[Bob’s Private Session January 4, 2020 (09:43 mark)]
Bob: I had an insight, a few days ago. I thought… I said: “I will open up with this question”. Where is Chromosome 14 as we look at the night sky, and all the constellations? Which constellation… which area is Chromosome 14 out there – that appears to be out there?
iON: In the Triangulum! The Triangulum!
Bob: OK! So, since you agreed…
iON: Wo!
Bob: Yeah, go ahead.
iON: Remember “A squared” – “B squared” – “C squared”? You’re trying to find out what “A is to B”.
Bob: Yeah!
iON: Chromosome 14 would be B – which would be the “God angle”.
Bob: OK! So, since you agreed…
iON: Remember, we gave you the three points? Remember, we gave you the three points?
Bob: Yes, the recent show – recent talking to Bert.
iON: Yes.
Bob: So, you didn’t deny that? So, here’s my scenario:…
iON: We affirmed it.
Bob: Yes! So, I can take all the great body parts, even the three… the new three amino acids… all the inner landscape, we’ll call it, of my inner structure. And, I’m looking at…
iON: It’s called: “Intra”! “Intra”! “Intra-landscape”! “Intra-landscape”!
Bob: OK! Yeah, the “intra-landscape”… I’m looking out at the night sky and seeing constellations. I’m looking inside my body. I’m looking at the DNA spiral. Maybe…
iON: Umm-hmm, you are! The double helix and how it connects.
Bob: Right! So, there may… I think I’ve seen paintings by psychedelic artists showing galaxies inside the human frame – human structure. But, I sort of felt this was a…
iON: Like, Piccadilly, Ludgate circus! That’s a good one, too!
Bob: OK! So, not… don’t just look out in the night sky – look around on the planet – we’ll find our body parts… ah… cellular body parts.