iON | Lines & Spaces

Transcribed by Bert.

[22 August 2015 Part 1]

(28:45 mark)
Caller: You’ve made reference several times about the “lines and spaces”. And most recently, you’re saying that the “lines and spaces” are filling up with F-A-C-E, and there was quite a discussion last week about tonality, tones, and Fa-So-La. So, are the “lines and spaces” the musical staff, and are you talking about the treble clef?

iON: Sometimes bass clef, but yes!

Caller: And you said that tone will change the cellular structure and can change cells.

iON: It does. It always has! It always has!

Caller: And you also made mention about “Every Good Boy Does Fine”, and that is the actual lines of the musical staff.

iON: The “Rod and the Staff, they comfort thee”.

Caller: So, you’re talking about music.

iON: No, we’re not! We’re not talking about music.

Caller: You’re talking about tone?

iON: Yes, there’s a difference.

Bob: We can’t hear tone, iON. You’re saying we can’t hear tone?

iON: So far, you haven’t.

Caller: When you say, the “lines and spaces” are filling up with F-A-C-E, I thought that was F major, but last week, you talked about F minor and G flat.

iON: They vary, and half-step modulation begins, and that’s where – it’s not where you end, it’s where you modulate.

Caller: Do different parts of our bodies emit different tones?

iON: Different frequencies, yes.

Caller: And is the goal for our body to modulate into a harmonic convergence of tones?

iON: It can!

Bob: Are you saying that you would define tonality as frequency, iON – the way you mean it, when you say, “just another word for frequency”?

iON: Umm, we will if you want us to, but we will change our mind very quickly, Bob.

Bob: There is a distinction. It’s like “hendiadys” – one by means of two.

iON: There is! There is!

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