bob – to make you feel more invincible – that you are already invincible – then all the better.
Bob: You are an update of the Angel function.
iON: Well, you’ve got to go back… every nasty thing that’s ever been done on this planet, so far… the Scriptures are real clear: “And an Angel of the Lord came down and…” – and smote this – smote that – did this – did that – impregnated this – slept with that – scurried this – skinned that – did all those things.
Bob: Yes, but have you destroyed things an Angel would? You’ve been called on by us to do that violence that Angels traditionally are portrayed as doing in the Bible.
iON: Yes, but we do it more subtly. There will never be a nuclear explosion for you – because we will just go backward. Actually, there was a nuclear explosion – we just reverse it and go backward – and we used that to create H197.
Bob: Right!
iON: So, wonderful!
[iON on “PAYDAY” June 7, 2014 Part 1 (59:21 mark)]:
iON: If you were fixing to come into our power, you wouldn’t have to worry about it. We would have you all smote – because you would not live up to our expectations – because anything less than perfection we won’t have. You in your power is what we want – that trumps us. You in your power trumps us! We like that! We won’t have anything less! So, everything up to that, you’re playing with a “dark horse”. So, go create a new disaster – that’s what we are counting on. You’re someone else’s problem, now – so move on!
· [iON on “PAYDAY” May 3, 2014 Part 1 (31:20 mark)]:
iON: Now, we don’t mind if you borrow our power… ah, we have lots of it! We’ll share it with you! We’re not trying to get you into our power – we’re trying to get you into your power. But, if that means you have to borrow ours for you to achieve that, fabulous! That’s what power is for! That’s what forever is for!