BOB clips

Alan Cabal Read by Bob Dobbs

Alien Device

Andrew Chrystall



Art & Soul, THIS MAGAZINE, September 1990

Arthur Kroker’s “Drone Flesh,” Bob, iON & Frank Zappa

Ben Watson & Bob Dobbs, Zappanale 22 August 2011

Bob & Carolyn Apply for US Citizenship to Become Hawaiians

Bob & Carolyn Synchronize When Traveling By Air To Maui

Bob & Carolyn Visit Maui’s Independent Bookstore & Metaphysical Center

Bob Dobbs @ Auberge Nicolas Flamel

Bob Dobbs Explores a Futurist’s Predictions with His Colleagues

Bob Dobbs’ First Time on Raido

Bob Dobbs in Maui 2012

Bob Dobbs in Toronto, ft. Linus Minimax, 20 September 2014

Bob Dobbs Learns to Count Time

Bob Dobbs’ Postgrad Course

Bob Dobbs Reviews Tombs in the Père Lachaise Cemetery

Bob Dobbs Responds to His Critics, Then Reveals His Files from the LaRouche Quadrant

Bob’s Media Ecology

Bob’s Monster Ice Cream

Bob’s Notes, Marshall McLuhan Audio Archives

Bob’s Notes, Early Articles by Marshall McLuhan

Bob’s Notes, Payday 2014

Bob’s Notes, Payday 2015

Bob Marshall (Ed) & Bob Dobbs, 23 March 2009

Bob Neveritt Interview on CMN

Bob’s New McLuhan Cache

Brian Johnson & Bob Dobbs Discuss Revelation Revealed

Brian Taylor & Bob Dobbs

Brian Taylor & Bob Dobbs Discuss Marshall McLuhan’s Catholicism

Brian Taylor, Bob Dobbs & Sam Andreyev, 2002

Buzz Coastin Videos

B W Powe Article Reviewed by Bob Dobbs

Cameron McEwen Writing to Bob Dobbs

Cameron McEwen & Bob Dobbs Discuss the Beginning of McLuhan Scholarship

Carolyn Guertin, “Digital Prohibition”

Charles Bukowski’s Column in the LA Free Press
Charles Mudede & Bob Neveritt

CKLN, The International Connection

Cold Play

Comprehensive Awareness in Relation to Social Mortar

Corbin Ragano Phones Bob Dobbs, 2008

Covert Culture

Cloning ESP, An Essay by Bob Dobbs

Control is No Longer Possible

Craig Pinkus, Longtime Close Friend of Frank & Gail Zappa

Dave Worcester Phone Call With Bob Dobbs & Bob Carr

Dave Worcester Interviewed by Bob Dobbs, 2008

Death of The Matrix

Deep State’s Plan to Take Down President Trump


Dennis Young, Conversations with

Derrick de Kerckhove & Bob Dobbs

The DEW LINE Read by Bob Dobbs

Dickens on Dobbs

Donald Theall, Joan Theall & Bob Dobbs Edit “The Virtual Marshall McLuhan”

Donald Theall & Bob Dobbs, 5 July 1990

Don Trump, The Meme of

Donald Trump Inspected by Bob Dobbs

DVTV, October 2000

East Village Other Archive

Eben Rey & Bob Dobbs, 2003

Elena Lamberti, “Marshall McLuhan’s Mosaic”

