[18 July 2015 Part 2]
(00:06 mark)
Caller: Hi, what about the circumcision of the heart?
iON: Yes, the opening of the pericardium. Yes, the opening of those changing fluids into delicious wonderfulness.
Caller: What’s the relationship between the hypothalamus and the heart?
iON: The hypothalamus and the pericardium have the exact same frequency, it sets the rhythm. Everybody thinks the heart does the rhythm, it does not. It’s the actual frequency of the fluid, the pericardial fluid which is in synch with the hypothalamus.
[18 July 2015 Part 2]
(00:06 mark)
Caller: Is every session with iON a circumcision of the heart?
iON: If we do it right, it is.
Bob: And the participant in the session helps you do it right.
Dr. Dean: Well maybe, the circumcision, iON, is keeping the pericardium flowing, so that you don’t cut off your pericardium. Could that be the anatomy?
iON: And changing the frequency which would affect the hypothalamus.
Bob: And that affects the inner kingdom, the world of emotions?
iON: It would, yes! Good!
Bob: Is that the primary recipient of the Being?
iON: The Hara! The Hara, “burning in the belly”.