iON | Living Water

Transcribed by Bert.

[April 12, 2014 Part 2 (15:35 mark)]
iON: You’ve got to have a ton of Living Water if you are not going to have any RnA Drops.

[iON on “PAYDAY” May 17, 2014 Part 2 (35:05 mark)]:
iON: Everybody that’s in that perilous wonders of searching – the only thing you can do is – move with the Cloud – until you get past and get across to the river Jordan – and go into the land of Canaan. There’re giants over there, but you don’t care, honey. You done whopped a Lion and a Bear – you get you a little Shewbread – and you get you some Living Water – and you cross that river Jordan, darling. You’d be just fine. Then you won’t have to follow the Cloud anymore, and you’ll know Ascension is sure.

[iON on “PAYDAY” June 14, 2014 Part 1: (14:36 mark)]:
iON: The water will make you not thirsty. You will not be thirsty – but you will want it – you’ll thirst again. But, if you drink this water – it starts a fountain that springs inside you – it’s a different kind of water.

[iON on “PAYDAY” June 21, 2014 Part 2: (48:39 mark)]:
Caller: How can I feel excited about the Living Water?

iON: Living Water – what it does, is – it changes how your body oxidases its cells – that’s the next step – that’s next by the way. You will engage it, and it will be a different thing. People drink water now because they’re thirsty – you won’t want this because you’re thirsty – because once you have it, you’ll never be thirsty again. What a pleasure and a delight that you would never be thirsty anymore – but you’ll want it – and you’ll want to drink it all of the time because it’s delicious. You’ll want it, but it won’t be because: “Ah, I am dry. I’ve got to drink. Oh, I’ve got to drink. Oh, Dr. Dean said that I’ve got to drink water. Ah, I don’t like water”. OK, then don’t drink water – drink Gin – that’s not a problem. But the point is, the Living Water once you have it – you’ll want it to enjoy it – you’ll want to take it in. It will absolutely shift the way your body processes oxygen at the pulmonary level.

•  •  •

“iON’s description above of the effect of Living Water is very precise.

On July 3/19 I was the first person on this planet, outside of JW’s family in Atlanta, to imbibe our Living Water.

Carolyn was the second, 2 weeks later.

We had consumed water sparsely from Joe Dun Sloan’s D-Cell from 1969 to 2002, and it had slowed down our aging.

I had never liked water. And I didn’t even drink it while playing sports.

I was considered by Carolyn and others to be in a general condition of dehydration for the last 50 years.

But it didn’t seem to bother me. The small amounts of the D-Cell water probably kept me above water.

It’s now been 5 months of drinking the Living Water almost every day… all day long.

Carolyn was shocked at the amount of water I was drinking when she arrived in Atlanta in mid-July.

I have even cut back considerably on my consumption of Lappert’s ice cream here on Maui… which is amazing and unforeseen.

We owe a lot to JW and his sons who make sure we keep supplied with this outstanding liquid.

AND I understand why all that power and authority is pouring into our situation now.”


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