Payday, Partial Transcript, 24 September 2022, 1900 Hour


Transcribed by Nan

Linda R 25:18
Are six planets in retrograde right now?

iON 25:21
They are.

Linda R 25:24
And what is the significance? That’s a six-degrees of separation question.

iON 25:29
Watch, watch, watch, "Doctor Who," when the Daleks try to do their, their slingshot move where they go into the past and make a new future so they can have all the forces, the Daleks, to take over everything. And then that’s when those planets lined up is how they used that. It’s pretty good, too.

Linda R 25:53
Okay. So, are the angels affected by the planets being in retrograde?

iON 26:02
We’ll certainly see.

Linda R 26:06
Okay. How about aliens? Are they affected by it?

iON 26:10
Absolutely. They can line up. The lining up, that’s the step. That’s the step. It’s kinda like a football play or tuning a band. You know, how you’re gonna start off: "a one and a two." That’s what Lawrence Welk used to do. "And a one and a two" with his bubble machine.

Linda R 26:30
So, this planets in retrograde, that works in the aliens’ favor?

iON 26:42
Well, we’ll see. It’s up to Bob.

Linda R 26:46
Okay. And are there, are there ways to use this retrograde of planets to our advantage and our Ascension?

iON 27:00

Linda R 27:03
Would you describe the few ways that we can use that to our advantage?

iON 27:08
It will help displace some of the pain that you have to go through ’cause the body — everybody’s cryin’ a lot. The muscles are, are being replete with tendons and that transformation is not very comfor… is not exceedingly, abundantly comfortable.

Linda R 27:28
Okay, is that what’s going on with my body and my muscle pain is –

iON 27:32

Linda R 27:33
– that transition? And then… yeah.

iON 27:36
Do. Gregg’s got it too, but Sterling’s safe! He’s safe in the arms of Jesus. He’s safe. [laughs] He’s gonna be just fine.

Linda R 27:48
So, so, I’ll ask it again. Is there a way we can use this to our advantage? Would you explain a few ways we can use this?

iON 27:58
We said enough on that. I mean, just go, go with it.

Linda R 28:03

iON 28:04
Just go with it. ‘Cause it’s sure whatever word we’d say, it won’t be enough. And whatever we do will be inadequate. And whatever it comes — see, the whole point is if we do this, if we keep like this, what’s gonna happen is y’all are just making the Tech Body more powerful, you see?

Linda R 28:22

iON 28:22
‘Cause now you’re havin’ to go outside yourself for your own clear and present direction.

Linda R 28:27
Okay, gotcha. Okay, so…

Bob 28:30
And Linda, that’s exactly what McLuhan said.

iON 28:33
Oh, God. Sorry about that.

Bob 28:36
The more you use the media, the more you become it, and then it ends up watching you.

Linda R 28:47
Okay, but…

iON 28:49
Yeah. Lose your phone. Lose your phone. Lose your phone for 30 minutes, by God, you’ll figure it out then. People can’t even go take a piss anymore without their telephones. It’s pretty amazing.

Bob 28:59

Linda R 28:59
But Bob, you say that "pay attention to what’s going on and then ask iON about it in terms of your content for questioning." So, –

Bob 29:09
Right. Right.

Linda R 29:09
– that’s partly what I do. But by doing that I’m feeding the Tech Body?

Bob 29:14

iON 29:16
No, no, no, no. No. Clean it up, Bob.

Bob 29:22
What did you say, iON? Did you say my name?

iON 29:23
Clean it up, Bob. Yes. Clean it up. But you were sloppy. You were sloppy, Clean it up. Make your points.

Bob 29:28
Like here. Here, here you see out in the world Nova Scotia getting bashed up. Everything’s so — Alison’s getting bashed up. So what’s happening in Dobbstown? You got the local lesbians — live in our other house — upstairs with Carolyn, building Bob’s bookshelves for the 4,000 CDs he got from Steve. See, construction happens here. We’re moving forward! We’re not affected by any of this stuff.