Entertainment Sucks

Environment as Artform

Erella Ganon and Bob Talk with John Cage

Everything’s Disappeared

Feedforward Figure and Ground with Bob Dobbs

Final Fringe Numerology

“Finnegans Wake” Explained by Bob & iON

“Finnegans Wake” Explained Via Don Theall & iON

“Finnegans Wake” Via the Ten Thunders Explained by Bob Dobbs

First NYC TV Appearance, 2000

Form/Content Argument

Frank Zappa Interview, 21-22 October 1988

Frank Zappa, Was He Murdered

Gerry Fialka & Bob Dobbs, 19 November 2009

Gary Genosko’s ‘Critical Semiotics’ Reviewed by Bob Dobbs

Grace Eckley, in Dialogue with Bob Dobbs

Greatest Artist Alive Today

Greatest McLuhan Scholar

Guatemalan Coup d’état, 1954

Harold Channer Interviews Bob Dobbs

Harold Channer Interviews Mark Stahlman

History of the Illuminati

History of the Oligarchy & Banking

How Accurate is Your Engagement With iON

Important Alignment on 23 September 2017

Information Capitalism

International UFO Congress, 1999

Introductory Course to DobbsTown

iON, Bob Dobb’s Private Sessions

iON, Interacting With

iON, the Only Thing To Listen To

It’s Good To Be Alive

James Joyce Explored by Bob Dobbs

“James Joyce,” Bob Speaks With, 17 January 2010

“James Joyce,” Bob Speaks With, 22 March 2009

James Kidnie & Bob Dobbs

James Martinez & Bob Dobbs Discuss Walter Bowart

Jean Cocteau, Roxana Flores & the Priory of iON

JFK Files

Joan d’Arc Interviews Bob Dobbs

John Stadtmiller & Bob Neveritt

J.R. Bob Dobbs, Knot Magazine, September 1990

JW, Bob Dobbs Talks About

JW, First Physical Meeting With Bob Dobbs

Katie Thomas Book Reports

Kurt Weller Interviews Bob Dobbs

Kurt Weller & Bob Dobbs

LA iONettes Wined & Dined by Bob Dobbs

Laureano Ralon Interviews Bob Dobbs

Leon Surette & Bob Dobbs

Leonardo da Vinci, Chateau de Chambord & the Double Helix Staircase

Life is a Bunch of Shit

Linda, Bob Dobbs’ Biggest Fan (The Split-Nail Club)

Lionel Rolfe Interviewed by Bob Dobbs

Literary/Aesthetic Cliche-Probes in the American Classroom-Without-Walls

Lyndon LaRouche Interviewed by Bob Dobbs

Making It Apparent after Trump’s Election, iON’s Cognitive Anticipation, Hexadic Awareness & Theory of Communication

Marshall McLuhan Biography by Bob Dobbs

Marshall McLuhan & Media Ecology

Marshall McLuhan Audios from Bob Dobbs’ Library

Matt Taibbi

McLuhan on Maui Phase 1 & 2

McLuhan Way in Search of Truth, 2007

McLuhan’s Essay on “Joyce, Aquinas & the Poetic Process”

Media Patterns & History

Memo to Prince Charles, 4 June 1987

Memo to Prince Charles, 4 June 1990

Mediums Used to Create the Atomic Bomb

Motives & Consequences of the Sixties Counterculture & Beyond

My Dinner with Bob & Carolyn | Andaz Maui at Wailea Resort

My Dinner with Bob & Carolyn | Longhi’s in The Shops At Wailea

My Dinner with Bob & Carolyn | Kō Restaurant in the Fairmont Kea Lani, Maui

Nardwuar Interviews Bob Dobbs

Overview of iONdom with Ginney, Chad, Alissa, Carolyn & Bob

Pat Buchanan, Bob Dobbs Reviews Major Article

Peter Beter

Peter Beter & Bob Dobbs

Phatic Communion with Satellite’s Machines

Plaza of the Mind Interviews Bob Dobbs

Poindexter’s Device, Alien in the Machine

Pointers on How to Communicate Verbally by Bob Dobbs

Presentation at The McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology

Questioning iON

Reverend Ivan Stang & Bob Dobbs, 13 April 1988

Reverend Ivan Stang Brought Up To Speed

Reverend Ivan Stang’s Recent Heart Attack

Roxana’s Vimeo Videos of Bob Dobbs

Roxana’s YouTube Videos of Bob Dobbs

Renner Sisters

‘Secret Council of Ten’

Secret CIA History of the Iran Coup, 1953

Secrets of the Dog-Root

Seeking James Martinez

Sherry Anshara & Nuts Are Us

Silencing The Virtually Solar Theater

Slogger & Bob Dobbs

Summer Conversation with Bob Dobbs at the Abandoned Campus of My Youth

St Germain

Synchronistic Linguistics in The Matrix

Tetrad-Management—How I Do It by Bob Dobbs

Tetrad Management, the Death Of

“The Big E” With Paul Watson, 1993

The Evergreens, Bob Dobbs’ Private Sessions

“The Medium Is the Message” Is Satire

Timothy Leary, Nelson Thall & Bob Marshall [Dobbs]

Things Get Ugly in the World of Underground Art

Travelog, Europe 2014

Trumpism Explained by Bob Dobbs

Twin Peaks Discussed by Bob Dobbs

Up the Orphic Anti

Vatican Suitcase

Visual Space & Private Identity, Objects & Ownership

Walter Bowart & Bob Dobbs, 2 September 1990

Walter Bowart Prepped by Bob Dobbs for Phone Call With David Worcester, Booteans, Etc

What are Bob’s Five Bodies

What Distinguishes Figure—Ground

What Does Bob Mean by Tactility

What is an Anti-Environment

What the Mavericks of the Mind are Missing

Will Erokan Videos

William Irwin Thompson’s Intellectual Anticipation of iONdom

Who is BOb & Who is iON

Who is JR “Bob” Dobbs

World’s Greatest Dance

Wyndham Lewis’ “Hitler”

Zappa Hour Plus

Zappa Scholar John Corcelli & Bob Dobbs
Znore & Bob Dobbs Synch Up Their Xenochrony with the Tech Body