[16 May 2015 Part 2]
(08:15 mark)
Dr. Dean: iON, the heart acts out some of what the hypothalamus triggers, correct?
iON: It responds to instructions given, just like all of your body.
Dr. Dean: It doesn’t initiate, it responds.
iON: That’s right, and that’s the autonomic responses that we try to get you to, always!
Dr. Dean: Yeah! Wow!
Bob: OK, we’ve got three autonomic systems. Do you remember them, Carolyn?
Dr. Dean: Sympathetic, parasympathetic, and what’s the third one?
Bob: The one with the brain, the nervous system. Which of those three works more with the heart than with the hypothalamus?
iON: “Satellite squared” going into the astral body.
Bob: Do you know what that is, Carolyn? He’s quoting the Kroker Quadrant, which is “Satellite squared”, going into the Thompson Quadrant. So, that’s pretty good, and iON likes to say that everything ends up in the Thompson Quadrant.
iON: That’s where you’re going to end up, you have to.
Bob: Is it the way William Irwin Thompson describes his own Quadrant, or other factors that Thompson’s not considering?
iON: Lord suffering cats, No!