Linda R 34:00
They’re alive. I’m so grateful. All right, so I’m just gonna move on from that. So when you’re talking about flat Earth, I can see the maps that they have of flat Earth, and I can see the concentric circles, and that the Antarctica is surrounding it, and the ice wall and all of that. And the dome. I’m just wondering, to reframe my visual bias about the way I’ve taught and been conditioned how, you know, the earth and the planets and all that operate. Would you help me clarify and get a better picture or a visualization of what really is going on?

iON 34:48
Yeah. Yeah. This is –

Linda R 34:49
What is beyond the dome?

iON 34:51
– so you’re now — whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. Slow down, slow down. Let’s make this easy for you. What you’re saying is, is that we heard your words, other people heard your words, and now they’re buying into this conspiracy, conspiracy whatever, whatever, whatever, whatever this is. You know, it’s like the difference between the truth and a conspiracy theory is about four months now; it was six, but now it’s about four months. Andy, Mr. McCabe is really helpin’ us out with that real easy. We like that. So, anyhow, bring it back around. Go to… well, hold on one second. Bert! Hey, Bert! Send her or tell her where to find the flight… like where airplanes fly. Like if you’re in Atlanta, Georgia and you fly to Hong Kong, they take you over the top of the earth, -.

Linda R 35:46

iON 35:46
– which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Look at the paths that they take to travel.

Linda R 35:52
So, I’ve done that.

iON 35:52
Basically, well it lines up exactly how it’s exactly flat.

Linda R 35:59
Yeah, so I’ve seen that, and I can, I can get that. I’m just wondering in terms of the relationship between Earth and what they call planets and then the dome. So, let me ask some basic questions.

iON 36:15

Linda R 36:15
So, are there, are there galaxies?

iON 36:19
Sure. Lots of them. There’s galaxies in galaxies.

Linda R 36:24
Okay, so are they outside of the dome?

iON 36:30
Not necessarily.

Linda R 36:33

iON 36:36
You humans, you think for somethin’ to be important that it has to be very very very large. No, sometimes tiny, little things are huge.

Linda R 36:50
Okay. So, the dome. Is the top of the dome the ionosphere, or is there… I’m just trying to get…

iON 37:10
No, no, see… don’t, don’t do that. Don’t do that. Spatial distortion always distorts. Spatial distortion always distorts, so don’t even think about that like that. The troposphere, and the ionosphere, and the stratosphere, don’t even go into all that ’cause those, those, that’d be like trying to take the inner ring of the Angel Diagram and move it to the outside of the 14th Ring, you see.

Linda R 37:45
Ah. Okay.

iON 37:45
‘Cause they do move. Remember those… you know those degrees of freedom?

Linda R 37:52

iON 37:53
So, you can’t get too tangled up in all that because also, by the way, the entire environment — not atmosphere — the environment is shifting to the new patterned AL2(SO4) reality.

Linda R 37:54
Mm-hm. So, when we’re out…

iON 38:05
To try to wrap that, to try to wrap your head around that just will confuse you because it’s like well, that doesn’t make any — find out which way the airplane’s really flying, well, that don’t make any sense. "Oh, it’s the wind blows." Well, hell, the wind blows all the time! The wind’s always blowing blowing, so we’re gonna follow the wind? Okay, we’re going to coast this to Hong Kong. Yeah, that’s what we’re gonna do. See? So, it’s like, it’s not logical the way they do the flights. And when you look at it from an aviator’s standpoint, you go, "Oh. Oh."

Linda R 38:44
Yeah, I watched the video where they had the — or TikTok — where they interviewed the — actually, it was a video where they interviewed the pilots, and they said, yeah, it’s flat, there is no horizon. So, this is a weird question, but so when we think we’re looking out into the, into the outside world and we’re looking at stars, are we actually looking through our cell, our cell wall?

iON 39:24

Linda R 39:24
We’re actually looking in instead of out?

iON 39:27

Linda R 39:30
Okay, interesting.

iON 39:33
Susana, Susana brings up a good point about the rods almost reaching the core in Fukushima; purple. Now that, that’ll be a hootenanny. That’ll be a hootenanny.

Linda R 39:49
So, that’s pretty close, right? So how close are they?

iON 39:54
Chances are. Chances are.

Linda R 39:59
Would that be one of the things that you’re saying could be happening this weekend, or is that…

iON 40:05
Yeah. Yeah, I think the world is gonna suffer from Parkinson’s.

Linda R 40:13
Okay. In…

iON 40:17
You’re gonna let that go? You’re just gonna let that go? What’s the matter with you?

Linda R 40:21
The world is suffering, the world is suffering from Parkinson’s. Can you explain what you mean?

iON 40:22
Going, going to. Gonna go shaky, shaky, shaky. Shaa-ky, shake.

