Transcribed by Nan
iON 0:01
You’ll soon get to the Repulsing Slaughter in Hensu, Bob. Don’t worry, it’s comin’.
Bob 0:07
Is what? The slaughter where?
iON 0:10
Repulsing Slaughter in Hensu.
Carolyn 0:12
Hensu. In the Book of the Dead.
Bob 0:14
Oh, okay, great. All right, thank you.
Carolyn 0:16
Here we are. We made it up to page 54. I have no idea how we did that, but we did. And you have to unmute if you’re gonna talk, Bob.
Bob 0:29
Oh. How many pages is it?
Carolyn 0:31
Bob 0:32
The Book.
iON 0:32
One at a time. Just one page at a time until 69.
Carolyn 0:37
Page 69. Okay.
iON 0:40
No, that’s the end of it. How many pages? It’s one page at a time until you get to 69 pages and that’s the end, Bob.
Carolyn 0:48
Right. So, 15 more pages, Bob. And we do about a page a night. Right, iON?
iON 0:59
Give or take. Depends. Depends.
Carolyn 1:02
Okay, the chapter heading, Bob, so you can find it is the "CHAPTER OF THE DEIFICATION OF THE MEMBERS." And members means your limbs: your arms and legs. Right, iON?
iON 1:17
Carolyn 1:18
Do. "The hair of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the hair of Nu. The face of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the face of Ra. The eyes of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the eyes of Hathor. The ears of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the ears of Up- uatu. The lips of the Osiris Ani (Carolyn: and it’ll go on and on like this, but iON makes me say them. Failed words.) The lips of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the lips of Anpu. The teeth of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the teeth of Serqet. The cheeks of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the cheeks of Isis. The arms of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the arms of Ba- neb-Tetu. The neck of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the neck of Uatchit. The throat of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the throat of Mert. The breast of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the breast of the Lady of Sais." We, iON, have not heard of the Lady of S-a-i-s before. Can you tell us about her?
iON 2:49
That’s new. You’re getting deeper into the condition of the dead. They’re deeper, there’s tiers – if you notice, you’ve been working your way down, like in levels or degrees of the basement. You’re getting pretty deep now so you’re gonna bump into some new, fawning, characters.
Carolyn 3:12
Very good. Continuing: "The backbone of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the backbone of Set. The trunk of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the trunk of the Lords of Kher-aha. The flesh of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the flesh of Aa- shefit. The belly of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the belly of Sekhmet. The buttocks
iON 3:42
Carolyn 3:43
Oh, Sekhmet. "The the buttocks of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the buttocks of the Eye of Horus." Uh oh. So, the Eye of Horus has two mentions here.
iON 3:55
Yeah, so the Eye of Horus is the asshole. Is the asshole, and what’s the other thing that’s Horus’?
Carolyn 4:02
The other one – buttocks, and oh, it was just above. Rrrr. Horus. I’m just seeing buttocks again. So, was I mistaken? I thought –
iON 4:20
One’s the ass and one’s ass – one’s the ass and the other’s the asshole.
Carolyn 4:26
Oh, the eyes and the buttocks. The eyes of Hathor.
iON 4:29
Carolyn 4:31
Okay, got it. So,
iON 4:34
Carolyn 4:35
Okay, thank you. "The phallus of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, is the phallus of Osiris." Now, didn’t Osiris lose his phallus in the story?
iON 4:48
Yes, yes, they cut his dick off. They cut his dick off. Yep.
Carolyn 4:51
Yeah. Well that’s – okay, so what – that makes me think that The Egyptian Book of the Dead, the phallus of Osiris is the only thing that survives this whole paragraph that is common knowledge. So, is there something –
iON 4:51
It becomes, it becomes – this is, this is the degree – you’re startin’ to pick up or meld, just like in pinochle, they’re starting to meld the reanimation clause. Reanimation.
Carolyn 5:28
iON 5:28
How you put it back together. All these dead people.
Carolyn 5:30
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Right, you have to have sort of the generative organs to be able to do that. So, the phallus is an important part of the reanimation. Correct?
iON 5:49
Mm hmm.
Carolyn 5:51
Okay, we’ll leave it at that. Phallus is important. And, continuing: "The thighs of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the thighs of Nut. The feet of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the feet of Ptah. The fingers of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the fingers of Saah. The toes of the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth, are the toes of the Living Uraei." Now, I was wrong. Above, I said the members are the limbs. Well, the members are all parts of the body. Yeah, all parts.
iON 6:35
The limbs are all parts of the body. So, that’s all right.
Carolyn 6:41
And then the – there’s an : "APPENDIX (From the Pyramid of Pepi I, II. 565ff.)" So, are those names of two pyramids? Pepi I and Pepi II?
iON 6:59
No, no, that, the – Pepi was a – Pepi was a pharaoh, and these are scenes on a – 565 are scenes from that sightedness in that – in those tombs.
Carolyn 7:15
Got it.
iON 7:16
Carolyn 7:18
Right. Okay, cool. So, there’s – the – were there – So, this is a translation of the hieroglyphs in the pyramid of – Pepi’s pyramid. Correct?
iON 7:39
Yeah. Yes.
Carolyn 7:40
Cool. Okay, continuing: "The head of this Meri-Ra is the head of Horus; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven." Okay, so Horus’ the main, the main character here, then. Right?
iON 8:00
Yeah, right, right. Well, Horus is supposed to be the God of the dead. Remember?
