[23 May 2015 Part 3]
(55:16 mark)
Caller: iON said the Soul is stored in our flesh – meaning our skin, that’s where it’s located?
iON: “Bars of Bone, oh my Soul”.
Caller: In the thoracic?
iON: Do!
Caller: So, the Soul is located in the thoracic.
iON: Yes.
Caller: Ah!
Bob: That’s pretty good!
7. Thickening of the Skin
[13 June 2015 Part 2]
1:09:59 mark)
Caller: iON, the thickening of the skin on the feet. Did you offer the information on why that’s happening? I would like to know.
iON: It’s in the palm of your hand, Baby! It’s “yes” and a “no” and a “maybe”. The dermis of the feet has to increase because the tactility with your skin has to start somewhere. So, it’s in the palm of your hand first, and then in the balls, or the plantar fascia, of the feet.
Caller: So, the tactility is important because we connect to it more so or what is the…
iON: You don’t connect to it. You are connected to it. You don’t connect to it, you are it.