Linda R 40:35

iON 40:36
See, that’s why all this moving around is important to get where you’re supposed to get, get somewhere. You get where you can be on the 33rd parallel, which is good, but make sure you hang tight, because there will be shaking, but at some point, you gotta have a stabilizer. Now, we didn’t say it’s necessarily gonna be pretty now. Don’t, don’t, don’t flip the script now. You gotta be on your — watch your pints and quarts.

Linda R 41:06
Okay. So, you told Madeleine that the planets are in a different plane. Could you explain that more?

iON 41:19
Yeah. Reality is not what it says or is. Okay, let me explain it. You know what a fireplace is?

Linda R 41:28

iON 41:30
You put wood or something that, combustible, into the fireplace. And yet, ’cause you have that to warm your house up because it’s cold. Okay, so you build the fire in the fireplace, but all the fire and all the heat and all the smoke goes out the chimney. It’s ridiculous. The draw is pulling air from the outside up to the fire for it to burn, and yet it still somehow finds a way to heat your house because the heat exchange is greater. Or the rocks, those bricks, the mortar that’s holding the firebox together, it gets warm, so it exudes heat, the heat exchange. And in order for it to draw, that’s what you’re talkin’ about. Now, you asked about the distension between realities. Say your question again and then we’re gonna apply the fireplace to it.

Linda R 42:29
Okay, so you told Madeleine that the planets are on a different plane. Can you explain that for us. Yeah.

iON 42:37
Yeah. They are the top of the fireplace ’cause the warmest part of the fire is at the top of the flu.

Linda R 42:50
Okay. Hmm. I’m not sure that that’s helpful. I’m not making the connection. Could you say that in different words?

iON 43:02
Okay. Ah-huh and give you another sucky analogy. That one was pretty sucky. We’ll give you another one if you like it. We got a million of ’em! [Linda laughs] It’s all great fun. So, we gotta bring Bob back into this or he’s gonna cut you off in about a second. So, let’s see if we can get a Bobby. A Bobby. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. The Dobbs quadrant, you know about that?

Linda R 43:24

iON 43:26
Are there other quadrants?

Linda R 43:28

iON 43:30
Are all of those other quadrants consumed inside the Dobbs quadrant?

Linda R 43:36

iON 43:38
That’s exactly the same thing in what you’re talking about with the distension between the planets.

Linda R 43:45
Okay. Okay, so I’m going to reflect on that and…

iON 43:52

Linda R 43:54
All right. So, when you speak about going through a portal and Bob’s neck in the sun and the Earth turning into a spaceship, is that the Earth that is changing frequencies and we need to change frequencies in order to survive? That we’re not actually — that the flat Earth, it’s moving through the sun, –

iON 44:16

Linda R 44:16
– we’re actually… it IS moving through the sun.

iON 44:20
Yeah. Through Bob’s neck, the little — but it’s not a zit, it’s a little scar on Bob’s neck.

Linda R 46:06
Okay, so when you say that the oceans are deeper than what we imagined, what is containing the water underneath the Earth if we’re talking about flat Earth?

iON 46:17

Linda R 46:17
Nothing’s containing it.

iON 46:18
It’s not really water. That’s why we can, we can — that’s why Bread of Living Water is gonna become so important because when you take the oxygen out, there can’t be any water.

Linda R 46:32
Okay. Interesting.

iON 46:35
You’re gonna have hydrogen.

Linda R 46:36
Okay. I’m gonna have to sit on these things.

iON 46:43
Okay, so, if we take all the oxygen out, where does all the water go? You take oxygen out of H20, where does it go? And what would be left of it?

Linda R 46:56
Where did the oxygen go?

iON 46:57

Linda R 47:01
Does it get — I don’t know. Where did it go?

iON 47:04
It, listen, it sez it in the "striptures." You know the "striptures" when you go to the club and strip off your clothes. In the "striptures." [Linda chuckles] The "striptures" are very clear that it will be consumed in a burning lake of fire. It will burn! That’s where the, that’s where the lake of fire comes from.

Linda R 47:26
Mmm. Okay.

iON 47:27
Mmm. Cleans up a lot of bullshit. Cleans up a lot of bullshit. Everybody’s thinkin’ that this is "Dante’s Inferno." No, Dante was just callin’ it what he saw. He’s like, yeah, it’s gonna burn. So, there you go. Burning lake of fire.

Linda R 47:41
Oh. Interesting. Okay…

iON 47:42
Johnny Cash came close with a ring of fire, too.

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