Carolyn 8:06
Oh, that’s right. Okay, go he’s got to be here. Good thing he’s here, in fact. Continuing,-
iON 8:17
For the dead people, he’s the ombudsman for the dead.
Carolyn 8:22
Yeah. Okay. "The skull of this Pepi is the Dekan star of the god; (Carolyn: So, there you have it) he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. The brow of this Meri-Ra is the brow of……. " Now there’s a blank in my script, the brow –
iON 8:46
That’s ‘cuz the picture, the picture stops and they have to drop down. You don’t get any more of that.
Carolyn 8:53
Okay, and continuing, then. –
iON 8:57
They don’t build pyramid writin’s like they used to, Carolyn.
Carolyn 9:00
Got it. "The brow of this Meri-Ra is the brow of……..and Nu; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. (Carolyn: Oh, here we go again another cycle.) The face of this Pepi is the face of Up-uatu; he cometh forth therefore and ascended into heaven. The eyes of this Meri-Ra (Carolyn: Who’s Meri-Ra again, iON?)
iON 9:29
We haven’t, we haven’t described it yet. It’s the second animation of Scheherazade (?).
Carolyn 9:36
The second animation of?
iON 9:39
Scheherazade (?).
Carolyn 9:43
I missed that again. Are you saying something about Sherry?
iON 9:46
Just say – no, just say vasodilator, and you’ll get that.
Carolyn 9:53
Vasodilator. I have no idea. Bob, I think you have to – take over.
iON 9:58
Yeah, vasodilator. Just put it in there.
Carolyn 10:01
The second –
iON 10:02
No, no, you’re doing good. It’s the second animation of another name, that you’re goin’ to get layers – you’re deeper in the layers, people that are deeper you haven’t heard before. And there’s others that are coming like this. That’s all.
Carolyn 10:11
Yeah. Got it. Continuing: "The eyes of this Meri-Ra are the eyes of the Great Lady, the first of the Souls of Anu; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. The nose of this Pepi is the nose of Thoth; (Carolyn: Oh cool.) he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. The mouth of this Meri-Ra is the mouth of Khens-ur; he cometh forth therefore, and ascendeth therefore, and ascendeth therefore into heaven. (Carolyn: I think there’s a typo.) The tongue of this Pepi is the tongue of Maaa (Truth) in the Maat Boat; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. The teeth of this Pepi are the teeth of the Souls of [Anu]; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. The lips of this Meri-Ra are the lips of……..; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. The chin of this Pepi is the chin of Nest-khent-Sekhem (the throne of the First Lady of Sekhem); he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. The thes bone (Carolyn: t-h-e-s) of this Pepi is the thes bone of the Bull Sma; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven."
iON 11:52
The thes bone. The thes, thes is a type of bone.
Carolyn 11:57
Ah, okay. Thank you.
iON 12:01
Part that attaches to the clavicle.
Carolyn 12:04
All right. Now the next word is the soulders, but do they mean shoulders? Yes, it’s: "The shoulders of this Pepi are the shoulders of Set; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. [The ………. of this Pepi]……….; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven." And these are names we’ll hear later, so, we aren’t worrying.
iON 12:31
Oh, Carolyn, you have to type in at the bottom, you have to type in that you’ll allow slang words in and it won’t be dots, it’ll fill in the name, but they don’t let the bad words come through. You have to set your browser settings so that allows the bad words to come through.
Carolyn 12:48
Ha ha ha. No bad words. Okay. I might just skip over a few pages for that.
iON 12:57
Ha ha. Oh, and we’ll pay for that one, huh?
Carolyn 13:01
Yeah. "[The ……… of this Pepi] ………. of Baabu; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven." What, Bob? Baabu, yeah. Baabu.
iON 13:15
Yeah, Baabu. Anywhere there’s little dots, say Bob. So, the Bob, –
Carolyn 13:22
Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
iON 13:23
– he cometh forth and the Bob of this Pepi of Bob of Baabu. Yeah.
Carolyn 13:28
Mm hmm. Yeah. "The breast of this Meri-Ra is the breast of Bast; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. The belly of this Meri-Ra is the belly of Nut; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. [The ……… (Carolyn: Bob) of this Pepi]………; (Carolyn: Bob) he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. [The ……. (Carolyn: Bob) of this Pepi]………; (Carolyn: Bob) of the two Companies of the gods; he cometh forth (Carolyn: Oh my gosh, I went too far.)
iON 14:03
No, you didn’t. He cometh forth therefore.
Carolyn 14:07
"therefore and ascendeth into heaven. The two thighs of this Pepi are the two thighs of Heqet; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. The buttocks of this Meri-Ra are like the Semktet Boat and the Mantchet Boat;" Now, we’ve changed our direction here. We’ve got – anyway, they’re boats. So, we’re gettin’ into the boat situation again, iON?
iON 14:38
Well, no, now look. It becomes to put – it becomes a ratio perspective. First, you had dead bodies. Then you had these people lookin’ after the dead bodies. Then you had the dead bodies that were all to pieces. Then you had the layers of the dead bodies at the higher levels that gave they’re gunk for this gunk. So, this one was set into that, and that one was set into this. Now their parts are made up into these parts. So, they’re taking parts from the higher deities and attaching them to the other people. So, they’re reanimating the dead. Okay, now they got to move the dead, however reanimated, the different version of it, into the Semktet Boat. Remember the River Styx? But then you have a Mantchet Boat which is new. They haven’t talked about that. So, therefore, you’re tryin’ – now they’re gonna ascendeth into heaven. That’s the difference.
