iON’s Completement Formula Update

Transcribed by Bert.

[1 September 2019 12:00 AM hour]

(50:51 mark)
RnA Drops: The RnA Drops are the “Light” of “Salt and Light”. The RnA Drops are a balancer that is an astringent that tightens the cells so they can allow the center, the mitochondria, to stop cutting off to allow replication further to 144,000 double helix strands.

ReMag: ReMag is the “Salt” of “Salt and Light”.

ReStructure: ReStructure is a building block that gives the body something to build to.

ReMyte: ReMyte is an electrolyte that balances the lipids, that open the refractors, that allow the body to flow. It is electricity in the form of light.

Pico Silver: Pico Silver is an electrolyte that allows the body to identify the problems and make the reparations itself. It points the problem out so the body can clean it up and get it out.

ReAline: ReAline is the janitor that takes out the trash.

ReNew: ReNew bonds the topical connection of the skin of what the skin touches. ReNew balances the Outer Kingdom.

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