ION | Eternal Body versus Immortal Body

Transcribed by Bert.


[23 May 2015 Part 2]

(1:09:25 mark)
Caller: iON, I want to know the difference between the Ascended Physical Body versus the un-Ascended Physical Body.

iON: A little different frequency.

Bob: So, what is the frequency made up of? If it has no beginning, it has no substance. What is a frequency?

iON: Ah, the mark between 1 Pi and 2 Pi in an amperage.

Bob: That’s a graph. Now listen, they’re talking about trigonometry, and they’re showing a graph. So, that’s a visualization, iON! You’ve taken a word, which is sound, frequency, and translated into another modality, sight. Now, how is that an answer, if you’re just going from ear utterance to visual utterance?

iON: The space between the visual knowing, and the experiencing of the visual space.

Bob: Now, that’s tactility. Now, it gets into the interval where the action is. And what was your question, Caller?

Caller: The Ascended Physical versus the un-Ascended Physical Body.

Bob: Yeah, OK! Now he’s saying the difference is this space in between. Now, we’re starting to get somewhere here.

iON: The loop in a frequency of an ampiture.

Bob: That’s the wire whisk! Visually, that’s the wire whisk?

iON: It is in “Perfect imperfection”.

Bob: So, you asked a question, Caller. The answer is always going to be incomplete because it will be in one modality – one sensory modality. But if they’re a little more sophisticated, they will say it’s in between two modalities. If you catch him on the fact, they’re only talking in one modality. So, we’ve got in between the ear and eye, and it’s this gap. That’s the process that we’re invoking.

Caller 2: So, this means that frequency is measured in amps?

Caller 3: In Hertz!

iON: Ohms! Ohms!

Caller 2: But you mentioned amps too!

Caller 1: Can you tell us what the frequency is for the Ascended Physical Being?

iON: We did that a hundred years ago! It’s in the recording. Look it up!

Bob: OK! So, you get some number! That ain’t going to tell you anything!

Caller 3: How do you make your pre-cells frequency start vibrating in that frequency? How do you tune to this frequency?

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