Carolyn 15:29
Ahhh. Cool. Phew.
Bob 15:33
Did I hear the word animation seven minutes ago?
Carolyn 15:36
You did.
Bob 15:37
I don’t see where it is. It’s only said once if it is.
iON 15:41
It’s re. Reanimation.
Bob 15:46
You know where that was, Carolyn?
iON 15:50
When she was talkin’ about the body parts and their parts of who they were. Oh yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Then new people started showing up.
Bob 15:59
Yeah, doesn’t –
iON 16:02
The Lady Chablis. The Lady Chablis. Ha ha ha.
Carolyn 16:10
Can we move on, Bob?
Bob 16:11
Yes, it’s just that Eric McLuhan wrote a small book on how the Egyptian hieroglyphs were actually animated like cartoons. So, that they, you know, they showed you profiles that was in motion. So, I just heard the word animation. I thought of that. But they’re talking about animating the spirits or the dead or something here.
Carolyn 16:36
Yeah, well, the words –
iON 16:37
The dead.
Carolyn 16:38
Yeah, the word reanimation is something that iON said about the, around the – Horus’ – no, Osiris’ penis.
Bob 16:48
Carolyn 16:49
iON said this is the degree of melding the reanimation clause. So, that’s where you heard it. It wasn’t in the text.
Bob 16:57
Carolyn 16:59
Happy to help, Bob.
iON 17:00
Like melding, like melding pinochle.
Carolyn 17:06
Okay, so we’ve got new boats and all very awesome. Continuing: "he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. The phallus of this Pepi is the phallus of the Hep Bull; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven." So, we’re trying to reanimate this Pharaoh aren’t we iON?
iON 17:30
We are. Wasn’t gonna waste it on a – you wouldn’t want to waste it on – reanimation on a crack head.
Carolyn 17:41
Well, I don’t know. If you’re a Democrat, you might. Ha ha ha.
iON 17:45
No, they’ll just leave them. They can still – they won’t, they wouldn’t want to do that. The dead still vote if they’re Democrats. The dead vote all the day long. Vote early, vote often.
Carolyn 17:56
Continuing: : "The legs of this Meri-Ra are the legs of Net (Neith) and Serqet; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. The knees of this Meri-Ra are the knees of the twin Souls who are at the head of the Sekhet-Tcher; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. The soles of this Meri-Ra are like the Maati Boat; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. The toes of this Pepi are the toes of the Souls of Anu; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. Now this Pepi is a god, (Carolyn: small "g") the son of a god; (Carolyn: small "g") he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven.
Bob 18:43
What’s the – oh, so, do we know what Pepi was till the next sentence?
Carolyn 18:47
Pepi’s a pharaoh.
Bob 18:48
Oh, okay.
Carolyn 18:50
And he’s, he was in the pyramid and they got his hieroglyphs and are writing this about him. "This Pepi is the son of Ra who loveth him; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. Ra hath sent forth Meri-Ra; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. Ra hath begotten [this] Pepi; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. Ra hath given birth to Pepi; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. This spell therefore is in the body of Meri-Ra; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. This Meri-Ra
iON 19:34
That was significant. That was significant.
Carolyn 19:38
This spell. Okay, so this spell –
iON 19:44
Carolyn 19:46
Okay. Okay. So, the spell is important. Right. Heh heh. It’s very funny. I had a little click of my cell phone. So, whatever message came in – so, I was, I was distracted from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Isn’t that funny?
iON 20:08
It’s okay.
Carolyn 20:09
Thank you.
Bob 20:10
Why is it funny?
Carolyn 20:12
Just how distracting the Tech Body and the Black Mirror are.
Bob 20:17
Carolyn 20:17
You know, click. Uh oh. So, yes. "This spell therefore is in the body of Meri-Ra; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven." So, all those parts and everything are wound together by the – what the spell or incantation is what iON is saying.
iON 20:42
That we’re coming to.
Carolyn 20:44
That we’re coming to. Okay. "This Meri-Ra is the Power, the Great Power, (Carolyn: Now, "G" and "P"s are all capitalized) among the Great Council of Chiefs (Carolyn: All capitalized) in Anu; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. He worketh the boat; Pepi cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. [Pepi is] Horus, the nursling, the child;" Like iON said, Bob, the gods are infusing themselves into the dead that we want to reanimate. Very obvious.
iON 21:33
And how that reanimation applies.
Carolyn 21:37
Yeah. "Meri-Ra cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. Pepi hath not had union with Nut, she hath not given her hands to him;" Okay, so that’s interesting. So it’s implying that this is not a sexual reanimation or birth. Correct, iON?
iON 22:02
Right. That’s – yeah.
Carolyn 22:07
Oh, you don’t think it’s a wonderful statement I just made?
iON 22:13
Ahh, it’s not the best thing that you’ve ever made, but it’s a good statement.
Carolyn 22:20
Heh heh heh. Okeydok.
iON 22:21
It’s a good. It’s a good halfway there. A good reach.
