Hawaii Time + 2 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
[Daylight Saving Time] Hawaii Time + 3 hours = Pacific Standard Time (PST)
intro by bob
jordan he’s very uninformed due to his 10-year absence matthew hurtado matthew rose his broker career then weed companies he asks for a portfolio direction ion suggested oil a while back lynne cheney
leon northern lights jimmy johnson
roy the different kinds of dead (sam chatmon)
germaine media ecology (films)
jack what bob should do on his show responding in kind rumpelstiltskin’s name “when capitalism fails, that’s when we come in?” jack killed the god (the NBA) being in high regard blacks are special
diamond and silk Qing/Han dynasty creating an empire how we’re going to release the bread of water effect of restructure
tina what creates right now (“there is no more creation – we’ve hit a stagma”) how to ascend Carolyn did it sidney powell bob is benevolent her husband carolyn never asks for directions (she asks about the bigger picture)
jack and germaine 19 months left for the coronavirus getting a pedicure the ascension app for access “we’re almost running it all now” 28 empires and 12 governments germaine’s dream with carolyn more on lockdown bobrule bob saved his dad? beyonce’s “bread of life” co.
ion will create a new sound in the Tech Body using one’s mind more on germaine’s dreams and judgment bob and ascension he’s from “apple”
juri why he’s nervous ion’s cloud Tech Body interrupts his call his programmer’s questions the issue of “fear” in the bible lewis carroll NEST in the home people are becoming autosexuals “breath” in the bible refers to the rocks newtonian physics is now wrong make a program based on the new balanced Pi tinder his sex life
fred gravity tetrad on “pre-cognition by instant pre-play”
alissa the “bust-up” her sex life trump’s finances buffett’s present moves future infection potential of COVID-19 (parsed) and COVID-20 (whole) going beyond her present 27%
bert CO2 hemoglobin carbon in the lungs no CO2 involved in RNA poles flipping (no magnetism in the meat sack) Al2SO4 makes you eat less (ReStructure is changing the ATP to create more energy) Qing Dynasty Diamond & Silk amino acids are changing the blood “we are our own polarity” (ionically covalent)
scott the “IRON FIST” TV show Bucky Fuller’s tri-bar (Penrose) his potential move his dream retrieving his stuff in storage the “E” pain in his sides will clear ignoring his soulmate
nik flipping poles his kitchen lights intubation “M” on his hand Queen Mum bob’s history
beverley was bob thrown off alpha centauri? angels can do work for her scar tissue on her lungs her inheritance and her brother the bread of life
roxy black venice oligarchy the fake coronavirus george soros wants to destroy america (their vaccine conspiracy) did bob’s media knowledge and carolyn’s medical knowledge attract ion? bob’s history as ophenel reincarnation and sleeping nature is blooming while humans are in lockdown? the great trio of carolyn, jw, and bob her role as a teacher