Carolyn 22:26
Yeah, ‘cuz he hath not had union with her, with Nut. She hath not given her hands to him. So, there’s no, no animation goin’ on there.
iON 22:40
Carolyn 22:41
Continuing. "he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. Keb hath not removed the obstacles in his path;" So, there’s another layer of stuff we’ve got to go through obviously. Correct?
iON 22:57
Lots of elevators, lots of elevators. Not many doors.
Carolyn 23:04
Yeah, lots of layers. "he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. No god hath smitten the steps of this Meri-Ra;" Smitten the steps. Can you elucidate those words, iON?
iON 23:23
Well, gauged or guided the process.
Carolyn 23:27
Yeah. Ah. Well, I thought it was all a guided process.
iON 23:33
Is it? Doesn’t seem that way. One minute your thrown in the boat, next thing the boat becomes the body, next thing the body becomes a god and then the god gives up. They keep wackin’ them up, tryin’ to pull them out and pull them out, and pull them back in. Now we’re tryin’ to get the, the, you’re tryin’ to get the rudiment of how to do it. That’s what you’re trying to get. And so this equates to a rudiment.
Carolyn 23:58
Okay. (pause) Okay. Continuing. Okay. "No god has smitten the steps of this Meri-Ra; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. [Though] Pepi is not censed is not mourned, hath not washed himself in the vessel, hath not smelt the haunch, hath not (Carolyn: mute your bathroom ablutions, Bob) hath not smelt the haunch, hath not carried the meat- offering, hath not ploughed the earth, hath not dedicated an offering, he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven." Hmm. So, those are all the things that he hasn’t done yet but he’ll have to do, iON?
iON 24:53
Correct. Those are the, those are the, those are the statute of limitations.
Carolyn 24:59
Yeah. What’s left to do. Got it. "Behold, it is not this Pepi who hath said these things to you, O ye gods, (Carolyn: small "g") it is Heka who hath said these things to you, O ye gods, and this Meri-Ra is the support which is under Heka;" So, yeah, he’s – there’s the guidance, iON.
iON 25:24
Mm hmm. Yesum.
Carolyn 25:27
Okay. And continuing: "he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. Every god smiteth the feet of Pepi; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. He plougheth the earth, he dedicateth an offering, he bringeth the vessel of [blood], he smelleth the haunch, and he bringeth the meat offering; he cometh forth therefore and ascendeth into heaven. Every god graspeth the hand of Meri-Ra in heaven. He conducteth him to the House of Horus in the sky. (Carolyn: He’s in heaven!) The word of his Double is truth before Keb." Okay, what’s this Double? You’ve said before someone on, on the dead side and someone on the live side. Is that still valid?
iON 26:29
Carolyn 26:31
Okay. Okay. And we’ve got a new chapter, Bob. And this is –
iON 26:40
Carolyn 26:42
Yeah. "THE CHAPTER OF REPULSING SLAUGHTER IN HENSU." That sounds exciting. Bob wants to say something. He’s on mute, though. He approacheth, he approacheth my chair after he washeth his hands from being out in the garage library. Readething something. Get over here, Bob. What?
Bob 27:12
What you just said something, the god’s going up to heaven?
Carolyn 27:17
Bob 27:17
Is that the guf, iON?
iON 27:21
No, it’s this – getting them out of that in – there is no guf anymore. It’s the in-between place. They’re trying to skip earth going to heaven.
Bob 27:31
So, this is, this Book addresses the period after the emptying of the guf?
iON 27:38
Ah, yes, of course.
Bob 27:41
Hmm. So, there’s no heaven to go to other than the physical.
iON 27:48
Well, that’s what they’re trying to figure out. They’re dead. They don’t know, Bob.
Bob 27:52
Oh, I see. This is a quandary of people dying now.
iON 27:56
And the ones past dead, of what to do.
Bob 27:59
Yeah. And you said they’re trying to get to heaven, or they get to heaven?
iON 28:03
Sure. That is what this says.
Bob 28:04
But that isn’t the correct heaven. What heaven is that?
iON 28:09
They don’t know. How would they know? How do they know?
Bob 28:11
Well, do you know?
iON 28:12
Not earth. Not in – not, not in the hell they’re in. Not in the hole they’re in. Not in the wall that –
Bob 28:20
Did you know that, Carolyn? This is all about after the guf emptied?
Carolyn 28:23
No, no, no.
Bob 28:24
So, again, Bob comes through with an important point. And then I wanted to say this other thing. This is basically medicinal. Therapeutics was so important. No, it’s so appropriate that Carolyn is the conductor through this. Would you agree, iON, –
iON 28:41
Bob 28:41
– that this is medicine; –
iON 28:43
Of course.
Bob 28:43
– deep, deep medicine, for beings –
iON 28:46
Bob 28:46
– that are dealing with the guf like Robin Williams. Just think of who died: Robert Trump! Where is Robert Trump right now?
Carolyn 28:55
iON 28:58
There you go.
Bob 29:00
Can you say where he is? Or, are you gonna give him a little free time first?
iON 29:05
Free time first.
Bob 29:07
Yeah. Okay, who’s someone who died a couple of weeks ago? Biden. Ruth Ginsburg. What’s Ruth Ginsburg doing?
Carolyn 29:15
Bob, can I continue?
Bob 29:16
Just a second. Where’s Ruth Ginsburg, iON, in this landscape?
iON 29:20
Ah, she’s locked in her office. Remember?
Bob 29:24
Like Epstein, who’s locked in his cell. That’s what you mean locked. They’re stuck.
iON 29:29
Well, right. Right.
Bob 29:32
Carolyn, you might want to look at the sunset. You know, maybe.
Carolyn 29:37
I’m okay.
Bob 29:37
All right. Okay. I’m finished.
iON 29:40
She can’t. She can’t. She’ll close the windows. Bob’s finished, so he’s finished, so that’s where he wants to start next week (overtalk) –
Bob 29:45
The Chapter of Repulsing – what did you say? Sorry I drowned you out there. What did you say, iON?
iON 29:51
No, that is okay. Is that where you want to start next week?
Bob 29:55
No, no, we’ve only gone half an hour or so, Carolyn. So, we got to do this. The chapter –
Carolyn 29:59
Did you know Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s, obituary is up?
Bob 30:04
Ha ha ha. What do you mean? Where is it?
Carolyn 30:07
It’s up. It’s on wiki obits.
Bob 30:11
Ha ha ha. They have it ready to go.
Carolyn 30:12
They’re waitin’ for her.
Bob 30:13
Carolyn 30:18
That’s it.
Bob 30:18
All new words, right? Hensu’s a new word?
Carolyn 30:22
Bob 30:22
Look how close the border is to the bottom. We’re almost finished.
Carolyn 30:27
Heh heh heh. Okay, then, there’s another chapter heading after those words called: "THE CHAPTER OF DRIVING BACK THE SLAUGHTERS WHICH ARE PERFORMED IN HENSU. The Osiris
Bob 30:43
What about the subtitle –
Carolyn 30:46
Mute yourself.
Bob 30:46
– "From the Papyrus of Nu, Sheet 6." Did you deal with that?
Carolyn 30:49
We don’t always say them. It doesn’t really matter.
Bob 30:52
Oh, okay.
Carolyn 30:54
Will you mute yourself? There’s an echo. "THE CHAPTER OF DRIVING BACK THE SLAUGHTERS WHICH ARE PERFORMED IN HENSU. The Osiris Nu, whose word is truth, saith:- O thou land of the Septre! O thou White Crown (Carolyn: capitals) of the divine form! O thou rest of the ferry-boat! I am the Child. I am the Child. I am the Child. I am the Child. Hail, Abu-ur! Thou sayest daily: "The slaughter-block is made ready as thou knowest, and thou hast come to destruction." I am Ra, who stablisheth those who praise him. I am the Knot of the god in the Aser tree, the twice beautiful one, who is more splendid to-day than yesterday. Who is more splendid to-day than yesterday. Who is more splendid to-day than yesterday. Who is more splendid to-day than yesterday. I am Ra, who stablisheth those who praise him. I am the Knot of the god within the Aser tree, and my appearance is the appearance [of Ra] on this day. My hair is the hair of Nu. My face is the face of the Disk." It’s a capital "D." Is that the sun, iON?
iON 32:22
It’s what they’re making reference to. They can’t see the sun there. It’s what they refer to it as.
Carolyn 32:28
That’s right. Yeah, we’ve been there before. "My eyes are the eyes of Hathor. My ears are the ears of Up-uat. My nose is the nose of Khenti-Khabas. My lips are the lips of Anpu. My teeth are the teeth of Serqet. My cheeks are the cheeks of the goddess Isis. My hands are the hands of Ba-neb-Tet. My forearms are the forearms of Neith, the Lady of Sais. My backbone is the backbone of Suti. My phallus is the phallus of Beba. (Carolyn: that’s translated as Bob.) My reins are the reins of the Lords of Kher-aha. My chest is the chest of Aa-shefit. My belly and back are the belly and back of Sekhmet. My buttocks are the buttocks of the Eye of Horus. (Carolyn: Ah ha! They put them together, iON.) My hips and legs are the hips and legs of Nut. (Carolyn: She got herself in there.) My feet are the feet of Ptah. [My fingers] and my toes are the [fingers and] toes of the Living gods. There is no member of my body which is not the member of a god. (Carolyn: small "g.") Thoth protecteth my body altogether, and I am Ra day by day. I shall not be dragged back by my arms, and none shall lay violent hold upon my hands." So, this new animation is making a stand. Correct, iON?
iON 34:22
Do. Well, it’s – you’re making, you’re making – it’s kind of like AMA, against medical advice, which shows you how to not mess up and do the wrong thing from a standard.
Carolyn 34:38
Ah huh. Continuing: And shall do me hurt – what, okay: "I shall not be dragged back by my arms, and none shall lay violent hold upon my hands. And shall do me hurt neither men, nor gods, nor the Spirit-souls, nor the dead, nor any man, nor any pat-spirit, nor any rekhit-spirit, nor any hememet-spirit. I am he who cometh forth advancing, whose name is unknown. I am Yesterday. "Seer of Millions of Years" is my name. (Carolyn: And that’s capped.) I pass along, I pass along the paths of the divine celestial judges. I am the Lord of Eternity: I decree and I judge like Khepera. I am the Lord of the Urrt Crown. I am he who dwelleth in the Utchat and in the Egg, and it is granted (Carolyn: Oh, I lost it. I touched something.) I am he who dwelleth in the Utchat and in the Egg, and it is granted unto me to live therein. I am he who dwelleth in the Utchat when it closeth, and I
iON 36:09
Carolyn 36:09
Yeah, something?
iON 36:12
Go ahead. No, just if you get caught on the wrong side when the flood comes, you can’t make it.
Carolyn 36:19
Ah, right. "I am he who dwelleth in the Utchat when it closeth, and I exist by the strength thereof. I come forth and I shine; I enter in and I come to life. I am in the Utchat, my seat is upon my throne, and I sit in the tent chamber before it. I am Horus. [I] traverse millions of years." So, they’re still dealing in time, but as you always say, that’s ‘cuz they’re, they’re still dead. Right?
iON 36:55
So far.
Carolyn 36:57
Yeah. Okay. We’re getting close though. "I have decreed [the stablishing] of my throne, and I am the ruler thereof; and in very truth my mouth keepeth an even balance both in speech and in silence. In very truth my forms are inverted. I am Un-Nefer, from one period even unto another, and what I have is within me. I am the only
iON 37:32
Carolyn 37:35
iON 37:37
I said yay. (indistinct)
Carolyn 37:41
Yeah, because the next word is I am the only One and One is capitalized. So, we’re getting somewhere, right?
iON 37:50
Mm hmm. Do.
Carolyn 37:52
Right. "I am the only One, who proceedeth from an only One, (Carolyn: capitalized. So, a god to a god. So, there’s the godness. We got the god going, right? No?)
iON 38:11
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
Carolyn 38:12
Yes. Continuing: "who proceedeth from an only One. I am the only One, who proceedeth from an only One, who goeth round about in his course. I am he who dwelleth in the Utchat. No evil thing of any shape or kind shall spring up against me, and no baleful object, and no harmful thing, and no disastrous thing shall happen unto me. I open the door in heaven. I rule my throne. I open the way for the births which take place on this day. I am the child who traverseth the road of Yesterday. (Carolyn: Now this is interesting, road of Yesterday and then) I am To-day for untold nations and peoples." Okay, so, hmm. I mean, that’s timing again but it sounds different, iON. What’s going on here?
iON 39:13
It’s past – you’re hooking up from your past, present, future, in the same moment. You’re crossing into those spaces. Now, if these weren’t dead people and this wasn’t the Book of the Dead, this would be like merging from this world into another kingdom and then maybe another world, –
Carolyn 39:31
Ah ha.
iON 39:32
– and having the same ice cream experience as you did yesterday.
Carolyn 39:38
Right. Very cool. And so, repeating: "I am the child who traverseth the road of Yesterday. I am To-day for untold nations and peoples. I am he who protecteth you for millions of years. Whether ye be denizens of heaven, or of the earth, or of the South, or of the North, or of the East, or of the West, the fear of me is in your bodies. I am he whose being hath been wrought in his eye. I shall not die again." Ha ha. Da-da-da! We can stop here, Bob. Heh heh. Ta da! So, we’ll just mark a "ta da" moment.
iON 40:32
Carolyn 40:34
Bob 40:34
Why here?
Carolyn 40:35
No, I’m just making it – because I am he whose being hath been wrought in his eye. I shall not die again. Ta da!
Bob 40:44
Wait a minute. Where’s that? How far down did you go?
iON 40:50
Aren’t you keeping, aren’t you keeping up, boss?
Bob 40:53
Yes, but I got distracted by some fighting between the left and right in Michigan. Great footage of stupid people punching each other. It’s incredible. You see these skinny, little guys charging at big elephant guys. I mean, they’re dead people. They’re dead, aren’t they, iON? –
iON 41:07
Most of them.
Bob 41:07
– They have no normal limitation of their physique.
Carolyn 41:11
Yeah, Scott Adams, who’s this skinny, little, geek guy, himself, he says: "I could take those guys." Those whatever.
Bob 41:19
The big guys.
Carolyn 41:20
The Tiva guys. What is it called?
Bob 41:22
Fa so la.
Carolyn 41:23
Fa so la.
Bob 41:24
Antifa fa so la. So, are a lot of those dead people, iON, I’m lookin’ at in the footage?
iON 41:29
A lot of them are.
Bob 41:31
Yeah. So, how far down were we?
Carolyn 41:35
Bob, you just search the word –
Bob 41:37
Carolyn 41:37
– "I shall not die again." I don’t know where you are to tell you where you should be.
Bob 41:42
Well, I don’t see a –
Carolyn 41:43
I shall not die again. Type in the words.
Bob 41:46
I don’t see, I don’t see any ending point.
Carolyn 41:51
Type in the words. It’s in the middle of the paragraph.
Bob 41:54
I shall not die again. Die a second time?
Carolyn 42:01
Bob 42:02
I don’t see where again. Oh, right there. You’re stopping right there in the middle of this text?
Carolyn 42:08
To say: "Ta da."
Bob 42:12
Carolyn 42:13
Continuing: "My moment is in your bodies," Can I stop and laugh, iON, at Bob for a second? (laughing)
Bob 42:19
What do you mean? What’s there to laugh – I do not deserve a laugh at this point. But I have said that. I shall not die again! That’s Bob’s line. Put that on my tombstone. –
Carolyn 42:32
Your resume.
Bob 42:32
– I shall not die again!
Carolyn 42:34
Your resume. Continuing –
Bob 42:38
What is this? Who are we fixing up here?
Carolyn 42:38
Mute yourself. It’s a momentous time.
Bob 42:42
Is this a covid virus patient?
Carolyn 42:45
Bob 42:45
Put the revelator on him.
iON 42:47
Bob 42:47
Oh, iON say si. I hit a new level, Carolyn. This is about hospitals today.
iON 42:53
They he say revelator or ventilator?
Carolyn 42:56
Ha ha. "I shall not die again. My moment is in your bodies, but my forms are in my place of habitation."
Bob 43:08
Hmm. That’s a discussion of my five body dilemma.
Carolyn 43:11
"I am "He who cannot be known."
Bob 43:14
That’s the mystery body.
Carolyn 43:15
"The real Fiends –
Bob 43:17
"The Red Fiends." Have you been reading this wrong?
Carolyn 43:20
Will you mute? You’re distracting me.
Bob 43:23
The Red, real, Fiends –
Carolyn 43:24
Okay, you take over.
Bob 43:24
No, no, no, no.
Carolyn 43:28
Go ahead. "The Red Fiends have their faces directed against me. I am the unveiled one. The period when the heavens were created for me and were enlarge the bounds of earth, and multiplied the progeny thereof, cannot be found out. They shall fail and not be united again. By reason of the speech which I address to you, my name setteth itself apart from all things evil which are in the mouths of men. I am he who riseth and shineth," (pause) Unmute yourself.
Bob 44:10
Take a break, iON, you got clicking going on.
Carolyn 44:12
Uh oh.
iON 44:13
Carolyn 44:14
I don’t hear it.
Bob 44:15
All right, carry on.
iON 44:16
We don’t hear it. Clicking.
Carolyn 44:18
No. "I am he who riseth and shineth, (Carolyn: mute yourself, Bob) a wall which cometh out of a wall," Oh, there’s the wall, iON. Here at the wall.
iON 44:32
Carolyn 44:33
iON 44:35
Out of a wall. Out of a wall, a wall coming out of a wall.
Carolyn 44:38
Yeah. Thank you for that.
Bob 44:41
That sounds like the effect of the phonetic alphabet. Am I on the right track there?
iON 44:46
Oh, well, no, it’s the, well, it has to do with a Vietnam wall out of a wall in New York City.
Bob 44:56
Right. Well, what about the wall in Sheila’s painting, the Grecian something. What was that called? The wall?
iON 45:02
The Grecian key. Uh huh. The Grecian key. It was – that’s, that’s here at the wall.
Bob 45:08
All right, it’s not this. Okay.
Carolyn 45:11
Continuing; "a wall which cometh out of a wall, an only One who proceedeth from an only One. (Carolyn: capital "O" again) There is never a day that passeth without the things which appertain unto him being therein; passing, passing, passing, passing. Verily I say unto thee, I am the Plant (Carolyn: capital "P") which cometh forth from Nu, and my mother is Nut. Hail, my creator, I am he who hath no power to walk, the Great Knot who dwelleth in Yesterday. The might of my strength
Bob 45:53
The Great Knot, Carolyn. You can’t let that go. Artie Lange wrote a book, "Knots," 1969 or so. What would be the Great Knot?
Carolyn 46:06
Are you asking iON?
Bob 46:07
The one that Alexander the Great chopped up? Remember? Nobody could –
Carolyn 46:14
Well, I mean –
Bob 46:15
– untie the knot.
Carolyn 46:16
This whole thing is like an unravelling of the –
iON 46:21
Top down.
Carolyn 46:21
– and reravelling. Hmm. Top down.
Bob 46:27
What did iON say?
Carolyn 46:29
Top down? No?
iON 46:31
Bob 46:31
He didn’t use that word.
iON 46:33
Bob 46:34
This is a top down knot?
iON 46:36
It’s takin’ them apart, top down.
Carolyn 46:40
Mm hmm.
Bob 46:41
Oh, the direction of taking it apart, not the top down Illuminati.
iON 46:45
Correct. That’s your shit.
Carolyn 46:50
"I am he who hath no power to walk, the Great Knot who dwelleth in Yesterday. The might of my strength is within my hand, I am not known [by thee], but I am he who knoweth thee." Yeah, you know, every, every time I come across something like that, iON, you know, I go to the Keys and that sounds like Key 13. Could a person such as myself go through the Egyptian Book of the Dead and apply the Keys all the way through?
iON 47:27
Eh, you never know for sure for sure. You got to play it out a little further to know.
Carolyn 47:33
Yeah, it’s just every once in a while. So, it’s not so often that I think that would apply.
iON 47:41
It becomes part of the formulary. It becomes part of the formulary, but you don’t have all the components to say, yes, this time use a Bunsen burner. No, this time you don’t need a Bunsen burner. No, it’s like that.
Carolyn 47:54
Yeah, that’s true. Okay, got it. Continuing: I cannot hold – no. "I cannot be held in the hand, but I am he who can hold thee in his hand. Hail, O Egg! (Carolyn: capital "E") Hail, O Egg! I am Horus who liveth for millions of years, whose flame shineth upon you, and bringeth your hearts unto me. I am master of my throne. I advance at this season. I have opened a path. I have delivered myself from all evil things, I am the golden dog- headed ape, three palms and two fingers [high], which hath neither arms nor legs, and which dwelleth in Het-ka-Ptah. I go forth as goeth forth the dog-headed ape who dwelleth in Het-ka-Ptah." Okay, why did they throw an ape in here, iON?
iON 48:54
Well, you get a little DNA, honey.
Carolyn 48:57
Ah ha ha.
Bob 48:59
How does that get DNA, mentioning an ape?
Carolyn 49:03
Sharing –
iON 49:05
Animation. Animation. CRISPR, Bob, CRISPR.
Carolyn 49:11
Wow. Okay.
Bob 49:15
Where is Het-ka-Ptah?
Carolyn 49:19
On the other side. Okay, I’ll just finish the rubric.
Bob 49:24
So, the dog-headed ape is a genetic experiment?
iON 49:30
Bob 49:35
So, you want to do the rubric, Carolyn? That go far?
Carolyn 49:39
It shouldn’t, but how far does it go?
Bob 49:43
It goes a way –
iON 49:44
Not far. The top of page 58.
Carolyn 49:51
Okay, we’ll have done four pages. So, "RUBRIC: Behold the Osiris Ani, whose word is truth. arrayed in fine linen, and shod with sandals of white [leather], and anointed with the very finest myrrh unguent. There are offered unto him a fine bull, and incense, and ra geese, and flowers, and ale, and cakes, and garden herbs. And behold, thou shalt draw a representation of a table of offerings on a clean tile with pure colours, and thou shall bury it in a field whereon no swine hath trodden. And if a copy of this book be written upon it, he shall rise [again], and his children’s children shall flourish and prosper, like unto Ra, without cessation. He shall be in high favour with the king, and with the shenit nobles of his court, and there should be given unto him cakes and cups of drink, and portions of flesh, upon the altar-table of the Great God. (Carolyn: two capital "G"s) He shall not thrust aside at any door in Amentet; he shall travel in the train of the Kings of the South and the Kings of the North, and he shall abide with the followers of Osiris near Un-Nefer, for ever, and for ever, and for ever." It’s just getting somewhere and you’re, you’re having a celebration.
Bob 51:26
The person travelling is having a celebration?
iON 51:28
How to do it.
Carolyn 51:29
Bob 51:30
What did iON say?
iON 51:31
Yeah, the big part, the big picture. You got the Tiny Note and the big picture. The big picture is that you’re gettin’ somewhere. The Tiny Note is: I’m not sure where we’re goin’.
Bob 51:41
Right. But the big picture is being gotten by what? Pepi?
iON 51:46
Ahh, no. This is for you, Bob. It’s not for them.
Bob 51:53
Hmm, so what is it for me? What’s it telling me? You tellin’ me that I gotta go through this?
iON 52:05
No, no. It’s the reference points. It’s the reference point. You’ll see.
Bob 52:12
You mean, you, the general reader of this?
iON 52:16
Yes. Knower.
Bob 52:18
So, it’s about us going someplace? Where did it shift to that? Why all this insecure talk? I am master of my throne, I’m the greatest thing to ever happen. What’s all this nervous insecurity?
iON 52:37
They’re stuck in, they’re stuck in hell, Bob, and they’re tryin’ to get out. And they’re using words to recognize that they want to get out because they’re in, like you, they’re in hell and they can’t get out. So, they didn’t like to have to stay here in hell. But if I’m gonna stay here in hell, I’m gonna call it paradise and I’m gonna have a nice view, and I must say I eat sharp food. I’m gonna say that I can’t get nowhere and nobody else is – I live in the place that everybody would die to go to but everybody that lives there is dead but Bob and Carolyn. And they walk by themselves, and they look at each other by themselves, and they smell good, although you’re startin’ to pick up body odors, so, you’re gonna have to wash a little more often, you, you. ‘Cuz Carolyn, she’ll divorce you and send you on your way if you come in stinkin’.
Bob 53:19
Heh heh heh. So, and why is this describing me at this part? What have I got to do with it?
iON 53:28
Because you are the Dark Soul and you are gonna have to say which one of them dogs get out or not.
Bob 53:34
Heh heh heh. I’m Santa Claus. I’m noting who’s naughty and nice through this book, Carolyn.
iON 53:41
Ho, ho, ho. Ho, ho, ho.
Bob 53:46
All right. Well, that’s very interesting. Maybe I should pay a little more attention to what’s happening here.
Carolyn 53:51
Ha ha. Too late, Bob.
iON 53:52
AHHH, too late, Bob.
Bob 53:55
But, I’ll review it. My review will be attentive.
iON 53:59
To get you – yeah, you’re, yeah.
Bob 54:04
You know how many – yeah, yeah. You know how many weeks this has been, Carolyn?
Carolyn 54:10
iON 54:11
Bob 54:12
This is the 21st week or session.
Carolyn 54:14
Wow. So, maybe we’ll finish on the 22nd, then.
Bob 54:18
Of what month?
Carolyn 54:19
Twenty-second week.
iON 54:20
Bob 54:22
Oh, good point. Well, look, it’s – well, it’s about 10 pages. Right, iON?
Carolyn 54:26
Oh, no. That won’t do.
iON 54:29
Or less.
Bob 54:29
We could make it September 22.
Carolyn 54:31
Okay. Okay, thank you, Bob. I’m done.
Bob 54:35
Well, that was wonderful. Excellent work there Dr. Dean. Very therapeutic. This is the new medical Bible for bigger issues.